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Messages - Paches

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Ban - SpookCabin
« on: August 10, 2012, 12:40:31 pm »
He does nothing but rage at people, constantly cursing at everyone, elitism, calling people names and saying they're imbreeds and retards, pissing everyone off.

Where's the Admin for the server in the first place to be managing this?

Realism Discussion / Re: Realistic fighting Plox?
« on: August 10, 2012, 08:54:19 am »
Just out of curiosity, do you believe native archery is a more realistic take than crpg's?

Little bit more then cRPG, but the damage to armored units is still higher then realistic

Realism Discussion / Re: Realistic fighting Plox?
« on: August 10, 2012, 08:42:48 am »
It's supposed to be a balanced game.

Did i not give a way to balance and add realism?

Also i know spam is easy to counter at times but still annoying and makes things seem to hack and slash and not so strategy and proess.

I think a typical claymore weights like 5-8lb, but that's not that large, i used to have a friend who's dad was an actual blacksmith, and mose two handed weapons are around ten+ pounds, unless lightened of course, but the point is, let's see you swing a claymore like that.

But more importantly i'm sure someone can, but not forever, hence stamina :P

i'm not talking about some "three swings later you're out exausted" unless you have like 0 agi, more like every three agi adds another swing of stamina, same for every athletic point? Seems balanced enough, i mean it should regen at all times, and full regen from empty in like a good flat 5ish seconds, maybe a little less like around 4 for more fast paced combat, still makes spamming out of the question though, and the increased draw speed on bows, the bow should take a good two or so swings worth of stamina to do, that would keep the rain of arrows to a minimum.

Realism Discussion / Re: Realistic fighting Plox?
« on: August 10, 2012, 08:27:50 am »
Haha, well i just get annoyed because of how limited Bows are on being offensive, specially the time this game is supposed to take place, there were plenty of high ranking/renowned men that were strictly bow based, stories being told of how they could even fight in close combat with a bow,  so the fact that it takes about 3 seconds of death time to draw back the bow is rediculios

And the point of stamina if to limit you, so you don't just swing spam, actually need a bit of brain power, you know that thing that keeps your body working? Mindless hack and slash is fun in all but my first impression was this game was supposed to be more realistic, not just some fantasy demigod fights of mind numbing easy mode.

Anyways, i still think it would improve it incredibly, even with a few people maybe rage quiting, but i'm sure a lot more rejoining us in turn

Suggestions Corner / Re: New skill. Grappling.
« on: August 10, 2012, 08:19:40 am »
lol throw in some grappling gauntlets that can be used as a melee "weapon" for melee blocking :P *epic claymore swing blocked with my wrist gauntlet*

Realism Discussion / Realistic fighting Plox?
« on: August 10, 2012, 08:16:02 am »
    i know people complain of getting there arse's owned by range, but isn't this suposed to be a realistic game? Not a whine because you can't use a shield game?

    I personally think the time it takes to draw the arrows on all bows is rediculiosly low, compared to real life where a bow could be loaded and drawed to full power in a second, armor piercing arrows should be insta killing you when piercing your scull, get over it, if 2H weapons can swing like it weighs 5LB in full plate armor i think bows should at the very least draw a realistic speed.

    Any comments other then the crying about you not surviving an arrow sticking out your head, or a couple sticking in your chest?

    Leg shots should do less damage though, doesn't make sense someone dies with two or three arrows to the leg, maybe a speed reduction?

    I dunno how well the moders are for cRPG but an easy all weapon balance but keeping things real (which would make it more realistic, who can swing a 2H for long periods of time and not get winded) Is to simply add in a stamina feature, bow draws require stamina, weapon swings, blocking, maybe if you feel energetic add a sprinting function that consumes stamina (or not, prolly balance out archery some more for the criers if you did though, so people can sprint up to an archer, less "getting pew pewed" time)

    Any thoughts on this? I'm sure it would improve the game drastically, and remove a lot of the complaints, stamina should prolly go up with agi and athletics, and if you add sprint function it should run faster/consume less stamina with athletics.

cRPG Technical problems / Weapon switch
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:12:15 pm »
For some reason i can't switch out of my bow, i've tried multiple keys, mouse wheel, number pad, even switched key bindings and still nothing, i have a cleaver equiped and a short bow equiped, and it refuses to let me switch, i'm pretty much screwd running around at lvl 6 with nothing but a short bow, cus my cleaver wont work e.e

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