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Messages - Seprest

Pages: [1] 2
Faction Halls / Re: Reyvadin Refugees [the_Grey] (Recruitment OPEN)
« on: July 21, 2011, 10:11:23 pm »
I'd like to dabble in strategus with an organization.  I am about to retire and am not sure what combat path I will choose next.  I haven't played for a month or so because strategus was taking forever to come back, so I will need to go over any changes in combat balance.  I would be glad to have your clan try me out.

I am US EST,  UTC - 5 hours

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus AI stuff
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:27:10 pm »
Honestly, this sounds terrible.  There is no way to find the value of a player based only on damage and deaths.  This will force people to take up full 2h spammers just to get hired instead of playing how they want to.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Flamberge vs Great Long Bardiche
« on: May 27, 2011, 12:28:07 pm »
Where did that data come from?  Is it even for warband?

Gold doesn't have that much value >.>  It's really just trading heirlooms, some are just worth more to others.  We all get the same gold and we all get to pick our playstyle, and hopefully help the team win.  Gearing up with my heavy armor and medium tier horse with my nice spear and pwnsome 2h is worth it if I can get that multiplier up, even if I won't use the gear the entire time.

Also, NEVER do exp/gold for kills, proximity, ranking on charts, ect.  Always keep it win-lose based with a stacking multiplier :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Firebomb
« on: May 27, 2011, 12:08:28 pm »
Smoke bombs?

I would make a character that just rides around on a courser and spams smoke bombs.

What's your point???  You can do most anything, doesn't mean it has to be good.  Your sarcasm is not helping the suggestion forum.

What about the fact that most people will only have 1 village, if many more ppl join this time.

Gold must be a store of value. Current markets systems evolved from using the gold-standard, you can't just jump to having valueless gold floating around in a system that is based on gathering resources - there would  be no way to appraise it if it will not be used for anything in the new strategus!   I predict that there will not be very many different kinds of resources in strategus, so there will not need really be need for having gold at all if there is little to do with it ingame.  People can just trade resource A for resource B, they are directly interchangeable so there is no need for a medium of exchange.  There will have to be another solution to make gold something other than a resource to recruit mercs.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Split NA players from EU players.
« on: May 23, 2011, 03:30:22 am »
Why do people think you need to split?!??!  You just all join one server lol!   One will just be preferable for EU/NA players to use!  Not saying that this is needed, tho.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:04:00 pm »
I was one shot yesterday by a longbow, 69 body armor 5 IF player claimed to have 7 pd and 150 wpf.

No body shot should be a one hit kill with those defense numbers!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Overhead Animation for Spears
« on: May 20, 2011, 11:18:33 am »
Shield and spear are not used for close quarter combat, poking someone from a yard or more away is much different then trying to 1 on 1 a sword and board.   Also, plz more info on this whole toggle thing, is the animation much different than normal thrust so we can see what kind of attack they are doing?

Oh yeah, no attacking in melee with shield up, that's just silly.   When you attack you trade off some of your defenses, it is a principal that is not to be broken.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Shield Heirloom very gimp now
« on: May 20, 2011, 06:02:15 am »
a fully heirloomed weapon might only do +3  base damage, but that gets amplified significantly once you factor in power strike and movement bonus. Shields don't get nearly as amplified.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Team Stacking???
« on: May 20, 2011, 05:57:35 am »

The site suggests to ^.^

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horse Archers Balance Suggestion
« on: May 20, 2011, 05:51:17 am »
It's balanced by the fact that you lose accuracy while you are moving on a horse.  Also, you cannot use the top tier bows while mounted on a horse.  It is fine, I think people just get frustrated if they are melee and there is a horse archer left on the field.  They are supposed to be engaged by ranged primarily; if they are in range to shoot you, you are more capable of shooting them because you do not moving on a horse and a horse is a much bigger target.  Horses being OP is overrated.

ALSO, it has always been this way, no point in changing it for any sense of realism, it has been fine , just because many people get frustrated because they can't engage a horse archer all the while being shot at, is  no reason to QQQQQQQQQQQ. Remember, they had to drop points into horse archery and riding.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Can't set main character!
« on: May 16, 2011, 10:58:10 pm »
It worked!  Tyvm sir!

General Discussion / Re: New bows
« on: May 16, 2011, 10:00:45 am »
I am an archer, and  I must say the old models definitely suited the names and performance of the actual bows

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