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Messages - Raki

Pages: [1] 2 3
Suggestions Corner / Re: BUMP ARMOR
« on: December 10, 2012, 12:54:02 pm »
Yes please, strength builds with +3 armor need a buff, I have seen some of them die occasionally.

Nations Cup / Re: NL team thread
« on: September 29, 2012, 03:49:26 pm »
Waarom ook niet he?


Suggestions Corner / Re: New Heirloom Models (and web GUI)
« on: January 26, 2012, 02:58:10 pm »
Thanks for your hard work! ^_^

Edit again: Ah, it was the "Black Death" mod, removed that one and the models are looking great!

General Discussion / Re: Rageball
« on: January 21, 2012, 04:40:56 pm »
I really love this new game mode, but there's one small annoyance...
Occasionally, some people from one team just camp the opposite goal during the entire game, infesting it like roaches.
My humble request would be to have people dying near the opponent's goal a bit further from it. I'm not sure if that's possible/easy to code, but it'd be awesome to not be pinned down near your goal for an entire map, because some people think it's fun to keep rushing it.

Thank you,

General Discussion / Re: The state of cRPG
« on: January 10, 2012, 07:41:13 pm »
Umm...would it be an extremely rediculous idea to actually buff melee damage and speed? I mean, ranged has already been nerfed a lot.
- Sure, archers can deal a boatload of damage, but the accuracy doesn't last very long.
- Crossbows can be annoying, but take very long to reload.
- Throwers still deal a lot of damage, but their limited stacksize somewhat limits their viability in larger battles, combined with poor accuracy.

I, as mainly a 2her with an alt of almost every possible class, do however find it rather annoying that melee attacks are very easy to block, leading to very long battles. On top of that, I personally have to get in a lot of hits when fighting an opponent with relatively heavy armor. Usually more than I would need on my 6 PD archer, on which my main gear is a horn bow + bodkins.
My weapon of choice is a MW Danish Greatsword, so that shouldn't be the problem...

Admittedly, my 6 PS "ninja" build isn't supposed to deal tons of damage in a single swing, but it would be nice if a duel between defensive fighters didn't last as long as 3 minutes.

So yeah, call me crazy, but I would like a buff for Two Handed weapons, One Handed weapons (apart from the elite scimitar :P) and Polearms. Seeing polestagger go would definitely make me happy too. :P
Polearm damage buffs might be less important, as one hit is usually followed by a second free hit.

Seems it's time to come home then. :)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Being a peasant is dicks.
« on: November 18, 2011, 05:16:44 pm »
Well, what I always try to do is "ninja-ing". Basically, you stay the hell out of the way of your team, because the main difference between your team and your enemies is that you're not supposed to kill them. Chop down a few people on the opposite team's flanks and maybe even charge into the rear of the enemy main group.

There's a small catch though. If the enemy horse archers/xbow"men" happen to go the same way, you're screwed.

Faction Halls / Re: [Inglorious] The Inglorious Basterds
« on: November 12, 2011, 07:13:41 pm »
Melee only plz, it's more interesting to watch paint dry than it is to wait for some flags to pop up, hoping the group of archers holed up at their spawn might actually do something. Also, I hate getting cavbumped to a pulp when I'm distracted or w/e. :P


Server Info / Re: [EU] Nordmen 30 Man Battle Server -CLEAN Server-
« on: October 28, 2011, 05:00:43 pm »
Shame I'll get permabanned for not ganking my friends now, guess I'll have to find me another server to play in.
Was fun while it lasted.


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« on: October 14, 2011, 11:01:59 am »
If I may ask, why are people screaming "NERF NERF" when a good archer manages to top the boards, but there isn't a human being around that's really complaining about the other 90% of the maps (rough estimate) when the boards are topped by a skilled 2her, polearm user or shielder?
Cav's in the same boat as archery btw, no-one likes being bumpslashed in half by some random my old friend with a semi-indestructible armored horse. :P (lance cav topping the boards can be impressive imo)

Anyway, a skilled archer is just as dangerous as any other skilled player. I think that's called balance...
Sure, 3 archers working together can be deadly for anyone without a shield, but then again, that's probably why shields exist in the first place. Also, if you look at groups of 3 cav, 3 shielders or 3 2h/polearm players, I think it all evens out. (unprepared people don't stand a chance)

Thanks for the tests on the killing ability of archers, MrShine.

General Discussion / Re: only ranged FF reflective?
« on: October 11, 2011, 08:46:23 pm »
Tbh, I'd rather have 2-3 friendly archers try to help me kill one person than joining a ganking squad to kill said person. I get shot by a friendly archer maybe once or twice a week. On the other hand, join a ganking squad (not talking about organized killing squads from one clan or something) and you can bet your life on it there's going to be at least one teamhit. I'd go as far as saying that there's a pretty big chance that your team ends up damaging itself more than it damaged the other team.

So yeah, I know getting teamhit by an archer sucks, but adding FF is a bit too much.

Also, if an archer sucks at shooting and yet can't help but play Legolas, his team will probably tell him to find another class.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Semi Gag- Assassin type Toon
« on: October 10, 2011, 08:48:26 am »
You could always try the Katana STF build I've tried for a while:
9 Strength
33 Agility
14 points converted to attr.

3 PS
11 Ath
3 WM
130 2h wpf

I think I actually got a positive K/DR with this char...It was a lot of fun :D
Also, throwing dagger stacks are indeed pretty heavy, you won't be as fast as you were hoping for. Besides, even with the 7 PT of my earlier throwing alt, daggers couldn't really hurt tincans or pretty much anyone wearing medium armor+. (read: 15% with a dagger to the face)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Post Your Character Builds
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:34:21 am »
Strength    21    
Agility    15    

Available points: 6
Two Handed    70    
Archery    134    

Available points: 2
Power Strike    7    
Athletics    5    
Power Draw    7    
Weapon Master    5

Has all the skills I need, wouldnt spit on a few IF tho.

Good luck hitting anything with only 134 archery wpf, other than that, it looks like an interesting build. You might want to try putting all points in archery instead, you don't need a lot of 2h wpf as an archer anyway.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Wow... this is frustrating...
« on: October 03, 2011, 09:59:54 am »
Ah yes, please remember that you have to pay for upkeep when you hit level 26, so using a useful 2h weapon (Persian Battle Axe is the only exception I can think of) and a crossbow is going to be pretty expensive.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Idea for Upkeep
« on: October 03, 2011, 09:50:40 am »
I definitely agree on this one...but that's probably because I usually wear light armor and carry around an expensive weapon. :P
It is true however that I sometimes had trouble making some money when using my Danish Greatsword and light armor, because every time I have to repair it, 1.1k goes out of the window. Even with 160-170 wpf, as I had last gen, it's a pain if you're on a x1 streak...

Medium-short story even shorter: Yeah, I want to make more money on my Greatsword wielding ninja :P

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