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Messages - Bravix

Pages: [1]
Diplomacy / Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
« on: December 24, 2012, 11:10:32 pm »
I could not comprehend what the fuck had happened.

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Diplomacy / Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
« on: December 24, 2012, 12:06:52 pm »
This glitch in the map pragmatically made it so that Hospitaller could ONLY lose if they decided to lose by giving up that area (which they did not), and that in order for FCC to win they had to find a way to overcome a glitch that they should have had no obligation to deal with in the first place.

Didn't give it up? Please, do tell how Hospitaller was going to 'give it up'? We didn't have any more access to it then you guys did.

I understand that they decided to dedicate forces to it. But if they felt it was so unfair from the start, why didn't they just retreat and petition it? Instead, they chose to stay and fight it out. They lost. Now they call for a redo? (though nobody has directly asked for it in here yet, it has been stated elsewhere).  Should have ended it earlier and not wasted everyone's time.

Had you guys ignored the invisi-wall'd flag entirely and managed to take all of the other flags, I can almost guarantee you that the admins would have granted you the city.

I must say, when I saw that you guys had a catapult in the courtyard, I was extremely confused lol. Didn't know there was the glitched area at that time.

Diplomacy / Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
« on: December 24, 2012, 06:32:42 am »
plenty of issues with it.

The hidden spawn point. Defenders knowingly using it as a staging area to attack.

We built the forward spawn in the inviswall area and used it to breach and get your flag down. You guys did not build that. Unfortunately it took 35 mins to figure out how to get in.

Lmao a staging area? Are you kidding me? I was lucky enough to not get auto-spawned there. Saying that we were using it as a staging area is just ridiculous. We wouldn't be able to get back there by choice EVEN IF WE WANTED TO. So it'd be pretty damn hard to use it as a staging area >.>

That spawn in no way helped us, as the people who spawned there were stuck until they figured a way to get out. Nobody wanted to be there. On top of that, at our worse we had at least half the city's spawns remaining. So its not like we ever ran out of spawns and had to use it to keep in the fight.

Edit: Haha and Kesh downvoted me. Cute.

Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: December 19, 2012, 07:44:54 am »
Are there any strategus-active groups that are European based but not a Knightly Order? Like "House of X", or a kingdom, or something along those lines? I enjoy the European theme, but looking (briefly) through faction hall I don't see anything similar to what I described. Which is odd, since it would seemingly go so well with Strat.

I'm not saying that it needs to be a roleplaying clan, just one that has roleplay elements (structure, ranks, etc.).

I haven't played cRPG in a very long time, so I don't know the active clans. Anyone know one that fits the above?

Edit: Ah and something worthy of note is that I'm in NA.

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