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Messages - notChosen1

Pages: [1]
General Off Topic / Re: Heritage not Hate
« on: July 07, 2015, 08:24:29 pm »
Best country in the world 239 years straight friend, we are the most powerful economic and military superpower on earth despite only being on the planet for a little more than two centuries, meanwhile the shitty country of bulgariastan or whatever excuse for a country you live in is as about as relevant to the rest of the world as my ball hairs. stay mad and stay inferior

Diplomacy / Re: World War Calradia
« on: July 07, 2015, 06:59:12 pm »
Alright mustard tigers. The Nova Scotian is back and I've brought an entire summers supply of my favourite smokes and my favourite pepperoni. Prepare to get fucked harder than Bobandy does because I'm here to kick some ass. It seems I'm fighting for the europros because Ody is funny. That's my only reason and frankly I don't give a fuck.

Get ready assholes, the pants are coming off.

Traxits did you partake and or participate in the making of trailer park boys. yes/no ? ??  ????

General Off Topic / Re: Heritage not Hate
« on: July 07, 2015, 06:57:37 pm »

It's pretty interesting to see how you euros who have never been to the southern US be so educated and informed about these issues. Meanwhile, us Americans could care less about what is happening in whatever shitty europoor country you guys are from.

General Off Topic / Re: Heritage not Hate
« on: July 06, 2015, 10:51:07 pm »
Less than .33% of southerners actually owned slaves and people think that when southerners display the flag they are trying to be racist? no nigga racism existed on both sides, the only difference was that on one side there was a minuscule minority of people who owned slaves.

Faction Halls / Re: The Frisian Freedom: Recruiting NA
« on: July 06, 2015, 09:15:56 pm »
Haha sandy what is that I liked it.
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In memory of chosen1. I don't know what happened. Maybe nothing happened. Maybe it was just crpg. People say it's the community. It's not. It's the moderators and admins. They're the biggest pieces of shit.

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Did the admins get to you?

Maybe it was the game itself. Maybe it lost its magic. There are only so many times you can kill someone with a sword?
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Did you get bored?

Or maybe it is a shitmunity full of cocka-roaches.
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Did you feel too much?

I hope you read this chosen. You're a good guy and I think you're funny. You made me laugh and your sense of humor is genuine when you want it to be. I wish you had posted more words in the clan thread instead of just pictures of things. I wish we had talked in game or even played the game together. I think you and I coulda stayed up until 5 am like I did with the rest of the guys. You missed out bro. Maybe you don't need it, but Frisia was such a great community. Most likely you're a well adjusted member of society, but to a pariah such as myself team speak was a godsend.

Is this post about chosen? Fuck no. I like you chosen and I'll miss you. But this is about ME. Pay attention to ME. Upvote this and pretend you actually read the mindless drivel. Quote it and say "bravo cikel i ate up every word you wrote you should totally  be a ryter i would pay for your book of lif e wisdoms and experiences." Tell me what happened to chosen. Tell me you miss me or something. I miss you.

Edit: Biggest tradgedy is that I will have one less + than usual. There goes my inflated self worth.

RIP ciekel he was an hero. I miss you pal

and actually I was only banned from forums, not in the game.

I could've made a new forum account anytime I wanted since I've been banned, but I can honestly say that getting banned was one of the best things to happen to me. This mod was like a curse that prevented me from seeing the other half of life I was missing out on. Since then, I've gotten my shit together, I started passing my classes and applying to colleges and have already been accepted to a few, and if those don't work out I can always just go to community college and study advanced gardening or some shit. I started talking to more females and have had relations with some. I also got a few jobs to help pay for that shit, if not I'll just settle for being a debt slave all my life and im ok with that honestly.

Although this mod was aids, I did learn a few things about life, like what happens if you flunk out of school and smoke weed all day. You chucklefucks i honestly hope you all got your lives together. i hope u learned from mr pink because that man fucks bithces and even has his own little pootie slayers good for him. I learned just from listening and reading you guys what life is as a young adult, something I probably wouldn't learn if I hadn't found this game. I know I didn't talk much, but the conversations I was a part of but didnt really participate in were a blast and i would do anything to do it again.

Getting banned from the forums and having not to deal with the forums and this gay ass ded mod was good but now i am drawn back, i dunno whether to pursue these sexual urges or whether to stop, but I can't because I miss you all, and I miss frisaia. rip in peace mod rip frisia clan rip fcc rip strat. resd in peas spurdo :D:D:DD rrest in peace crpg

also: for sandy,

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hoep to hear from u all soon. friends

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