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Messages - Leiknir

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Diplomacy / Re: Declaration of War - God Wills It!
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:00:21 pm »
Stop worring about who is better buddies with the rest of the map. The real question is, who will the mighty Leiknir support?

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 24, 2011, 11:03:56 am »
I bragged about taking Fenada and winning battles (or doing awesome in lost battles). Taking Fenada gave me the stuff I used to put up a fight. Please show me where I bragged about winning the bugged battle, the equipment I got from that battle could not be used by me in any way, as they instantly reattacked, my army still had the equipment taken from Fenada in the follow up battle.

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 24, 2011, 09:40:59 am »
If I were you I wouldnt be so cocky about it and would try to sweep this under the carpet, you have to think about this way: I came with 350 troops into your lands, after that you guys lost 2518* tickets to a 4 man (only 2 active) faction. (*Only KiA from the bugged battle included)
It took you 9 days to evict a 4 man faction.

No BaleOhay, 6:54. I am playing from a crappy laptop at 10 to 20 fps at high ping. The goal was to empty Fenada while doing some damage, that goal was reached. Also, we could prove that no matter what, if you get spawn capped in your own village, it's a big failure. Just look at it, we managed to hold it with half the players, half of them EU. Glorious victory to the Nordmen of Fenada!

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 23, 2011, 02:13:00 am »
Then why the mad?

Lol Kesh, attacking me over and over 5minutes before my night time kicks in, get the fuck outta here with your bullshit

Diplomacy / Re: Public Auction
« on: December 22, 2011, 02:06:48 pm »
Why buy it, when you can just take it?

Strategus General Discussion / Re: strat 3.0
« on: December 21, 2011, 03:48:18 pm »
Of course I got lucky with that attack on Fenada. The battle was at 14:00 my time, that's shortly after the time I usualy am able to come online on weekdays, one would have thought that people would set their night time to slots where they can't attend. But I like how taking a village with capturing the flags suddendly is a "glitched cheating win", isn't that how you took most of your villages? Just saying, this feature works in both ways. Don't blame this all on me beeing a bad person.
There is always a losing side, that has less fun than the winning side, but you can't deny that the (non-bugged) battles we had were quite decent. But that's what I like about this strat, your faction get's wiped out and loses all fiefs? Go into the woods and launch a guerilla warfare. So many people seem to be mad at UIF claiming all the fiefs, but no one even tries to disrupt them.

What do you think would be a good armor level? I feel it's ok most troops run around in mail or lighter, only few elite troops should get armor in the banded range. Strategus should not be a tincan fest and the lesser known weapons should be used for once, too, though a bit better items than what we currently use would be nice. Your equipment was not that bad, you had military scythes, horn bows, pikes and other good midlevel stuff, too. But fuck normal sythes, they got a way too good cost-value ratio.

Lepintoi, we used a system of 1 mothership doing the raids, and 3 interceptors standing by to guarantee a safe retreat. We avoided attacking clans that had their fiefs around the corner, but we sat on one of the main North/South and West/East trade routes and had enough targets. We never got catched off hand.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: strat 3.0
« on: December 21, 2011, 03:23:37 am »
I am having the most fun I ever had in strat this round.
I did operate a small 4 man bandit operation for a while, ended with 350 armed troops and 80k gold. Threw the army at Keshian because he annoyed me, took his village and stole his army he hid in there. Now I am fighting a glorious war of independence for proud Fenada.
You do not have to have a big clan to have fun or be effective in strategus anymore, just go and fuck diplomacy and go be a bandit. Or a trader. I made more than 1 million cRPG gold so far.

You guys are just playing a boring game of security, safety and even more safety. Go and take a risk. Anyone remembers the first strategus round? Nearly all landowning EU faction were in the templar block, except DRZ, Nordmen of Fenada and the Mercs. 22nd, Nordmen & DRZ got bored and just started a war against all odds, slowly gaining allies as new factions emerged and joined up or others left the sinking templar boat. We didn't sit  there and complain that we can't fight a war because everyone is allied and we might lose. We took the risk, and we won.

