Badplayer you say MY trolling is fail? Your trolling is fail
I even just told you on IRC! The feelings card is crap to play unless dealing with some imbecile.
No one care about the 'feelings' aspect of losing or winning here, or getting wiped in Strategus, did you see 200 pages of trolling and whining from SeaRaiders last strat, err,
no, did you see hundreds of pages of trolling when they won in the first Strategus,
nope. Do you see that from you and yours every round of Strategus,
YES. What can we logically and intelligently conclude from that then? Well, heh, there's a quite simple answer to that.
The Nordmen are proper gamers who respects gaming and gaming communities. We do not seek to advance ourselves on the cost of others enjoyment.
Facts gentlemen, you can't troll
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