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Messages - bruce

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The Chamber of Tears / Re: cav players
« on: April 11, 2014, 03:34:23 pm »
Heavy horses need no buffs. There's too many of them already - if we had open maps instead of archerbundle of sticksryheaven every second round, they'd just wreck the game.

The problem is that basically if you fuck up and get your horse slashed nothing bad happens. On the other hand you have good chances of one-hitting people in return. Mind you the go-kart arabians are nearly as annoying and have always been.

Fact of the matter is that as a not so great player you can easily go 1:1 with a rouncey, and on decent maps do really well if you're careful, even decisive when not a lot of players are around and you slash some hero from behind.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Increase cav upkeep
« on: April 07, 2014, 03:49:02 pm »
If most cav were in rounceys they would be largely useless.  Have you fought on a rouncy?

Yes, I have. It means you're easily disposed of if you screw up while still being useful especially on open maps. It means you don't have the frankly dumb option of letting your horse be slashed just so you can kill someone, and then doing this repeatedly.

Honestly, I don't think the poliferation of armoured cavalry which you see on EU server was intended with the upkeep system. But it's too late to change something fundamental like that - but the amount of "second chances" you get either with a very maneuverable horse or an armoured one allows for cavalry to do what it does.

Then again, I liked the old crpg best, when you had, after reset, just some rounceys and palfreys riding around but, eg. lancing was normal and so on, HA skill was I think one in 12 agi which was rolled back later and slots didn't exist at the time.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Increase cav upkeep
« on: April 06, 2014, 06:54:32 pm »
The problem are largely the "best" horses, which are just too common ingame. If most of cav was riding around on a palfrey or rouncey, some on destriers / sarranids / coursers and armoured horses were a rare sight, cavalry would be a hell of a lot more balanced.

And then perhaps we could play on more open maps. Right now, you're either the king or trash because it's some counterstrike map. The kicker is that light horses (ok, sarranids and such are so agile and small that they are a bit of an exception) can be killed in one go if they approach badly an infantry formation. Heirloomed armoured horses can make many mistakes which kind of breaks balance, in my view.

Sell/Trade / Trading +3 light crossbow
« on: April 04, 2014, 11:12:18 am »
Want to trade +3 light crossbow for:
1h swords (straight swords of any type and 95 or more length)
"bastard" 2h swords

will add some gold depending on item

General Discussion / Re: Old cRPG Battle vs New cRPG Battle Poll !
« on: April 02, 2014, 03:04:31 pm »
I remember the old open field maps with 200 players on pecores server I think. Open field, people standing in formation, then shooting and stuff. Was epic. CRPG has never been that good since.

Also removal of swingable long voulge, over-restrictive slots, screw you balancing team :P

Announcements / Re:
« on: April 02, 2014, 02:53:59 pm »
I like the crossbow str requirement change.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hit on horse
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:35:20 pm »
How about having a chance to spawn as the diarrhea that is spewing from the guy that unleashed hell from his anus.

Deserves new thread in suggestion corner.

It sure does when you don't want to get in close to those 1 hit kill throwers and it also is better to fight HX at range as most of them can only hit from close range and also 1 hit kill you.

BTW, missile speed is jacked when the fastest missile speed on a bow is slower than the slowest missile speed on xbow. If the entire line were corrected properly, the ultra-slow missile speed of the Yumi compared to other bows wouldn't be such a deal.

Decrease crossbow bolt speeds to match, tbh.

Arrow flight speeds are actually sensible.

Spam / Re: The better days of cRPG
« on: April 24, 2013, 11:35:17 pm »
Free the long voulge!

General Discussion / Re: Ranged scoring
« on: April 24, 2013, 11:07:04 pm »
It reminds me of a "light" version of the old xp/gold system which was really good.

(Melee) cavalry which supports infantry and melee infantry get valour most often, because they make or break matches. This is a good thing.

I would get valour for much less kills when infantry then I would with a HX, but you know which class IS harder and more demanding to play? Which class do we exactly want to encourage?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff headshots
« on: April 24, 2013, 10:56:29 pm »
Destrier costs just 150-ish gold less then an armoured horse to upkeep (and is more difficult to upkeep then, eg. Churburg cuirass and only a tad less then plate). This is less then 10%. You also gain 3 more speed and maneuver, at expense of 13 charge (over 120%) and HP / a significant amount of armour.

The only reason to use a destrier is because you didn't loom a barded horse and nobody wants to trade one for a destrier.

If upkeep was not so easy to bypass for older / grindy players... well.

General Discussion / Re: Ranged scoring
« on: April 24, 2013, 07:53:40 pm »
What melee infantry sticking together does determines 75% of round outcome. It is fair.

Melee players sticking together instead of playing solo heroics is also good gameplay, and should be better rewarded as such.

Suggestions Corner / Re: [Suggestion]Crossbow Rebalance
« on: April 24, 2013, 07:44:38 pm »
This suggestion opens up possibility for undoing current (silly) slot requirement for crossbows.

If it opens up to normal crossbow being usable again by hybrids, it sounds good.

As a player who almost exclusively plays cavalry lancer, i'd be completely for this.  But I'd also want it so that the dead body of a horse flying through the air can kill a player, or horses running you over can potentially kill you as well. To balance the massive damage horses would be doing to players, you'd have to enable braceable polearms (also the stakes help to counter this as well)

You'd have to slash maneuver by a lot (like, half) - it'd be the only good balance. You saw that spear late? Well, now you are the late horseman.

On the other hand, a 2h hero / crossbowman stands firm and stabs the horse in the face? Now he is dead, too. Jumping in the horse so the attack misses won't help.

Cavalry charging in formation against an unprepared mob would be positively and rightfully terrifying.

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