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Messages - Achilles_Lakedaimon

Pages: [1]

So I'd advise as follows:
- Ashwood Pike (if you are good at stab abuse, and proficient with two-directional polearms)
- War Spear (if you want a sheathable spear, or are not that good at stab abuse, much easier turning)
- Red Tassel (if you are sure you will mostly play as a hoplite, +2 speed and -1 damage is pretty good good as long as you don't think you will need the weaker swings)
- Battle Fork (Good damage, very nice as a two-directional weapon, but trading off 24 length for +2 damage makes it an inferior choice for a teamplaying hoplite)

I can't stress enough how ridiculous I find recommending the Light Lance as the best hoplite weapon, does not compute at all. Try the Ashwood Pike and the Light Lance for a longer time and see if you can gauge an effectivity difference, I am pretty sure you will.

Many people recommended the Light Lance, and also I've seen people using it to great effect, I'm not really a fan of it since it lacks some pierce attack and isnt sheathable, but I guess the range is what may matter for a majority of the players, but I'm gonna compare the two.

If you're looking at the War Spear, it's worth checking out the Red Tassel Spear  as well (same thing, but RT has -1 dmg and +2 speed).

I'm gonna check it out, didnt noticed it before, nice avatar btw XD

Yeah Im between Spear and Light Lance now, considering that War Spear is weaker than Spear, at least it seems like it.

I've tried the double sided lance, expecting it to be the best because of reasonable attack and short range, but I've got disappointed.

By regular spear you guys mean Spear, right?

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I'm gonna give it a shot, thanks everyone for the tips, keep posting, it always helps.

So, there are various players around who like to play with a Spear and Shield set, but which spear do you think its the best for the task?

I'm in doubt about what is the best and would like to hear your suggestion.

These are the spears that I've tryed:

Ashwood Pike
Light Lance
Double Sided Lance
War Spear
Shortened Spear

I'm looking for some advice about wich one should I use.


Faction Halls / Re: Hoplites of Greece[NA] [Recruiting]
« on: December 11, 2013, 12:13:16 am »
Translating around, and wondering if Melee Cavalry could maybe have a name change, since it's the only name that is on there that's english. The following are some ideas:

Voithitikós = Auxiliary

Próskopos = Scout

Ippéas = Horseman

Axiomatikós = Officer

Lonchofóros = Lancer

Akrovolistís = Skirmisher

Just some ideas though.

Lochagos = Commander

Ouragos = Lesser Officer

Epilektoi = Veteran

Promachoi = Elite

Polemarchos = General

Hippeis = Cavalry

Thureophoroi = Skirmisher

Ekdromoi = Auxilliary

Thorakitai = Heavy Skirmisher

Hypaspist = Support Infantry

Metioikoi = Allied Infrantry

cRPG Technical problems / Unusable Items
« on: December 02, 2013, 03:41:21 am »
Hello everyone.

I'm experiencing a problem and I don't know what to do, I would like if someone could help me. Some of the items in my inventory had become '' unusable '', here it is what it says:

'' One or more items are so badly damaged that they became unusable. They must be repaired before you can use them again. ''

How do I repair them? I have '' Automatically repair damaged items '' turned on but it seems that it does nothing, they still unusable, and I need them to play on the servers.

Can someone help me please?


Guides / Re: The Sword and Spear Way - Hoplites Guide
« on: December 01, 2013, 10:29:54 pm »
Thanks for you guide/tutorial, I will read all of it eagerly!

Are there any mods that just change the terrains texture? I actually like the way everything else looks, but the terrain could use a change.

You mean this one?

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