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Messages - Serruntis

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Ahh my brothers long have i slept, just to awaken and realize i am a card now... though i think i would like spades better then hearts

Guy stands like 10 meters away, perfectly still (e.g. raising a ladder in siege), I shoot him, see the arrow move straight through his heart or even his head - nothing.
Have you tried shooting a guy holding a ladder? Its sort of a bug i think, like 90% of the time you hit nothing. I have tried it before the patch with a friend standing still holding only a ladder.

General Discussion / Re: Remove crosshairs from ranged weapons
« on: February 23, 2011, 10:27:21 am »
Is this a melee only game? If so just take out the archer class from the mod, will fix all of your silly complains

Closed Requests / Re: Again
« on: February 19, 2011, 06:59:06 pm »
I don't know guys seems there are more and more players complaining about admins abusing their power... maybe what we need is an automated system, you tk someone you get kicked for a round? You start using vulgarities you also get kicked for a round, anyways something like that don't even know if it's possible, but human admins are going to be biased cause they are human, don't get me wrong i'm not saying our admins are bad just that with a bot no one is gonna argue :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: 50%
« on: February 19, 2011, 06:33:41 pm »
Hey that is a great idea, i am an archer, though i try to be careful when shooting into melee and usually do not do it if i think i do not have a shot, but i do sometimes take the shot and accidently hit a teammate, if i knew my life would go down by hitting a teammate i would be 10 times more careful and so would all other players :)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Rethinking Archery [Please Offer Criticism]
« on: February 13, 2011, 06:18:59 pm »
This is the only game i have played where a profession is said to be to powerful and needs a nerf, namely the archer. After the patch the archer is more like a support troop and not an individual profession where a player can make an archer char powerful after a few months of playing, yes nerf the archer but give us something in return, i think your idea is a very good one Mouse. There has to be a balance not just nerf a profession cause people complain bout it, so making archers weaker i can accept, but give us better bows and/or arrows, so the archer profession is more interesting. A bigger variety of bows and arrows would also make it much more interesting to play an archer.

Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] LLJK_NaughtPrimary
« on: February 13, 2011, 08:27:31 am »
Quote from: Gash on Today at 02:16:05

Do you honestly think the admins survey the behavior of every single player all the time?

I fear I may dissapoint you but... the truth of the matter is; we are playing the game too.

For the Record: Thinnocent was banned as well. Save your outrage for someone else 

Well that was simple, Thinnocent was banned - Devilize could have said that instead of saying it does not concern anyone else, that was what stirred up my emotions and made me so outraged :wink: Really think the other guy's ban should be lifted.. even though he is an LLJK, seems quite unfair, anyway that's your job so thanks for clearing things up Gash.

Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] LLJK_NaughtPrimary
« on: February 12, 2011, 11:52:51 pm »
"On the subject of Thinnocent, its not of your personal concern to what punishment I give Thinnocent as it is none of anyones concern"

None of anyones concern? By that i take it you mean it does not concern all players of crpg.. of course it is the concern of other players, and as admin yours is the right to pass punishment if players break the rules, not to tell us what is or is not our concern. And if you were aware of Thinnocent's tk's why did you not ban him why wait till he tked 4 people? Then ban the guy who tried to put a stop to it when you as an admin should have stopped it earlier. Dude it is the concern of ALL players cause we are the ones that keep the game alive  8-)

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