« on: April 30, 2014, 08:27:22 pm »
If you guys are still looking for admins I'll throw in my bid for it.
I am a lesser known player, I am not part of a big clan even though I am part of Kbw on strat I don't play with or know them to well. So I have no favoritism towards any players, nothing to make me judge them differently. As for activity I try to be on the game as much as possible, its been a bit hard lately but that will be fixed In a little over a month. As for the forums, I can check them nearly hourly, I don't miss much about what's going on in them. All in all I think I could be a good pick for this position, even though I am not able to be in game all the time I believe that being very active on the forums and unbiased can make up for that. Aswell I have no bans, kicks, or mutes.
Thank you for your consideration
P.S: Sorry for any grammatical errors, I'm doing this from my phone so its a bit hard.