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Messages - Storm

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Faction Halls / Re: [Merc] Mercenaries
« on: June 21, 2012, 06:52:29 am »
Oh lol, people still play this game? I barely remembered my login data.

How have you been, nabs? I'm glad you're still alive and kicking after all these time... even some names I still recognise. Even frenchie is back :D Shout outs to the turkish commando badass and the muffin-kid  :P

I'll probably forget about this again and won't answer in a timely matter, so a quick summary:

Yeah, I'm good. Playing SWTOR right now. No, I don't think I'll come back. I quit for a reason, mabye cus of too many trolls or the game being not so fun anymore.

Right, keep on rocking this mod and freaking faceroll that strategus map! Take care, noobs!

Events & Tournaments / Re: Shogunate cRPG Clan Tournament 1
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:02:07 pm »
So Teutonic Order, what's the current situation right now? We have no ideas ourselves.  :?

Faction Halls / Re: [Merc_] The official Troll-a-Merc thread.
« on: April 30, 2011, 09:20:23 pm »
Lolwen haz sexual frustration.  :D

Spam / Re: The Good o'l days of Crpg
« on: April 21, 2011, 08:35:42 pm »
That's old days? lol.

Old days were the 2010 summer imo, when we had no Cavalry, no Sniper Crossbows because only Gnjus used one, and slowly archers started to snipe in full plate armour.


Right on!

I remember how Oberyn was the first EU to have bought the charger and it was fucking devastating... I remember a time, where there were absolutely no clans at all and only mabye the Staffmasters were some kind of guild with uniformity.  :D
And I remember how epic cRPG was even without strategus and without all those new kinky items, but just the native ones.
OMG and I remember how fucking tedious the hourly servers were, the open field shield wall battles and the peasant wars!

Also the epicness of having a Hunter is unforgettable. The damage me and Olwen did as cav was pretty insane and only Wooki was a true contester, as far as I remember.

Good betabetawhateverbeta times :)

Closed Requests / Re: Bafflingly Banned...
« on: April 21, 2011, 08:14:01 pm »
I was there before... It's incredibly hard to convince the bloodlusting community, that you were innocent. They won't believe anything unless "PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN". Stupidly, if one has that glitch the first time, you don't really know it's a bug and it's only when you get banned that you notice that something was really odd. That's why you hardly think of screenshot it, not to say that you don't have the time for that anyways, because you'll be banned by then. ;)

At least you're not in mercs, because my incident even started a major merc drama (as usual). :P

Game Admin aBooze / Re: [VOTE] nuffen/Lilith
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:50:58 am »
This vote is rigged.  :|

Lilith you're post is nice and all, I just wish you'd be more open for a small discussion before you ban players (like you did with muffin). You seem to mean the best, but I have the feeling you're not mature enough to handle situations accordingly and cool-headed.

« on: April 18, 2011, 09:06:38 pm »
Voted for Mercs. Can't stand that clan.  :(

ps:  nice statistic diagramma! :)

General Discussion / Re: Chill with the elitism please
« on: April 13, 2011, 10:31:36 pm »
"Chill with the elitism"? "Please"?

That can only come from a noob.  :P

Events & Tournaments / Re: all cRPG CLAN FALLEN TOURNAMENT (number 05)
« on: April 10, 2011, 09:46:24 pm »
Olwen shut up, you just fail at leading us against STR.  :lol:

And yeah the point system is questionable. It's like the last tourney where Mercs won all matches, but still got second placed.

Thanks to punisher and Fallen for the effort in organising this tourneys! It's getting smoother and smoother :)

Closed Requests / Re: (Unban)
« on: April 10, 2011, 02:36:41 am »
I was the other Merc messing with Risen_Nemeth.

It was just some friendly poking around. It's not like Mercs hate all Risen, most of us even really like Nemeth. Those were just practice Javelins, which did little damage.

It's like getting banned for kicking another clanmate for fun. Caesar's action was totally off and irrational.

I can understand a ban or kick, which was issued too early. What I totally fail to see is why he acted so stubborn and insisted, that it was teamattacks, even when Nemeth - the "victim" - was trying to explain to him, that he didn't mind and it was all fun. We stayed reasonable and discussed it in a respected tone. But he obviously didn't want to listen. Shortly after, he just left the server without a statisfactory response...

Faction Halls / Re: [Version 1.1.3] Alternative Clan Banner Pack
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:04:26 pm »
Meh. But the fish and the chicken can stay?  :P

Events & Tournaments / Re: all cRPG CLAN FALLEN TOURNAMENT (number 03)
« on: March 28, 2011, 10:57:41 pm »
Meh. I respected Risen. I like many of your guys and also your playstyle was ever appealing. Also we had a really nice fight imho, which was on the tip with us having a 3vs3 after the first clash.

But you really don't have to wonder, why Mercs are in a tempered mood right now. We were trying to be calm about this, because we know, what we achieved, but seriously you can't ask us to be all nice if Razzen, Greifenherz and Thovex post such BS in their and our clanthread imho. I never thought, that you guys were as arrogant as to be proud of a victory, which you didn't really clearly earn. Ok, I might got carried away here, cus Berengar is being the biggest dick there.

Anyways, this matter can only be solved with a neat clan battle.

@Beau: Well if the word tournament comes up in a mind, I mostly think of tournament styles often observed in professional sport. So if you prefer a league system, make a large league system only with a clear winner of points at the end of a season. If you prefer a more tournament-friendly system, I recommend the groups system, which you actually used as well, but just with another system for the finals. I thought 3rd of first group would have faced 1st of second group and so on with a K.O. system (think world cup).

Events & Tournaments / Re: all cRPG CLAN FALLEN TOURNAMENT (number 03)
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:31:36 am »
Thanks Beauchamp for making this a nice tradition and something different from the alldaily cRPG grind. I can imagine, how big a bitch it is to organise such a big event with the dreaded cRPG community. I can say at least for myself, that I had very fun times.

However, I still don't get the tournament system... mabye it's not fully developed yet. ;)

And congratulations to Risen for the end result, I guess you earned it.

And so seriously noone recorded those matches? Not that I would have loved to see our matches again, but I especially want to observe the match between Greys against STR again. It was so epic and with a great twist at the end.

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:50:56 pm »
Noc, update the first page too

Yeah... would be smart, eh?

Also, proud of you guys!

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:36:27 pm »
No reason not to come to TS if you're interested.
We still have several peoples completely without mic and many of us are quiet as well. You just have to bare the bullshit-talk :D It's funny at times tho.

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