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Messages - Mustang_Sweets

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Problem with Account
« on: October 18, 2011, 08:13:57 pm »
I can't seem to get into my character account on the site. I can get into my forum account (Obviously since I'm typing here) but, for some reason can't get into my toons. When i first tried i got in fine, and then from then on it kept asking me to make another general account for them and asked for my toons' names and every time it would reply with this character already exists. Please do help me here.

General Discussion / Re: Whistling Wednesdays
« on: April 27, 2011, 05:46:22 pm »


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hybrid killing patch
« on: April 25, 2011, 04:32:59 pm »
I think everyone agrees throwers and throwing lances are pretty broken.  Playing a 30/6 build with 10 ps and 10 pt is kinda easy mode.  If anyone tries to range you pull out axes or a lance and 1-2 shot them.  If they get in melee range just 1-2 shot them again.

They really need to tone down the damage on alot of throwing weapons or base damage more on a combo of WFP and Powerstike/throw/draw skills.  For example change the bonus damage curve from linear to maybe a x^2 curve on weapons so you need a min of around 100 wfp to get the base damage out of a weapon and 50 gives you about 1/4 of the base damage.  Maybe 150 wfp gives you 125% of base damage and pt/ps/pd are used for weapon req and bonus damage.

 Limiting ammo will help a little but being able to carry a big 2 hander and 2 lances or 8 axes isn't going to change the game that much.  It seems like it will hurt pure throwers/archers/xbows most and less huskerls/2h throwers.
The thing is, since their is so many throwers on they simply never seem to run out of ammo. All they have to do is pick up the throw weapons from the ground. All I can say is that it will definatly be difficult to find a good way to nerf throwing without killing the game mechanics and fun. Thing is that everyone as I said before shall always piss and moan about ranged in general all because they lost without a chance to fight back. But, this is the point, all everyone has to do is learn to adapt and work as a team and you will start seeing a better K/D ratio.

And you'll start seeing alot more wins.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hybrid killing patch
« on: April 22, 2011, 07:53:42 pm »
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Archers rarely spammed melee  :mrgreen: think ybout that archer friends and try to shoot cav and other ranged first not ur own team in the back in your thirst for kills, you are a support troop.

You my friend have, a valid arguement. But, I do say why not just do it on throwing items? The archers already in order to be affective can only place about 55 through maybe 80 wpf into melee at lvl 30. Archers already barely do any ranged damage as it is, without the only bonus of maybe having more distance that throwers.

So now that my opinion is slightly changed I say do this rule for only throwing and perhaps off of weapon weight/cost.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hybrid killing patch
« on: April 22, 2011, 07:40:31 pm »

There are some examples against this, people had sidearms back then too, but it was not the PRIMARY PRIORITY to use them.

And what does Overhybridization promote? Even more shields, even more ranged crap flying everywhere, because people want to defend themselves.

Eaxctly, if you hate ranged alot, get behind a shield or get behind a shielder. You could even be a 2h who carries a shield(OMG never thought of that). The last patch that chadz  came out with was to FORCE TEAM WORK. (can you see that i said team work?) So in all of this being said, all of whom I ever really see pissing and moaning about these things are those who rambo and die, all because they never look for someone else to blame.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hybrid killing patch
« on: April 22, 2011, 07:19:55 pm »

Just posting again in hopes that atleast SOME people read what I said.


P.S. I also agree with this alot.
i still think WPF cost should be calculated for all types not for each one individually.

Especially cause it seems like a reasonable game mechanic rather then the two slot items.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hybrid killing patch
« on: April 22, 2011, 07:06:20 pm »
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Thank you for agreeing with the specialist thing for goarth.

Honestly as I've said hybrids are fine just the ones who use "Crutch weapons"  and abuse the shit out of them are the problem.

