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Messages - _Sasha_

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Re: Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:02:50 pm »
I was throwing shields to protect themselves from arrows and bolts. Where can I throw and I can not throw no precise definition. If I stand under the flag of course I'll throw the shield with flag next to me was shot and it would be logical.

Just all comes down to what I of DRZ, as the other players are not banned threw sites, and what was in command ADMIN hitters and his team lost the round and he flew X. Here it is the whole truth in the end the ban. Since I did not break the rules.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:52:25 pm »
After killing me I revives with siege shield. Therefore I not spam siege equipment as did not take it out of weapon rack. Consequently I did not break the rules.
And based on your logic all who use siege equipment on other servers too should ban so they interfere with play, stakes prevent horsemen, shields archer as infantry hiding behind them.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:14:48 pm »
If the mechanics of the game are allowed to bet, but the rules prohibited simply do so to put it is impossible. The rules no restrictions yet on the formation of siege shields.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:49:54 pm »
Unban me, because I did not break the rules of the game on the server. Permitted use of siege shields.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: November 01, 2014, 03:55:20 pm »
So, all these buildings are destroyed safely without any problems or consequences of an attack. And it does not stop to take the flag. Hinders not take skill to play or licherstvo in light armor.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: November 01, 2014, 03:36:00 pm »
The rules of the game that is not prohibited. I just put the shields from the arrows and to hide them from the players. The rules prohibiting so do not present. I'm not ruining the game for attack if cann't take the flag is the problem completely and not attacking the defenders that they did. It is a fact, and to shift Responsibility silly. Ban is not logical as well as people spawn on the first server, and with shields and sticks, and they also prevent the other team and not something. So much different servers. Then we have to ban all wearers leaguer ekvip by your logic. This will be the right way out.

EU (Official) / Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: November 01, 2014, 03:15:51 pm »
Why ban me? Rules are not allowed to use siege ekvip for the game. For that ban, I used the current siege shields and threw them from archers. The rules or what was said about banning the use of shields. How to understand my ban?

EU (Official) / Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: October 22, 2014, 07:11:08 pm »
I am banned. You can find out by how much? I know that I will not unban until the end of time ban.

Re: Ban: Trigun
« Reply #1 on: Today at 05:16:07 pm »
You were not banned by an admin!

If you were banned by poll, your ban will be lifted today (as far as i know max. 1 hour after it started).

It's been over an hour and I just banned. Banned was my alt(GROB_Jorika). leaves me still Banned by Admin?

EU (Official) / Re: Ban: Trigun
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:21:27 pm »
Thank you)

EU (Official) / Ban: Trigun
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:05:19 pm »
I am banned. You can find out by how much? I know that I will not unban until the end of time ban. There are several reason.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban Druzhina_Trigun
« on: March 02, 2014, 06:31:18 pm »
But it's stupid , you never know what can happen at home, because you can just kick from the server. Yesterday I did not leehing , was another warrior . You can always just kick . Why do those who stand Karasu or when not kicked , or those who run without arms or naked on the map. When I put on a kick these people , I immediately Karasu says that I'm wrong . There are many situations when you need to move urgently , and time to get out in the spectator is not present , because you can just kick why ban . People are running around naked or in rags and die in one hit , and they of the admins who does not write , many times it is watched by 7 server Patason ishet warning and everyone is dressed properly for 2 server no one writes and administrators do not care for it , and I was immediately sent to the bank , where is the logic ? Especially since I was normally dressed in heavy armor and leehing not present, as everything is expensive is repaired immediately.

EU (Official) / Ban Druzhina_Trigun
« on: March 02, 2014, 05:47:13 pm »
Hello Why was I banned? I stood there and did not interfere with anyone, I had to quickly leave behind the laptop as I twisted stomach, and went to the toilet quickly. Time to get out from the server or write was not. I have seen many times as there are other players on the server and admins not banyat and got kicked and banned me. Why is this happening?

EU (Official) / Ban Druzhina_Trigun
« on: January 27, 2014, 09:18:06 pm »
Good day . You can see why I was banned on servers in the game Nick : Druzhina_Trigun_VII . And how was banned , I already said that I odnoklanovtsy not rasbanyat immediately . Simply because if he had killed his , he stopped me from playing , I loaded ballista and sat for it to start to shoot at the enemies , the player runs Sharingan , just sit down and move it nachanalos although her ​​already I sit . I 'm out of baliisty it too, but do not get behind her again as soon as I sit down at balistu he starts to do the same , then expels . I kicked him in the beginning, that he left behind. Then again I charge balistu and sit for it again it produces all these actions , thus impeding I normally play . I broke down and killed him.
 Administrator at the time was far from the enemy and did not see with my own eyes . Yes, I admit that you can not kill his , but when a player interferes with play like that any more what to do but it is so exasperated , hunt to enjoy the game . And he does not play and another does not.

Sincerely , Alexander .

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