I enter to read all the comments but I only answer doubts.
In the first versions of the combat system, the stats will be the same for everyone and can not be improved. When the combat is polished we will connect the database and enable the improvement of the stats. The event will be known as the release of persistent world, world closed to the outside, you can not leave the walls of the capital, will be large and constantly developing. We will do the exterior in 2019, counties, forests, mines, quarries, roads, rivers.
Every time you die you will appear with a new character with new stats. In principle will be fixed stats for the newcomers and the reborn. You will not start at "level 1." Then there is the possibility that it may vary if you are male or female, fat or thin, muscled or not. And if the game receives a lot of support, you can have a family in game, as progenitor you will be able to train your children (they will not be controllable until you die, but you can take them to war and fight by your side). If you do not have a ingame family, you can create an heir.
In public this right now is smoke, in private I'm excited. I thought it would be much harder to do the animations, they are cool. It will cost more to make two-handed weapons and polearm animations.
This week I will finish the first version of the combat system, one-handed weapons, attacks and defenses, with shield and without it. IK foot placement system. I will try to have a multiplayer version and EU server ready although I can not promise anything.