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Messages - gunshhy

Pages: [1] 2
Diplomacy / Re: Conclusions to end a war
« on: November 21, 2012, 07:05:27 am »
NOOOO! my male harem!! (i'm straight,  there was simply a mix up in the hiring process for the staff of the harem) my brothers fought valiantly,  and in the words of a great hero "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine".

My Parting Words:

you guys wanna stop attacking all of our members?  some of them are just spawning in your lands after being killed and you just attack them for no reason. they don't even buy or sell

has no one ever heard of a miscommunication.
the hosps and/or astralis aren't hive minds.
i didn't want to get involved but i was in the TS when multiple hosp officers heard of the transfer for the first time and they were pissed that they did it without properly communicating and clearing it first especially while an army was still in the town. this was before this thread even existed.

shit happens people not everything is a conspiracy, stop acting like children and try talking to each other like adults

why was this thread even necessary given the sheer number of hosp officers and being an admin having full ability to msg people, couldn't this have been done via a PM in a civilized manner instead of making this a public mess and have every random person and their mother filling this thread with propaganda... unless that was the intention... which doesn't seem mature or professional

cRPG Technical problems / Re: I don't see the vote up or down option
« on: October 12, 2012, 08:21:23 am »
Some sections of the forum have voting disabled. This thread has it enabled though, can you see + - here? It's in the top right corner of every post.

yes did u fix something because now i can see it everywhere. if u did thank you!

cRPG Technical problems / I don't see the vote up or down option
« on: October 12, 2012, 05:48:55 am »
I don't see the vote up or down option in the upper right of post
I've tried different browsers and its made no difference

please help

Haha, dude I get where you are coming from but this is the Diplomacy board for Strategus, where we post about war and stuff.  In the ban request forum I'm very fair and reasonable, I believe I even veto'd a ban request on a Chevalieres player recently because of little evidence.  Then had to ban a different one the next day because of good evidence.

Here we are supposed to brag, rage, taunt, intimidate, and mostly just explain just what the hell is going on in the Strat map so everyone can keep track of the drama.  Its part of what makes Strat fun:  the clash of personalities, of leadership styles, of alliances, of grudges, and all sorts of nonsensical bullshit that makes up the cRPG community.

Its not even like I have a personal problem with Hospitallers, but they are typically the most formidable NA clan in Strategus.  After the Northern Empire's collapse, where Hospitaller and Occitan fought to the death with minimal resources when their allies abandoned them, they became one hell of a war machine every Strat since.  I may have butchered countless Hospitallers from horseback with the Cavalieres at my side then, but we all enjoyed their fighting spirit.

And I'm honored they see my small, humble faction as their biggest threat.  Because they're right.

Hell, I've been pretty friendly with Chevalieres, I love Occitan, some Fallen people are chill bros, and Ecko was never really a bad guy.  But we can't we put aside our mutual like of each other for the sake of death and destruction?  This is war, after all. 

And this desert will be your graves.

lol  fair enough

i cannot believe how little tack the "Admins" have in this community

you guys are suppose to be setting an example and acting mature

Strategus Issues / Re: Retreating from castle loses all troops
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:19:29 pm »
why would they change that to surrender? that removes all tactical application to it. it turns every attack into an all or nothing no retreat scenario which makes no sense.

this also removes most of the diplomacy from the situation because it forces the attacker to commit instead of being able to negotiate for terms. the attacker has to attack or they lose everything.

Strategus Issues / Re: New Samarra Castle - Population
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:15:57 pm »
i guess now that the admins control it they just get to keep the glitched troops?

Diplomacy / Re: Knights Hospitaller declares war on Hero_Party
« on: October 06, 2012, 12:40:26 am »
can someone please explain to me how the hospitallers are considered aggressive when the hero party attacked a castle that belonged to one of their vassals!?
are you people blind?

there was some confusion when the Papal guard was disbanded but the heroes attacked within a few hours and didn't bother to ask anyone before they did it and then instead of calling it off after it was clear they were in the wrong they took it anyway.

and don't knock the hospitallers or any of the other clans for helping new players get established in this game thats filled with people who've been playing for years

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i had made this for something else but no longer need it. feel free to use it if u'd like

Faction Halls / Re: Hoplites [NA]
« on: August 25, 2012, 05:31:56 pm »
1er Vistula Legion

Faction Halls / Re: Hoplites [NA]
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:02:13 am »
So did your clan go back to Mount and Musket?

as i stated earlier we never stopped playing napoleonic wars. i guess most of us have just been busy this past week. it's not the end of the world lol

Faction Halls / Re: Hoplites [NA]
« on: August 13, 2012, 07:05:48 am »
Hey guys,

It's been 4-5 days and teamspeak's generally down, besides Harry I've seen absolutely no one on at all, and I can't seem to get in touch with Inglorious. I figured you guys went back to your old mod/native. Anyways it was fun, hope you guys reboot this sometime.

yeah that teamspeak is always down. we never stopped playing NW. but i guess we've just been busy this week. that dosen't mean we stopped playing lol we have real life stuff to do

i've never used any speical scripts or greasemonkey but all i see are dots on the strategus menu instead of the little people icons

i can see towns and their names thou so that seems to be appearing properly

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