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Messages - Arnwald_TheDark

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Conservation is the key
« on: January 27, 2014, 06:54:16 pm »
I hate the mods where your horse slows down to a crawl when it gets damaged (even worse if that same effect gets applied to your character).

Fuck that noise.

So you rather ride a magical horse that doesn't get slowed down by the blood fleeting his body? Or the same happening to you when your guts are spilling out by 1 to 2 strikes to the lower abdomen? Let me geuss you're part of the cav that rides into a wall with a 500kg (without armor) horse at about 25 miles/h just to get a couch killl on an archer and feels good about that?

If this were to happen IRL both you and said horse would be nothing but a big splatter on that wall, but THAT would be to much of a demand on coding.

Games should have penalties if you F'd it up, how else can you feel that you achieved something when there are babyrails that catch & guide you all the time?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Conservation is the key
« on: January 23, 2014, 09:27:33 pm »
I had to look carefully in between the un needed insults & childish behaviour, but I think there was an attempt there to join the discusion.

Okay let me rephrase shitbird;

Your idea is over complicated
hard to code in this game
and would only serve to frustrate players.

* What is complicated of the idea to add in health to movement/wpf link and make a counter, for the buffing of ranged due to this, by adding in a ranged stagger nerf by the means of a 'enrage/bloodlust' status? (ty Kinngrim for this nice addition)

* Why would this the health thing be hard to code? It already excists in numerous other mods & thus can almost be directly copy/pasted. The stagger would be indeed harder, but not extremely out of the way of what you already have now with dmg limitations on stagger.

* I'm geussing with players you mean your self mainly, at least thats what I deduct out of your somewhat childish demeanour on the topic. For the more experienced & aged player it would be nothing more then a releaf to see a stop at the brainless charges & have some tactics on the battle field for ones.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Conservation is the key
« on: January 23, 2014, 09:05:20 pm »
(click to show/hide)


why don't all of you huge nerds just go play MTG and leave us all alone

If you can't make on topic and constructive post then don't post anything at all, shouting nerd, f'ggot & so on does not help in debate, please go waste your life in other part of the forum.

Thanks in advance

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Conservation is the key
« on: January 23, 2014, 08:47:32 pm »
There are basically two potential routes you can go with the adrenaline thing. You've addressed one concern by stating "but instead we'd do x", but didn't realize that in doing so, you moved straight into area of being "gamey", which is the second concern. So I don't really see this thing having a future in cRPG.

Everything you do in RL has an effect aswell, some instantly some delayed. Everything triggers snowballs, so why would it be 'gamey'?

You kill a man(/woman, yeah womens rights and all, even they are allowed to be killed in combat), and after this you feel a surge of might for having felled a foe.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Conservation is the key
« on: January 23, 2014, 07:53:44 pm »
double post

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Conservation is the key
« on: January 23, 2014, 07:52:57 pm »
Please clarify.

While i see there are situations where the game gives me a kick through difficult situations like staggering, it also gives me with the amount of ranged and the way ranged works the impression, that i dont need to expose me to such flawed and rather grieving game mechanics. So while others ask for removing the staggering complettly or nerfing stats of chars, weapons or projectiles, finding a way to improve a flawed game design i see as preferable. Now we can agree to disagree if there would be a flawed mechanic in need of improvement, but i still rather spend my time to find ways to improve game mechanics then get back into the same old same old stats balancing discussions. In that sense i liked the OP suggestion, as it was not going for default nerf of stats, but trying to find a new way to change game dynamics.

Wow someone that can appreciate a fresh idea, that is already an improved over other more less constructive posts (looks at Hill).
Anyhow, as some already out, yes ranged could get extramely powerfull with the slowing effect but Kinngrim made a good counter suggestion, yes I disapproved first because you named it an abillity which made think of a skill spec or a button bound thing.

However if it were to be after a kill then it would reward 'stoutness & bravery' thus increasing the pace of game which balances out the feared decrease of the slowing.
Also it would not be a 'everyone has it' thing, since you need that kill first, and you could even make it so that it only works for kills on close proximity not granting stacking 'bloodlust' on ranged.

Furthermore you could rearange stagger on ranged by taking in account that if something is armor piercing it will stagger less, in modern times a soldier shot by a bullet in the shoulder with high armor piercing & little stopping power will have the bullet go through his shoulder from one end to the other but can keep on going, however if you have ammunition with the opposite propperties then he will most likely have a big gaping hole in his shoulder and/or fall on the ground.

What does this have to do with crpg & stagger you may ask, well keeping this in mind you could remove stagger completly from any ranged pierced except from throwing since having a small broomstick hanging out of your body whilst its ripping your muscles appart on the inside will still hurt.

Ranged might complain about their pierce being nerfed, but then again it still ignores armor which is on its own a briljant thing already, and mayhaps make them a little bit cheaper on the repair, furthermore you could buff the stagger on cut arrows with 1sec to keep this forum from being flooded by ranged cries, but I'd would just do it without. (*)

Sincere greetings,

Yes I have an archer myself, and yes I play it often, and I like playing it. However that won't hinder me in seeing some OP likeness in it.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Conservation is the key
« on: January 22, 2014, 11:02:34 pm »
If we get at the same time an ability called like "adranaline rush or blood frenzy" which would be activated after a successfull kill and making you immune to weapon staggering for a limited amount of time.

Why add an abillity, if you are so afraid of ranged staggering, then a better suggestion would be to remove stagger on any ranged dmg since you already have the slowing effect of having less health.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Conservation is the key
« on: January 22, 2014, 09:38:48 pm »

If you can't handle ranged get a shield, thats what they did in RL or bring a siege shield to quiver behind.

Also TH's would still be nerfed by 50% so what are you complaining about then?

It would translate in better gameplay all round, less brainless charges & more tactics, maybe for once people might appreciate ranged instead of leaving them happing dust.

Game Balance Discussion / Conservation is the key
« on: January 22, 2014, 08:02:53 pm »

Hellow fellow cRPG players & lovers,

I would like to suggest a game changer that already excists in other M&B:W mods and makes the game a lot more realistic & interesting.

Basicly what it does is slow you down when you get lower on health, not only in movement but also in swingspeed. It also applies to horses, when your horse is almost black barred it will only ride on 30% of its top speed. For players its on to 60% and 50% wpf cut, ofc it just doesn't drop down to said numbers when you get black barred, it gradually builds up the lower you or your horse gets on health.

This makes figthing more realistic since you will be less callous & jump rush in a blop of 8 players on your own with your 2H hero or awesome shield turning.

It will also create a better ballance between high end armors & low end armors since you're already slowed down due to the heavy armor & on top of that, if you are wounded you will slow down even more, but on the other hand light armor players will have less of an easy time just backpeddeling out every swing over prolonged and bloody fights.

Sincere greetings,

Faction Halls / Re: [Fox] Band of Foxes
« on: February 23, 2013, 10:22:55 pm »
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