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Messages - belda

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Character: Otta

package sent ✔

General Discussion / Re: Free stuff
« on: March 04, 2018, 09:22:21 pm »
2m gold are still to be distributed, as I do not see much interest in Ulfur and Kratos. Send 200k gold offers, the first ten offers from here will be accepted tomorrow at this time if the aforementioned do not make an appearance.

General Discussion / Re: Free stuff
« on: March 02, 2018, 08:27:36 pm »
Done, many thanks.

It's your offer?

For those who have not yet claimed: I will not look on the market, modify your previous post with the link of the offer.

General Discussion / Re: Free stuff
« on: March 02, 2018, 06:05:08 pm »
Now you have to edit your post without removing your number and add the offer, your reward in exchange for 1 gold or a stone

Congratulations to all

Deadly Mangler: 20 | Rest_in_Peace
Featherweight Black Leather Gloves: 12 | T_Grellenort
Lordly Heavy Kuyak: 5 | Forest_Warrior
Lordly Nikolskoe Helm: 22 | Kirman
Lordly Rus Splinted Greaves: 7 | Cassi
1 heirloom points. : 15 | Lionheart
1 heirloom points. : 13 | Bronto
1 heirloom points. : 16 | Bittersteel
1 heirloom points. : 17 | njames89
1 heirloom points. : 18 | Zahavok
1 heirloom points. : 8 | Man of Steel
1 m gold : 6 | Panos_
1 m gold : 9 | chesterotab
1 m gold : 26 | Kratos
1 m gold : 24 | Jacaroma
1 m gold : 10 | Strudog
1 m gold : 11 | Bob_Ross
1 m gold : 1 | Atze1
1 m gold : 2 | Osiris
1 m gold : 3 | illogical
1 m gold : 27 | zottlmarsch
1 m gold: 19 | mr_baby_head
1 m gold: 14 | skittle
1 m gold : 21 | Úlfur
1 m gold : 23 | Heibai
1 m gold : 25 | Rand0
1 m gold : 4 | Reinhardt
250000 gold : Yeldur ("changed mine to a number nobody picked yet" Last Edit: Today at 04:13:59 PM by Yeldur »)
250000 gold :    Krex ("0" Today at 05:02:24 PM )

In short, the game is like the persistent world mod. It will be a free game. The combat system of the warband(slightly improved) and the beauty of the kingdom come.

This month I'm going to improve my graphic card so I'll start launching the game in early access. I'm currently doing unarmed combat animations. So before the end of the month, I'll introduce you to the first version.

General Discussion / Free stuff
« on: March 02, 2018, 02:43:24 pm »
Now you have to edit your post without removing your number and add the offer, your reward in exchange for 1 gold or a stone

Congratulations to all

Deadly Mangler: 20 | Rest_in_Peace
Featherweight Black Leather Gloves: 12 | T_Grellenort
Lordly Heavy Kuyak: 5 | Forest_Warrior
Lordly Nikolskoe Helm: 22 | Kirman
Lordly Rus Splinted Greaves: 7 | Cassi
1 heirloom points. : 15 | Lionheart
1 heirloom points. : 13 | Bronto
1 heirloom points. : 16 | Bittersteel
1 heirloom points. : 17 | njames89
1 heirloom points. : 18 | Zahavok
1 heirloom points. : 8 | Man of Steel
1 m gold : 6 | Panos_
1 m gold : 9 | chesterotab
1 m gold : 26 | Kratos
1 m gold : 24 | Jacaroma
1 m gold : 10 | Strudog
1 m gold : 11 | Bob_Ross
1 m gold : 1 | Atze1
1 m gold : 2 | Osiris
1 m gold : 3 | illogical
1 m gold : 27 | zottlmarsch
1 m gold: 19 | mr_baby_head
1 m gold: 14 | skittle
1 m gold : 21 | Úlfur
1 m gold : 23 | Heibai
1 m gold : 25 | Rand0
1 m gold : 4 | Reinhardt
250000 gold : Yeldur ("changed mine to a number nobody picked yet" Last Edit: Today at 04:13:59 PM by Yeldur »)
250000 gold :    Krex ("0" Today at 05:02:24 PM )

In short, the game is like the persistent world mod. It will be a free game. The combat system of the warband(slightly improved) and the beauty of the kingdom come.

This month I'm going to improve my graphic card so I'll start launching the game in early access. I'm currently doing unarmed combat animations. So before the end of the month, I'll introduce you to the first version.

I'm not going to play again, too busy with the development of the game. I am giving away all my stuff.

Choose a number between 0 and 27.

Deadly Mangler
Featherweight Black Leather Gloves
Lordly Heavy Kuyak
Lordly Nikolskoe Helm
Lordly Rus Splinted Greaves
6 heirloom points. (1 per entry)
16 m gold.(1 per entry)

All the numbers have a prize.

Announcements / Re: Free Respec for ModDB Review
« on: February 09, 2018, 11:08:57 pm »
It is not a forced respec no. You have around 300 days to use it.

A respec allows you to reassign all attribute, weapon and skill points. It does not cost any gold and you will keep all your items. Taking the training lessons you will not lose any experience. You have 29 days, 23 hours and 47 minutes left to take them.  :(

Announcements / Re: Free Respec for ModDB Review
« on: February 09, 2018, 08:19:26 pm »
Character name to receive respec: Otta
Link to account with review for cRPG on ModDB:


Strategus Issues / Re: Troop recruitment stopped
« on: February 05, 2018, 05:39:34 pm »
Same bug for me. I want to organize a xp siege on Sargoth before the reset. I need 800 troops more to do it.
Ticks left: 6,426 Soldiers:1,200 Cap:2,000

how can I get out of a strat faction if they have not accepted me as a member? Factions disappear after reset?