If you complain that you can't beat them because you don't have troops, go and recruit them. All castles are still neutral. Gold missing? Raid their caravans. I am sure there are some non UIF factions out there that let you craft in their fiefs for a small fee, maybe even for free. UIF got too many players? You need a max of 60(?) players for each battle, with some discipline you can easily get that number for the most important battles.
Strategus it not just getting 10k troops and buying equipment to throw them at the enemy until its over anymore, disrupt your enemies trade, disrupt their reinforcments. Much more possibilties for small clans to try and keep the man down or atleast try to offer a resistance. I am still surprised that for example the Mercs not take 100 or 200 troops and hide in some neutral castle along the DRZ trading routes and try to get some loot there to pay for their main defense. Or just use the raiding feature and annoy the shit out of their villages. Go and hire some neutral mercenaries (hehe) to inflitrate their land and open up guerilla warfare.

Don't complain that you can only craft the most expensive stuff, go and play with cheaper stuff in cRPG for a while to get cheap stuff. My 4 man bandit squad could easily produce nearly everything we needed for our army (Tribal Warrior Outfits, Mail Shirts, Nomad Sabres, Kite Shields, Bamboo Spears, MW Crossbows, Darts, etc..), extremly cheap. We didn't plan it, we are just not in cRPG 24/7 tincans. If you put some thought in there, you can easily get cheap equipment.
Maybe I missed the micromanagement you complain about because my army slowly grew, but honestly, I think that was your missmanagment because every leader tried to outfit the whole army by himself. Why did you try to do everything yourself? Go and get other people involved, if you want to outfit an army of 1000 man and still need the equipment set up production quotas and assign production leader roles (1 guy organises 1hand&shields, one guy poles&2hand etc) to various members. If someone can't fit the deadline you can still start to panic and take direct control. You just can't instaoutfit an army in 1h anymore.
Strat is not thought to be played by the 20 faction leaders while all lowly members just farm coconuts. Get people involved.

Strategus diplomacy is taken way to personal all the time, seriously guys. Taking personal disputes into strategus is fine, fight it out. But don't make new personal disputes in strategus. My bandit party raided the Caravan Guards, chased them over half the map on multiple occasions, but we are still cool (aren't we? :o)

The bug suck, can't argue there. Strategus is still in a very raw form and seriously needs some urgent and long overdue interface improvements.

TL;DR: Stop whining, go fighting. Maybe you win, maybe you lose. But everyone just sitting there going "no war is boring" is kinda stupid

(this post is my opinion as an active player this strat)

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:17:42 am »
Another glorious victory for Fenada!

- Army size: 805 Keshians vs 470 Leiknirs
- Battle result: 165 vs 0
- Winner: Attacker

Thanks to our glorious troops sallying out and meeting the enemy in the field, keeping them from crossing the river long enough to get our surplus weaponry into safety, the peasants of Fenada can sleep at peace once more!

Hurra for Fenada! Hurra for the free Nords! Hurra for all those brave Warriors!

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 19, 2011, 12:51:21 am »
The whole Sargoth area should be under my control by thursday, after that we are going to restore the Kingdom of the Nords. Shariz was a smelly place, I didn't like it, that's why Serfonz was the King of the South while I stayed on my throne in Sargoth :(

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 18, 2011, 08:05:11 pm »
For not giving a fuck the Keshians sure are active on the strat map and maneuver a lot around obstacles. Guys, this guy is a big fat phony! He still cares about me :D

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 18, 2011, 06:11:13 pm »
Well I think the problem here is that the night time stuff doesn't work for fiefs?
Out of the ~10 Keshians I see around me, only 3 set their night time. Or is it confirmed, that it really doesnt work?

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 18, 2011, 04:23:48 pm »
Wow, you attack us with all our masterworked gear (after basically stealing it by attacking at 5 am intentionally - taking advantage of game mechanics) and then you start bragging like a douche, no dignity.  You do realize only 4 fcc showed up for this one just like last one, so no you never actually fought us, because quite frankly most of us could care less about this strategus at this point and will not bother showing up at a bad hour like that.  I'm bored out of my mind and only going through the motions at this point.  You may not even get a chance to fight us on this version of strategus, especially if you are too cowardly to fight us at a decent hour.  Yeah, brag about beating us at horrible hours where we cant  be bothered to show up in this boring version of strategus and cRPG, is like bragging about being a giant douche - laughable.

I will accept your unconditional surrender

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 18, 2011, 03:52:53 pm »
Superior NA troops schooled us hard here. Let's hope Kesh doesnt get serious with us

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 17, 2011, 02:56:36 pm »
It was a glorious one, thanks for helping out

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