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General Discussion / Re: The NA Baddies List v2.0
« on: May 04, 2016, 09:45:54 pm »
Very decent nomination. James popped in my mind while making this, but he is really not too much of a baddie when he tries his heart out.

HOWEVER its just as you say. recently he has been riding that dumb donkey or mule just to either die immediately in a horde by himself, or he rides away from the battle to take potshots with his crossbow, then he runs in after his whole team is dead just to die immediately. Why James??? You would help so much literally just standing next to your team to tank some hits.

The judges rule this to be a valid nomination and King James will take BADDIE spot 4 for recent battle tactics.

I nominate you chester, for often gettin wrecked by several of the baddies on this list.

Diplomacy / Re: The Confederacy Disbands
« on: May 04, 2016, 04:39:41 am »
half the reason we are quitting is because of the alliance that exists right now between Hoc, BRD, and Pars which is the vast majority of the map lol. Not worth the effort to attack places when everyone who still plays is allied.

dude that is no reason to quit. If you had said that just for the preservation of the Mod I might have declared war on all of NA. Sometimes you gotta be the bad guy for everyones interest. BRD and us have been friends a long time. It would be expected we be friends... but I think even they would rather fight it out and have some fun over the mod dying. However you guys have my blessing, best of luck to you in kenshi  :) . Really sorry so many are quitting =/

General Discussion / Re: Our server has been attacked continuously!
« on: May 02, 2016, 08:42:42 am »
you trained your dog to hold you down and pee on you?

Yes, Exactly. I get 10 bucks a show in mexico city.

General Discussion / Re: Our server has been attacked continuously!
« on: May 01, 2016, 09:57:00 pm »
Maybe we can hold the DDOSers down and pee on them. It worked when i was training my dog.

Diplomacy / Re: If you thought that snowy pass in LOTR was bad.
« on: May 01, 2016, 09:53:59 pm »
lol welcome to the mountains of Almerra.

General Discussion / Re: Map rotation testing
« on: April 30, 2016, 09:32:02 pm »
Whatever that tavern map is thats small like arena. Darkly lit or mighta been red. That maps the shit.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: Admin, rules, minor announcemets
« on: April 30, 2016, 09:29:44 pm »
There's a difference between lightsaber glow (Bearforce mod for example) and pure single color texture glow.

To be honest, it's possible :D But in reality, you'll find your lightsaber to be shitty and not cutting enemies into pieces, stopping against shields and other weapons that clearly are inferior :(

All I heard is yes, everyone turn their weapons into lightsabers.


Bullshit battles are one of the bigger causes of strat decay.

Easier troop grinding and easier economy works towards the detriment of strat. If grinding is easy, more battles are had, mercs will get burnt out on shitty little battles more quickly.

A big problem is how villages have little impact, thus are regularly not defended, but still need attackers to show up. If balanced a certain way, lower troop grinding rates could make village population a viable option and incentivize people to defend their villages.

Basically, I believe that strat grinding should be tougher, and strat battles should be an event brought upon by hard work and coordination, rather than a strat battle being a routine occurrence. Contrary to something I've always thought.

Just spitballing.

I like this point. Or honest perhaps just raise village population. Villages are 200. Castles jump to 1000 and then cities are 2000. Why cant 500 people live in a village?

I personally think just hosting "strat battles" server side with set gear for both sides good tickets and in primetime would be the best solution.

So no strat map, drama, wasting time with strat in it's current form. 
Only the good things that most players are here for will remain.
Something like 500-1000 ticket battles throughout the week or only weekends.
Preset balanced gear for both sides, maybe even drop polls for themed gear.
Players still receive benefits that they want, i.e. EXP and FUN.

what the fuck kinda fun is that strat would be dead within 3 days. Lol there would be absolutely no reason to play. In return battle would die too because alot of people get on specifically before important strat battles to play. Who would wanna play when strat battles are for no reason, no real gain. Wars are only so intense because sides go at eachother. Sides wouldnt give a shit about each other so they most likely would not show. That idea of yours just gave little children in africa butt cancer.

When I have personal confirmation I will confirm. Maybe we can have a little battle between people to test it. Get both sides of the report. Make sure attackers works properly, and make sure defenders no longer maintain the exact gear yet get no loot after loss. We already know the attacker side works properly as Kesh says. We need to test the defensive side of the bugs.

Id like to Banish people from my lands instead of just kicking them. This would make their only option after being banished to attack. They would be unable to shop or hide in my lands. It is like my mom is Banned from all CVS in the united states. They have her picture in the system and they know when she enters their store. Can my guards have a picture of these men and keep them out =p. Maybe they can try to sneak in like in native. Also because people can be boring you should add admin run barbarian armies wandering the lands because yayyy itl give us something to do.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: [Add-on] Strategus Tool Belt (STB)
« on: April 24, 2016, 08:34:24 pm »
An alternative for crime that encourages activity and punish afkers would be nice if superior.

Do you stand alone on the fact that there is too many fiefs on NA for the current population or is it a shared opinion? Because there is already way less fiefs NA side.

I think theres a fine number of fiefs in NA. There is land to gain and land to lose. It is really not that hard to managa land. 1 man can actively cover 3 fiefs providing 1 is a castle or city, the rest are villages. Even more. Villages require minimal work especially sell ones. If you make it small as it was said the smaller factions will struggle alot more, as the bigger factions will just have a smaller area and likely be twice as aggressive. While itd force encounters... it wouldnt be very good long term as many people seem to quit when they lose. Also. If EU wanted to try and usual games... NA would be at a severe disadvantage to the big decrease in an already lesser income. It could hurt NA long term. Short term itd create some nice fights for sure. And cutting us off from EU would kinda suck we would both lose SOME reason to merc for eachother and both sides would have smaller fights. But either way NA smaller would suck I'm pretty sure id retire from strat or go EU.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: [Add-on] Strategus Tool Belt (STB)
« on: April 24, 2016, 08:28:58 pm »
That's a good point, actually. Even though I play crpg for maybe 1.5 hrs some nights if I'm in a large strat battle, I never had any strat ticks since I don't get any from that time invested in the actual strat server. Maybe you should get an abysmal amount of ticks in non-strat crpg, and get an insanely larger amount by participating in the actual strat battles... could help lure more people into fights that they otherwise couldn't be bothered to sign up for.

This is a good idea. I participate heavily in both and always have like 10k ticks lol. I wouldnt mind getting less in battle and more in strat battles. It might encourage people to do the right battles. However... If someone doesent care about strat i doubt strat ticks make a different to them at all. Only thing that might lure them is more gold to keep up with the inflation of gold. But who really gives a shit about gold to be honest... so idk.

Faction Halls / Re: Holy chadzian Remnants
« on: April 21, 2016, 06:57:00 pm »
You should call yourself the Remnants of chadzia and use Gucci iconography for your banner.

Or perhaps... Gucci Mane as your banner

Diplomacy / Re: Brotherhood vs Despotate War
« on: April 21, 2016, 04:24:35 am »
Far be it for me to question you,

But if we are not expected in fiefs that sit nestled right in the mountain, then where exactly are we expected?

A fair point for certain

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