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Messages - Viktarion

Pages: [1] 2
Linking wrong trade like from trade section not from offers
Oh sorry my bad..
Here if it's not too late, thanks!


3 exchanges please

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Trying to download CRPG.
« on: June 07, 2016, 07:40:34 pm »
I have same problem, i just turn on offline mode and then can play game, but if that works and makes everything normal would be even better.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Bring back old DTVirgin maps
« on: March 15, 2015, 06:42:12 pm »
This is awesome idea, with tweaks to maps so they can't be abused too much on fences or huts, except for that, old maps were really awesome, much bigger and mor fun so can actually play and not just stand in shieldwall and spam attack all the time.

this is a issue on several maps, would be wonderful if it could be fixxed. either you have to lure or all the bots spawn around you and get ganked, please fix this

Yes that is exactly what i meant, you need to lose so much more time since you need to go to spawn, then lure them back then repeat that almost every single wave, would be really nice if could be fix, DTV would be much more better for all who play it.

cRPG Technical problems / Big spawn issue with DTV map every single game
« on: December 24, 2014, 04:10:45 pm »
So, would like to ask if can just change terrain or whatever where enemy spawn every round since always few of them get stuck and we need to lose so much more time to kill them since need to pull them etc. So if can just change something so that they don't get stuck every round would be great.
It's on map DTV Tahrlberl.
And i am sure all DTV players will appreciate it and confirm that problem is really annoying.
PS. Sorry if in wrong section, i don't use forum often, just move it to where it should be.

Problem with lot of people playing M&B is that game is much harder then most popular games. When someone tries it it is very hard to make them stay for a while until they learn at least something so they can do anything in game at all.
 Maybe it could work if you design like few levels or something where people who registered in like last month only play against people who registered in last month or something like that(i know it's easier said then done and all that, just something where they don't just jump into playing all veteran players and they lose all interest in game because they feel totally useless, i am not really creative person so don't really know what should be, but something to help them stay like for first few weeks) because how it is now, it is very hard to make people stay to play when they can't do anything at all unless they play game a lot for quite some time.
I am still pretty new and i played for a while and even i still feel pretty useless but it is even worse for new people, i persuaded few friends to try game, but they just quit it after few hours even tho i was telling them that if they stick around they'll really love it etc, nothing help there.
So point is idea is really great, that would be so awesome to do, but to have any chance of success i really think need to do something to make a lot easier for people who didn't play this kind of games, because that can only work if lot of people play it and that will be hard to manage with current state of things.

General Discussion / Re: harassment
« on: May 13, 2014, 03:23:28 am »
If she didn't want you, no one ever will.

General Discussion / Re: The Chronicles of UnholyRolyPoly
« on: March 03, 2014, 12:50:38 am »
Well that took a while to read but totally worth it.
Very well written, looking forward for next chapter(s).

General Discussion / Re: DTV Changes - some infos
« on: February 23, 2014, 07:41:33 pm »
I am still pretty new and was deciding what is better and so on, but wanted opinion from experienced people.
Thank you Moncho and Fips.

General Discussion / Re: DTV Changes - some infos
« on: February 23, 2014, 03:47:20 pm »
Since i am too lazy to check all posts, is there somewhere link with all new waves and like type of armour enemies are wearing so to decide is it more useful to use sword or maul ?

General Discussion / Re: DTV Changes - some infos
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:14:16 pm »
My question is, what was bot count based on before player levels?
Only number of players i think ?

General Discussion / Re: Ronin is a real ladykiller
« on: February 20, 2014, 07:31:44 pm »
This is new level..

Total War Series / Re: Rome 2: Opinions/Rating
« on: February 17, 2014, 01:32:12 am »
Since i like to auto resolve and also play on highest difficulty this is first total war series that it's impossible to do that, in all others it can work, sure you lose more troops then if lead alone, but with this one impossible, except for that its not that bad but also nothing so good like rome total war 1 was when it came out.

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