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Messages - Spa_geh_tea

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General / Re: Melee: Battlegrounds is dead! Long Live....
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:32:30 am »
So....what happens to my investment?

Cause I got an email saying I get some magical discount on purchasing oKaM, which makes no sense.

I understood that backing those few years ago would give me a copy of the game. Why did that change?

NA (Official) / Check Up on Player: Kayak_Catapult
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:41:37 am »
Could be wrong in my assumption but on many of his lives I have seen him take rediculous amount of hits. In one of his lives I hit him 4 times with my 9ps 38cut axe, as well as saw a elite scimitar hit him in the face, and he had 3 arrows in his torso. Thats only the damage I saw him take and there might have been more.

His armor is pretty descent level sarranid guard with gauntlets. Even if these were heir-loomed and lots of hp (which btw he moves way too fast to be a pure str build) not sure how that much damage could be taken by any player.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: hoplite needs a serious nerf
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:09:41 am »
I still get one-shot rarely enough that I remember what does it. And there is no way Hoplites would be one-shotting me if there was a damage penalty associated with 1h spear usage.

I never called for hoplite nerfs anyway, I just said people would bitch less about them if 1h short swords were more effective in facehug range than 1h spears.

Only a speed penalty which indirectly generates a damage penalty.

Also, stop giving into the 2h ploy. You are so blind.....the 2h enemy is pitting hoplites against another. I am a hoplite, both skilled in 1h and pole. A true hoplite, who somehow learned to ride a pony....besides the point.

Spearshielders are not OP. It is the gimpiest class in the game unless coupled by other players with 2d or more weapons. 1h is also a gimpy class, not as bad as spearshields but almost.

We have a common enemy, let us stand together to fight off the glitchy, game abusing, easymode 2h scum of the earth.


Suggestions Corner / Re: Valour on x5
« on: April 16, 2013, 05:52:38 pm »
Multiplier system is played out, and a poor fit for the new Conquest mode anyway (everyone with a 1x just quits server when a conquest map appears).

A handicap-based reward system is the way to go. Gear/looms/levels handicap your reward potential and increase the rewards for anyone killing you. i.e. a peasant with a scythe kills a fully loomed lvl 35, they get a massive reward, but the converse yields little or no reward.

Is this level based, gear based, equipment repair cost base,.... All?

Because, a level 34 with a wooden club is definitely more effective than a level 5 with a longsword. However, two level 18, one with a knife and the other a military pick are again not equal either.


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Anti-horseman simulator
« on: April 16, 2013, 05:49:16 pm »
Make stakes an item that comes out of a construction site.  It is the only way to make it fair.  I mean, in order to put a spikes into the ground, you would have to dig holes and put the presumably already sharpened logs into the ground, then bury them.  This labor and set up time needs to be represented with a construction site and materials.  At the very least, they need to be thrown on the ground as a loose pike, and then hold F for 5-10 seconds to erect them.

Agrees, they are instant gratification. They should have a build timer or something so it takes forethought than a just a random toss. Stakes don't only effect cav, they also hinder infantry.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Do jump kicks
« on: April 16, 2013, 05:43:22 pm »
Only blockable for shielders... so having an omni-blocking, arrow force-fielding, couch-avoiding shield isn't enough for you, you want to be able to avoid getting kicked as well?

Uh huh, sure, why not.

The comment above only applies to:

Huscarl and heavy round.

Also, kicking with a shield while blocking makes the most sense. Look at the animation, characters entire body is protected during the kick.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: hoplite needs a serious nerf
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:16:37 am »
2h should be nerfed before even considering hoplites. You want to talk broken mechanics? They are the king of bullshit.

Yes, in group fighting the ability to hit the enemy withought them being able to attack back is superior. It's also annoying as fuck.

Here's a tip, if your non shielding fighter...go to the flanks of the enemy. Unless your a mauler(even then) your going to get fucked. It is absolutley arrogant and stupid to fight between shield walls and think your going to do some good when against everone and their mother targets you. Simply because, you can not block everything at one time.

Everyone can instastab. It's not unique to the class and quite honestly the only thing that makes it viable.

Learn to play.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: hoplite needs a serious nerf
« on: April 15, 2013, 06:35:03 pm »
Still amused that hoplites are considered OP.

 After all these many attempts to buff them with a second stab or something so they were not complete shit.

I'm not to sure if anything about them is different than before, except the glance reduction. But, that glance reduction applies to everyone so....its square.

Is a hoplite superior to anything else? Nope, just one attack with mediocre pierce and the brain of the user.

How to kill a hoplite
Chamber, chamber, chamber....or hilt slash.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Knockdown Evolved and Resolved?
« on: April 15, 2013, 06:25:28 pm »
Prefer a short roll or you could still be completly fucked, but there is that bit of hope to reduce the rage. Also, inducing the roll makes you take longer to get up and block. So, use it wisely.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Valour on x5
« on: April 15, 2013, 06:19:56 pm »
Mind that I am not advertising the removal the upkeep system without replacing it with nother equipment limitation system.

My personal favourite would be a certain item value budget every character can equip, which can be raised by spending a few skill points. Something like that. Persistant equipment, no "gambling", no worries about losing money, and the character's effeciency is completely dependant on the build, and not influenced by external factors like playing in a big clan (= more won battles = higher upkeep budget) or the marketplace (sell one loom point and upkeep is useless on limiting you in your equipment choice, for quite some time). But I bet there are other solutions, too. That way you either have well equipped, poorly skilled characters, poorly equipped but well skilled characters, and balanced character. More variety, yay! Wanna ride all day on a plated charger, wearing plate? You can, but you will either be slow or weak as fuck. (This change would go hand in hand with a slight level cap increase, I'd say 3 levels more or something like that)

This was my solution to encourage the use of shitty equipment and reduce the loom tanks character skill.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Valour on x5
« on: April 15, 2013, 06:17:43 pm »
I agree with you on the multiplier, although not the upkeep system.

I think upkeep should be tweaked to fit a new experience system.  (Personally, I miss the old Radius bonus.  The days when the game was fun to play AND die in.)

I hate competition, hence why I do not play MOBA games.  The multiplier encourages that, and it makes silly builds a burden to others rather then fun.

Take "I_am_a_Tree" for example.  He is obviously a Tree, but a under appreciated Tree

Strategically dying use to be part of the game :)

I like both systems for different reasons.

Currently it is understood that the point system is a slow progression towards combining the old andnew. But, if you have an x5 and you should not be elegible for valour if your team wins. It is a wasted multiplier.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: hoplite needs a serious nerf
« on: April 14, 2013, 11:49:11 pm »

Top 10 troll thread.

Why were these never added? They meet the criteria and they are pretty Damn good models.

I too think we should leave models as they are and change weapon lengths because it is always fun when you get killed half a meter away from the actual weapon model.

If anything, weapon lengths should always be shorter than the model to prevent such occurances.

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