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Messages - Vygar

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Global / Re: Autoblocker unban thread
« on: July 29, 2014, 06:38:08 pm »
Hey Folks. Any chance my ban could be lifted please?  I don't care if you decided to wipe my account.  I would just like to play again.  Thanks :)

1h/shield is fine, especially with the amount of ranged that we have on servers. Everything seems OP with you stats, you dont have proper str and agi yet. What build are you going for? I think at lvl25 you start getting competitive, at least thats the breaking point for me.

I don't know.  What do you suggest?

Global / Re: UNBAN Request
« on: July 17, 2014, 08:30:09 pm »
Thanks for your help :)

Global / Re: UNBAN Request
« on: July 17, 2014, 07:20:06 pm »
Have you either been Multiaccounting or using Autoblock?

If not then an admin will surely check this out and tell you why you are banned :)

I wasn't sure what Multiaccounting is but then again I never played strategus.   It's been over a year but I do remember using Autoblocker for a brief period of time (maybe a weekend) due to some suspicion that it was highly used in the community.  I stopped playing before the ban was issued I suspect. 

It was a poor choice and even though I was affected, I am glad measures were taken and if the mods decide not to lift my ban that's fine.  I don't excuse myself for it regardless of whatever reason. At least I learned something :)

Global / Re: Autoblocker unban thread
« on: July 17, 2014, 02:12:06 am »
Having just come back to the game, after a year of not playing and realizing this might be the reason I was banned.  I admit, I used autoblocker for a weekend (or maybe a bit longer) and realized this might be why I could never hit anyone.  I left the game shortly after that weekend and came back to a ban I probably deserved :)  I understand if the decision is made not to lift the ban.  It was a poor decision on my part and I accept the consequences and at least I learned something.

Global / UNBAN Request
« on: July 17, 2014, 01:30:42 am »
Dear Admins,

    It seems I have been globally banned and I am unsure why.  I have been away from the game for almost a year and I have decided to come back to C-RPG and give the game a go again.  Unfortunately, I am now unable to play due to being banned for reasons unknown to me.  Please advise thanks.

General Discussion / Re: CRPG with fire and sword?
« on: May 04, 2011, 06:51:27 pm »
I don't know.

I think that persistant character development would be a nice feature for FireAndSword MP.  It would certainly be a different game.  Though I agree with the sentiment that trying to divide an already small community, isn't the best of ideas.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Rebalancing Daggers and Knives
« on: March 07, 2011, 05:58:05 pm »
i don't want to be that guy but if someone wielding a dagger went to chamber someone swinging a sword, the person with the dagger would break their wrist.


If you tried to counter a sword with a small and light weapon and tried to match brute force with brute force you'd likely come out on the losing end.  However, a dagger is quite capable of redirecting that force so that the wielder only absorbs a small portion of the impact. 

General Discussion / Re: althetics, how much does the average player have
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:15:08 pm »
After having done many 7-9 athletics characters that wear medium-ish armor I'd say spend your points elsewhere, or at the most stop at 3-4 athletics if you're going to put points in it.  Anything above 3-4 seems to be a waste and better spent on other skills/stats


I'll add by noting that even the slightest change in terrain seems to drastically affect your movement rates so those 6 points in athletics become even less useful...

General Discussion / Re: Crush-Through on Bar Mace and Long Iron Mace
« on: February 21, 2011, 10:09:28 pm »
This is yet another interesting thread about CT.

Anyways, i was playing 2her for few gens, and i used mostly swords, but when i met agi stacker with shield, how else to counter than crushtrough? And yeah, not every turtle is falling for feinting and such, so it was quite hard to beat them (managed to learn some tricks now tho, so sometimes i get them :P). While i was getting annoyed by shielders, i rolled one, just to get bashed upon with barmace countless times WITHOUT ANY CT at all! That is why i think its OK. If you spec high str, you SHOULD BE ABLE to have more reliable CT, as u put efficiently more power to the hit, shouldnt you?

CT going thru chambers is bollocks tho, i agree on that

Edit: just dont go with nerf CT when u get pwned by str stacker (and yes, there are such people around these days)

Get an axe.  You can hack through any shield relatively quickly.  Why is it that folks tend to want 1h/shield players to become easy kills all the time?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: cheat protection in this mod?
« on: February 21, 2011, 07:14:45 pm »
Jambi? :P

Seriously, are there really auto block hacks? That would explain a lot, sometimes I feel like I'm facing a machine...

I've had the same experience.  There were a few times where someone appeared to just be extremely good at manual blocking but there have been others where strikes have been blocked at impossible angles so consistantly that I was questioning the presence of a "hack". 

Faction Halls / Re: [PxC] Phoenix Company (NA - Accepting Members)
« on: February 18, 2011, 09:05:15 pm »
Nice!  Welcome to the black ops.   :twisted:

my 2h is also a secondary Xbow scrub.  I LOVE the combination

In the long term, upkeep is decreasing diversity on the battlefield. Many players do this, resulting in the vast majority of melee having armors in the same tier.

I'm not sure if you're seeing only what you wish to but from my experience, this couldn't be further from the truth.  The patch reduced the incentive to stack top tier items and discourages TinCan + Charger syndrome.  I really hated the grindfest that was cRPG pre-maintenance and I actually ended up quitting for a number of months because it just wasn't any fun as a new casual player. 

I think that crushthrough should simply be more blockable especially for manual blockers. Crushthrough should only be used for countering sheilded players.

1. Manual blocking should block 90% of the time between two equal players
2. Sheilds should be more vulnerable to crushthrough thus giving the weapons a purpose(i.e Anti sheild). This mean that a player using a shield could put it away to manual block so that the attacker has less of a chance to crushthrough. Hopefully you follow my line of thinking
3. crushthrough weapon speed should be slowed
4. Weapons shouldnt have both Crushthrough and Knockdown, It should be one or the other

I think this would help to balance these weapons while still giving the a purpose and certain advantages in the game. Removing crushthrough completly would be a shame.

Shields already have a counter in axes and other weapons designed to destroy shields.  Why do they need a second, hard counter that renders them useless?  Furthermore, an piece of equipment designed to block and deflect large amounts of kinetic force is unable to standa against a maul but someone putting their much smaller and more fragile weapon in the way of a maul is?  That makes 0 sense. 

Crushthrough is inappropriate and should just be taken out.

Faction Halls / Re: [PxC] Phoenix Company (NA - Accepting Members)
« on: February 17, 2011, 02:08:28 pm »
I sent you mine via PM :)

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