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Messages - Danath

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Wow worst weapon changes in history of CRPG
« on: November 04, 2012, 01:33:34 pm »
Let's clarify something for some herpa derps that have responded.

Miaodao without stab is still OVER POWERED. By a shitload. If you do not understand why then do not respond as you are either too stupid or have not used either weapon properly.

You really have to get a MW Miaodao to know what I am talking about. The thing is just nuts. Just so stupidly nuts it just kills all credibility of whoever applies these weapons tweaks - he has very little idea whats going on himself - clearly. Even the stock Miao is now nuts. It's just a superior 2H end of story, yet it's far lower on the list.

Also to these fools who say Danish is popular etc etc, Yes. THERE IS A REASON THERE ARE NOW 30 DANISH GREATSWORDS FOR SALE MAGICALLY APPEARING OVER NIGHT. It got overly nerfed and there are better weapons. <--- If you are too stupid to understand what this means I will translate: It means they realise their sword is now a dud unfairly, and want a new weapon and hope to sell or trade their now dud sword, away.

Huuuurrrrrrr Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Terribad stat changing has been proven

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Wow worst weapon changes in history of CRPG
« on: November 04, 2012, 11:08:37 am »
This isn't a contest about what else got super nerfed back in xyz.

Danish got nerfed too hard... both damage and speed. It's a dud weapon now not worth buying for any legitimate reason (same with german). That's not arguable.

The Maodaio, my bigger concern, got boosted stupidly high... like hurr durrr high its a killing machine its friggen stupid

Game Balance Discussion / Wow worst weapon changes in history of CRPG
« on: November 04, 2012, 10:44:32 am »
I just can't believe such noobiness actually occured regarding the uber boost of the Maodaio and the nerf of the Danish Greatsword

Take a look at the trades section on the crpg character area, there are literally 30+ offers of peopel selling Danish Greatsword's because of the stupid nerf to it. It was stupid. But not as stupid as what happened to the Maodaio

A masterwork Maodaio now hits for 45c (wtf) and is I believe 97 Speed. This makes it as fast as many one handed weapon, but at a reach advantage. It's so hard trying to fight against it with a danish greatsword it really highlights a terribad decision of whoever is in charge tweaked its stats.

A masterwork great danish is now 44c (OK that was an improvement it was 43c I believe), but nerfed its 92 speed down to 90. Now it's just slow. The second most expensive weapon is now inferior.

Argue a 9 reach advantage of it over the mao if you wish, ultimately its a piss weak advantage over the maodaio when you consider how fast and hard the mao hits.

There is a reason there is 30+ sell offers for Danish Greatswords.

Someone needs to man up and change the stats on the maodaio and danish greatsword. They ruined the Danish Greatsword. I have one, I'm a bit pissed, but I'm more pissed such a Newbie stat change occurred. CRPG is years old now we shouldn't see silly stat changes like this anymore (that goes 70% for the maio 30% for the danish). Boosting the mao and nerfing the danish made it adundantly clear the Danish is now shit compared to other weapons.

Again, there is a reason there is 30+ sell offers for Danish Greatswords. Deny whatever you wish, you royally fucked this stat change up (no offence). I love crpg thanks to all to make it possible.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Every inf should have access to anti-cav.
« on: February 08, 2012, 05:19:43 am »
I lol at the people saying its easy to defend against cav with a 2h or 1h.

You clearly haven't vsed me on my cav char.

Only sheer luck will work for you with 1h/2h, otherwise only a spear will do the job against a good coucher

Sell/Trade / TRADE Nodachi (masterwork) for War Cleaver (masterwork)
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:56:27 am »
On marketplace ready to go.

Buy / [BUYING] Masterwork WAR CLEAVER
« on: January 14, 2012, 01:35:17 am »
Will buy for $1.25mil.

Best as I will go. Want a quick sale msg me.

General Discussion / Re: 50 WPP - worthy or pointless?
« on: December 26, 2011, 02:49:16 am »
A lot of differing opinions on if 50wpp makes a difference (a decent difference)

Final opinions on this? I do not care about breakage, nice to know, but focus is on weapon effectiveness for lancing with 50wpp

General Discussion / Re: 50 WPP - worthy or pointless?
« on: December 25, 2011, 02:39:38 am »
That part about the armor killing off the WPP concerns me, is there a particular formula or such? No point doing it if it ends up being 10WPP that's used (wear about 40 body armor)... no idea about the calc... concerns though.

Only reason I want to use a regular heavy lance is for the rare times I face enemy cav, and they keep out ranging me, or if vsing someone with a 200+ range spear of some sort, the great lance couching is tough in these cases

General Discussion / Re: 50 WPP - worthy or pointless?
« on: December 25, 2011, 12:09:39 am »
I use the great lance currently, beats jousting lance, but yeah same principle, couching.

More opinions on the 50 WPP to polearms...

General Discussion / 50 WPP - worthy or pointless?
« on: December 24, 2011, 11:54:02 pm »
I am a cav and considering putting 50 WPP to polearms for use only with LANCES. I do not intend to melee with polearms.

Is 50WPP for polearm just a waste of points if lancing only or will it make a decent difference to my lancing?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Dismemberment
« on: October 07, 2011, 02:00:40 am »
How come you guys dont want to code this? There is plenty of people running around with little to no armor if hollywood faketry is the issue. Let it happen to them only (say armor per area lower than 20 besides hands)

Could make it only happen with high power polearms and 2h's (like bardiches)

5% chance to remove a limb on kill shot. Lift the code from vikingr? Sure they won't mind

Game Balance Discussion / Dismemberment
« on: October 06, 2011, 04:00:12 pm »
WHEN is this going to be coded?

Axes only or something. We need this  :mrgreen:

I was going to talk about slicing off limbs but let them keep fighting with the other hand but that seems too high a goal.

How about just kill shots wherever they hit have a % chance to cut off head or limbs if those are hit? You know you want it

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Warhammer
« on: October 06, 2011, 03:57:33 pm »
Warhammer isnt what it used to be, I now also swap to italian sword it feels far more effective, sure the old tin can takes 2 more hits to take down but at least it feels fast and I can keep some distance.

Warhammer just aint what it used to be...

Realism Discussion / Re: chrusthrough&Knockdown
« on: October 06, 2011, 03:54:01 pm »
yeah that first post is badly thought out.

My mistake, I mean not thought out (at all).

Announcements / Re: Version 0.241
« on: September 21, 2011, 11:30:24 am »
-Wierd horse skills
-Palfrey still a retarded choice over Rouncey (Palfrey = pay more to die more. And it's now only 1 speed more than Rouncey but less armor and health than Rouncey. No one with a brain will pick Palfrey.
-High horse skill for the maneuverable horses? Purpose? Make it harder for HA?
-6 Skill for courser means more tank horses out to play like the 5 skill horses such as (now Destrier) and other tank horses. Mission accomplished if that was the goal
-You have made 4 skill riding a pointless stage. Either go 3 or 5. Previously 4 let you ride Destrier and Courser, now you have that slow steppe horse (I assume for HA low on skill points?)

+Left ROuncey at 3 skill for the poor bastards that only have 3 horse riding :) (not me I have 4, and can make it 5)
+On making archers a more usable class. They were utter, utter shit after the peirce to cut damage nerf. Least now theres one arrow type with peirce. Only the longbow was decent, but took so long very few did it. Sure archers are annoying but no archers is kind of "wrong". +1 (PS not 100% I am not talking shit on this point I havent followed archery after I made an archer 2 months ago realised how nerfed it was and stopped it)

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