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Messages - Solidox

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions Corner / Re: Roman Armor and Weapons
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:46:39 am »
I think that late Roman era could fit into the setting of CRPG. At the height of the roman power, armour? Not so much.
Edit. Maybe something along this line (this is from the 3rd century, so it is pretty late in the Roman era)
(click to show/hide)

Well the reason they stopped using the Lorcia segmentata was not due to it being inefficient, In fact it was actually extremely effective. The reason it fell out of use was its expense to make as well as time.

The Linothorax was a more common armor type for roman soldiers it as well is a very good armor that could easily compete against medieval light/medium armor.

This is a video to demonstrate.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Roman Armor and Weapons
« on: July 02, 2012, 09:27:49 pm »
More like 1200-1600, A lot of Renaissance gear in there.

Some of the armors in the game are easily from the early medieval age which was around the 6th century aka 500's. The classic "Roman" age died in the 5th century. Heck what was left of the roman armies were still using some of the Iconic outfits you think about when you imagine Rome.

these are a few of the 5th century A.D armors/weapons.

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In this image which is from around 450 ad, it shows roman army wearing the Lorica Segmentata fighting off the Gallic tribes.

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The samurai armor isn't exactly period accurate either. Considering the feudal age lasted up until 1850. They still were making and improving samurai armor at that point. I'm sure in the 6th-7th century there were still a few Gallic bands/warriors and or late defectors of Rome wearing some of the equipment 

And that is just the western roman empire. The eastern roman empire existed all the way into 1453.

General Discussion / Re: Horse crossbowmen build
« on: July 01, 2012, 05:16:19 pm »
You should probably just not do it. Srsly, With regards... Entire C-rpg population.

General Discussion / Re: Its so stupid and imba...
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:18:06 pm »
Cav Op Nerf now. Buff archers.

General Discussion / Re: Nerf Cav
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:09:44 pm »
Buff archers, Nerf cav.

Closed Requests / Ban perkaleen_mustamies
« on: June 29, 2012, 01:20:07 pm »
While I was horsearcher last one left alive I was kiting the enemy and shooting them. And Yes I was saying that It should not be allowed, but none-the-less it is allowed to do this and isn't considered delaying.
Perkaleen submitted a kick vote which resulted in myself getting kicked from the server. I didn't get a screenshot of them starting the poll or it getting accepted but I did get a ss of them saying this.

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I myself DO think that this is delaying however as said by admins time and time again, its not delaying.

This happened 6/29  At around 7:10am Est

General Discussion / Re: Swear words in names
« on: March 31, 2011, 11:05:13 pm »
I love arguments like this. Are people really concerned about swearing when you are playing a game where the objective is to kill, slaughter, and maim other players?

General Discussion / Re: Native american weapons
« on: March 29, 2011, 04:11:25 am »
I love that a lot of the same people in here saying no are fapping over any suggested asian style weapon. Yet something non-asian suggested is a piece of udder shit to them. I would love to see Native american, as well as mesoamerican, and African tribal weapons and gear.

Which is how it should remain, useless in melee.

General Discussion / Re: CRPG Rangefest
« on: March 11, 2011, 10:16:17 am »

Seems more accurate to ranged in game.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Horses with no feeling of pain
« on: March 08, 2011, 08:35:59 pm »
GREAT idea. Horse gets shot with arrow and stunned meanwhile archer has time to reload and fire another arrow right as horse gets out of stun. With this method horses wont be able to travel more than 10 ft in archer presents.

I have another idea to suggest to yours, everytime a horse hits someone the horse collapses of heart failure. And also how about after each hit in melee your armor is reduced in effect by 50%, And archers bows break after holding the arrow for too long. Also make polearms get stuck in the ground if they hit the ground. Can we make cloth armor like 50 body armor so we have variate in the battlefield and not just all mail?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Convert Throwing Lances to Roman Pilums
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:31:40 am »
Sort of like:
- how archers can use pikes to kill pesky horsemen
- how 2h/polearm players can use crossbows and throwing weapons to kill archers
- how 2h/polearm players can use axes to destroy shields
- how horsemen can use crossbows to kill pikemen

This isn't Runescape - rock doesn't always beat scissors here.

The thing about using other weapons to take out their counter is they have to go out of their main skillset in order to do so.

-Archers can use pikes yes, But they are going to be no where near as effective as a pure polearm pikeman.
-2h/Pole can use crossbow and throwing but are not going to be accurate and if they do invest wpf into throwing/crossbow they will have to gimp their build
-2h/polearm IS the anti turtle class
-Horsemen once again will be at a loss using crossbow+bolt+shield+lance they will have no weapon if knocked off horse + the repair cost for all of that would be staggering.

If you want a weapon to take out shield so do what everyother class does and just grab something from another skill set. Grab an axe and go in and swing. What you are asking for is a one all class that has no counters.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Rebalancing Daggers and Knives
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:58:43 am »
I love to play with a long dagger only and wear clothes to match the area. Just hide in corners wait for someone to walk by obliviously then just jump behind them and tear into their back with relentless swings. Just ask anyone who was on the NA server yesterday when The rest of the Ootl's and myself were doing it. It was amazing fun. I am in favor of this idea.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Calvary needs a buff.
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:54:21 am »
I myself a Pure Cav player in this gen have no problem with upkeep. My only complaint on cav is how easily crossbows but mostly throwing can take it down, But as everyone knows throwing is probably going to see darker days soon. So I won't have much of a problem. I use a light lancer build of my own using a Rouncy, tunic with mail, I vary my lances accordingly, as well as a knightly heater shield and I usually MAKE money while playing. I bought a steel shield, Courser, and tons of 1h weps; went from 100k down to about 60k then made it all back in about 2-3 days(While still riding about 60% of the time).

I also like the fact that Cav is a luxury class to teams. I'll throw it from both sides of the fence here. For realism nuts only the noble elite could afford horses. For the arcade side if everyone had horses It would not be as fun to use them. As well I own, Sumter, Rouncy, Courser, and Destrier. Never really bothered with the armored horses, speed is not a good trade off for armor in my opinion.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New Horses???
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:35:39 am »
At one time they had mentioned a camel but never heard about it since. There were pics and everything of it.

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