So the plan is to make OKAM's persistent world, a goal that was far too ambitious for chadz's team when backed by a sponsor, with only two developers with no game dev experience. Where can I throw my money at?

In okam you "could" build a village, a castle or a city. Not here. Here you can maintain a building already designed by the developers, being able to make small improvements.

That okam system was very complex and takes a long time to be perfect.

General Discussion / Re: Balancing
« on: February 04, 2018, 10:57:28 pm »
Plated Charger hit points: 150
Camel hit points:  185  :rolleyes:

proposed change

hit points: 185 to 165
body armor: 21 to 15
difficulty: 5 to 6

Heavy Crossbow
Slots: 3 to 2


Slots: 4 to 3
Can't sheath?

Steel Bolts
Slots: 0 to 1

Tatar Arrows
Slots: 0 to 1
Bodkin Arrows
Slots: 0 to 1

So they will use more simple bolts or arrows and will do less damage.

I enter to read all the comments but I only answer doubts.

In the first versions of the combat system, the stats will be the same for everyone and can not be improved. When the combat is polished we will connect the database and enable the improvement of the stats. The event will be known as the release of persistent world, world closed to the outside, you can not leave the walls of the capital, will be large and constantly developing. We will do the exterior in 2019, counties, forests, mines, quarries, roads, rivers.

Every time you die you will appear with a new character with new stats. In principle will be fixed stats for the newcomers and the reborn. You will not start at "level 1." Then there is the possibility that it may vary if you are male or female, fat or thin, muscled or not. And if the game receives a lot of support, you can have a family in game, as progenitor you will be able to train your children (they will not be controllable until you die, but you can take them to war and fight by your side). If you do not have a ingame family, you can create an heir.

In public this right now is smoke, in private I'm excited. I thought it would be much harder to do the animations, they are cool. It will cost more to make two-handed weapons and polearm animations.

This week I will finish the first version of the combat system, one-handed weapons, attacks and defenses, with shield and without it. IK foot placement system. I will try to have a multiplayer version and EU server ready although I can not promise anything.

I prefer not to create hype, to do it with tranquility and with the best possible result. I prefer to talk to potential players rather than developers.

I am unemployed, I have knowledge, a computer and a lot of free time to work on this project. I have no budget and that bothers me, with 3500 euros could do what planned for 2018 in three months. So I'm working hard to start asking for donations. As a reminder ... The game will be free.

Horrible, horrible idea. There is a reason user interfaces exist even in "hardcore realistic" games. There is no reason for not having an user interface other than wanting to annoy your players. In real life, I know if I'm healthy, I know how much "stamina" I have left, I know if I'm feeling pumped up, I know what my "stats" are, and so on. A game is not realistic for not showing me these things. A game is unrealistic if it doesn't show me these things.

A realistic game would reflect everything in the character. Wounds, hunger, cold, fatigue, everything will be reflected in the character, through animations and sounds. Do you prefer a few bars that tell you what's going on, removing the immersion to the game? It's more work but it will be worth it

Will there be control on the main menu?

Of course.

I have 7 years of experience. My skills are programming, environment modeling, props and characters, animation and level design. My weak point is the sound but I have time to get into it.

I've done before the warband combat system in singleplayer with animations that do not measure up for making them very fast. Now I'm working on them a lot and I hope to put gifs of the different animations soon. Keep in mind that making animations by the traditional system costs a lot,  more for this combat system. I came to calculate that I would need about 800 animations just for the whole combat and that can take a year when with a mocap system you can do them in less than one month.

The engine we are using is Unity3D. In the team we are two people, we do not want to take the project out tomorrow, do it little by little. This thread is for you to see how the game evolves from scratch.

Why OKAM fell into the abyss? fake EA trailer.

It is a hard project started recently, I hope to show something very soon.

To explain it better I summarize it in... the game is a mix between the persistent world and crpg/strategus. It's free.

In the persistent world we will have jobs, tasks, tournaments, entertainment, commerce, politics, conspiracies, gestion, death .... On the other hand there will be a recruitment stall in the capital to participate in foreign wars. Battles and sieges. If you become someone important, be it for money or titles you can create a small army, players and npc.

Things to consider:

* There will be no user interface, you will not know the health points, the stamina or the adrenaline. You will not know your stats either.

* In this game you will rise not by clicking on buttons on a screen. Here you have to train. If you want to specialize in a weapon use it constantly and you will notice little by little that you will be faster or that you will attack harder, in addition you will learn some new movements.

* One life, a lot of family. If your character dies, he dies forever and loses everything he has on him. But in a combat your character can be presumed dead and remain alive. As in the game you can have properties, these and all their content go to your descendant.

If something is not clear, you want to deepen in some particular topic or make a suggestion I invite you to comment.

Work in progress:

- Combat animations. One-handed weapons, with a shield and without it.
- Programming of the combat system.
- Network programming, Deathmatch game mode to test the combat system.

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To-Do list 2018:

  • Complete combat system.
  • Persistent world. The capital, The big town full of shit.

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