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Messages - Dirkdi

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re:
« on: March 20, 2015, 10:07:04 pm »
So will the stand alone game have headless dudes beating the crap out of me with air guitars? There is no way that it was an invisible poleaxe they were fighting with because that was on their back OBVIOUSLY. 

I don't mind bugs with new patches, but am very used to them being fixed within a few days.  I can only imagine that the devs are in serious trouble.  There is a strong possibility that they could have fallen into a well, or they got their heads stuck in the frames of their computer chairs (It happens), or possibly they have been ridiculed by us so much, that they ran into the forest and got lost

PS: Even if this game is being pushed aside by devs, id say it had a great run and is still entertaining to play from time to time.

Diplomacy / Re: Apologies to LCO
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:09:32 am »
nha we just lost inerest into the game sorry man have fun figthing ghost
These ghosts are tough adversaries though.    Fearless Albus lead his soldiers into the spooky village known as New Mechin the other day (Bryggan and I weren't scared of going into New Mechin and facing the undead we just.....) and upon entering New Mechin, Albus was set on by 200 of these spotless floating bedsheets and he and his men ran fled the village, forgetting all their armour and weapons.

So what Im getting at is, PLEASE COME BACK, GHOSTS ARE SPOOKY!

Diplomacy / Re: 13 Knights Faction.
« on: August 07, 2014, 07:52:37 am »
Does it cost more or less to just hire Jack?  Can I pay to have the other guys sign up for the other side?
Sure we'll sign up against you for your fief transfers.  For the right price of course!

Diplomacy / Re: Dear key BORED warriors
« on: July 25, 2014, 03:02:05 am »
"To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." -Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu contradicts himself, I'm sure of it. "To have more big 2000 tic battles is to get more sweet XP" -Sun Tzu

I'm pretty sure that was also in the art of war diary..

Diplomacy / Re: 13 Knights Faction.
« on: July 21, 2014, 05:25:50 am »
Okay, this is how it goes. You get an orangutan. I'm not talking a little monkey or some dancing chimp bullshit, I mean a fucking orangutan. Don't ask me how you're gonna get a fucking orangutan, because that's not my problem.

So the orangutan's name is Clyde. This is non-negotiable; all orangutans are named Clyde. I don't know why that is, it's just how the world works. So you and Clyde become man (and ape) about town. You're seen everywhere together, you make the scene. You and friends go out in big groups. You talk loud, you laugh louder. Every time you say something witty, you high-five the orangutan. The town begins to buzz. It gets back to her. "Did you know the guy with the orangutan?", "You used to date the guy with the orangutan?", "Why would you break up with a guy with an orangutan?". Next thing you know she's calling.

"I'm hoping we can still be friends. Wanna hang out sometime?"

"Geez, I dunno; me and Clyde were going to go to monster truck race tonight (orangutans love monster trucks). In fact, the whole social calendar seems kinda full. I tell you what, I'll make a little note (what was your name again?) and maybe I can squeeze you in. Oh well, you know my number so don't be a stra-- Hey, look at the time! I gotta skate, Clyde's making Mojitoes."

At this point, the upper hand is yours. You can let her twist in the wind, you can draw her back into your life at the pace you decide. Whatever, it's your life. But if you're a smart man? You slowly phase her back in. You're IM-ing. You're talking on Live. You get invited to family functions. You bring Clyde, he becomes like one of the family. You're one big Brady Bunch.

What if your orangutan is twenty seven cats and named loneliness, (this is all theoretical of course).  What do you do then?  A friend of mine wants to know.

Diplomacy / Re: 13 Knights Faction.
« on: July 20, 2014, 02:54:47 am »
The 3 13 knights. Classic.
Just need one more right? 1 + 3 = 13.  As official Math Wizard of the Thirteen Knights, I'm pretty confident of it.

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA Melee Duel Tournament
« on: June 19, 2014, 03:51:34 am »
Name: Dirk_
Contact info: Message me (Dirk_13K) on

Faction Halls / Re: The Thirteen Knights
« on: June 08, 2014, 06:50:53 am »
Ah yes, I remember that fateful night.  I came to the stables to scrape the muck from the stalls, when I found Lord Bryggan muttering curses at a lame horse for not taking up his offer of knighthood.
I, being the knowledgeable and handsome person I am, promptly informed him the horse was a mute.

Then the words he spoke would echo in my mind for the rest of my drunken night.
"Ah Durk. Hey, you wanna be a knight?"

So that's how I became a knight in the employ of Lord Bryggan, Scourge of all that is peaceful and prosperous.

PS: The other 11 brave souls that were knighted that night either ran off, died jumping off stuff, or turned out to be tall rocks jutting out of the ground. 

« on: May 10, 2014, 01:55:42 am »
I must admit I'm a little disappointed in my team. 

Being outnumbered 7 to 1, I decided not to split my forces, but instead sent everyone in a surprise counter attack.  Unfortunately, the enemy seemed ready for this.  Was there a Squid spy hidden amongst the ranks?  We'll never know.  After a fierce battle lasting at least two seconds, we were crushed.  Superior tactics and maneuvering were defeated by sheer numbers.

Realizing that this mindless horde of cephalods  would stop at nothing, I ordered all the troops to pull back and set up a defensive perimeter.  With very little time I just managed to form up into the dot formation when they were upon us.  The defenders put up a valiant fight.  Such heroism on the field has never been seen in Strat before, and will probably never be seen again.  But these inhuman beasts seemed to feel no pain, to realize no fear.  Lord Bryggan of the renowned 13 Knights showed especial courage, slashing one, hacking another, ignoring the pain and exhaustion in this fierce battle.  But even he could not stem the tide.

Finally the Tuethidan swarm overwhelmed the defensive position, swords swinging wildly in their tentacled grasp.  The great Lord Bryggan, last of the defenders, finally succumbed to his many wounds from the madly flailing weapons.  And silence settled on the field.

The squids, even with their tiny pea sized brains, felt their first emotion ever.  Respect.  Rather than celebrating their stupid 6:35 AM (PST) battle, they left the field sombre.

Was there a reward for top player for defender?  I got no kills, but managed two points.

Imagine if the Thirteen Knights weren't at half strength? We could have possibly inflicted at least 5 points damage.  Then they would be forced to crawl back to their dwellings to lick their wounds, and i doubt we would see the likes of that army for a good while.

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