In all honesty I truely and really complain about my team mates more than anything else. It might be because I understand why I was killed or it might be because the game Is very close to balanced. The thing is, is chadz can never truely  balance the game EVER. On the simple fact that there is always gonna be someone who finds something that will "Help" him be good at the game and there will always be those who piss and moan about the abuse of it, or those of us who are too stupid to find the way to defeat it and just simply blame it on something other then our self.

So, in conclusion(Lol I am writing an essay yeaaaaa!) The game is very close to being balanced the only problem is that it is now coming down the society. Since, everyone always needs to be perfect/"the best", they need to someone else to blame for there FUCK UPS (
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).  So as soon as the society itself can learn to accept that they themselves have flaws, or are missing something(
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). The game shall never be "balanced"

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hybrid killing patch
« on: April 22, 2011, 04:56:00 pm »
I still don't understand:
A)  Why this is a problem
B)  How this isn't realistic (Seriously, who in the world is capable of learning to do only ONE thing other than retards?)

"Specialists" make no logical sense whatsoever, they're not realistic, not historically accurate, not logical, and promote stupid grinding.
Sorry to say it gorath but, specialist existed, especially back then. Many of the fighters were peasants and those that did get trained were trained in pretty much only one item. They even had each regiment split into what it specialized in. Lol only wanted to argue that specialists and specialized training did exist. Other then that I only agree with this patch for the throwing. The archer and crossbows, they can stay. Mostly, I say the weapon slot thing should go off of the weight/size of the item, and not  "tier"

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add Face mask
« on: April 22, 2011, 04:26:52 pm »
Not really that mask lol  :shock: i know it's ugly,but someone,if want,can do another and bla bla...i just say to put a mask in to the mode :mrgreen:
I agree on this slightly. In fact I want like highwayman type masks, and maybe black plague masks. SO I shall give +1 for feel good today.

General Discussion / Re: Whistling Wednesdays
« on: April 22, 2011, 04:24:11 pm »
Why don't we start, "Attack!" If you like butt seks?
Cause whistling doesn't pop  up in the chat area lol.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hybrid killing patch
« on: April 22, 2011, 04:22:11 pm »
I believe that the hybrids are fine, the only problems with them are the hybrids that abuse the weapons that need to be patched desperately. Think of it this way, a hybrid is never the best at something, but it makes up for it by atleast be 2nd or 3rd best at everything. A hybrids balance is its strength, pretty much it is able to get to most other builds weakness but, it lacks the capabilities of a specialized build. This is why they are usually never the best but never the worst. I say keep being a hybrid just don't be the ass who is a hybrid who's gear is his crutch.

Closed Requests / Re: Bafflingly Banned...
« on: April 21, 2011, 08:02:04 pm »
I say it is  a valid argument, from both the admin and the player. Even though I am an NA player, I do have to say, that for at least making a plea and if he has no major black marks on his record. That this man deserves an unbanning. Ask for it happening in the first place the admin did his job, but in the future. Please start to learn the players/signs of an ass hat.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add Face mask
« on: April 21, 2011, 07:52:12 pm »
I'd say edit it ALOT more, it honestly just looks like a graphics fail on the lower half of the face. Make it seem a bit more "cloth like" rather then maybe. Otherwise it's just a black band on the bottom of your face. Plus it's more a bandanna then a face mask, if I wanted a "face mask" I'd say add more Grotesque helms, rather than more bandanna on the head things. Or at the very least more face covering helmets.

P.S. I did not say this to be a troll I said it because it seems like an uneeded item.

General Discussion / Re: Whistling Wednesdays
« on: April 20, 2011, 07:16:08 pm »
I like the ingame voice emotes. If you feel they are annoying: you can only hear other emotes if you've used them yourself. So if you dislike whistle spam or teammates repeating 'Ataaaaaack' all the time, stay away from the Q button. :)
I like them, I just miss the whistle spamming.

Whistle if you miss whistle spam.

General Discussion / Re: Whistling Wednesdays
« on: April 20, 2011, 06:10:19 pm »
Whistle, cause you want everyone to whistle.

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