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Messages - Brutal_KGB

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Closed Requests / Re: Unban request: Brutal_KGB
« on: August 04, 2012, 09:39:25 am »
Yes, I know.  Thanks HardRice, at least you were nice enough to tell me.  Still don't know who banned me or why killing a TWing cav's horse was considered bannable as a 1st ever offense, but whatever.  Won't do that again I guess, will just keep pointlessly reporting them for TWing in spawn.

Closed Requests / Unban request: Brutal_KGB
« on: August 04, 2012, 06:40:08 am »
I was just banned from NA 1 for killing a teammate's horse in spawn after he very purposefully ran me over.  I understand that I'm not supposed to retaliate, but I did, and I'm sorry for that.  The ban was sudden and without warning, and as I'm not a repeat offender and have never even been warned about TKing or TWing, much less kicked or banned for it, I would like my ban reconsidered.  I also don't know the length of the ban, as I was given no warning, so if I'm to remain banned I'd at least like that much information.


cRPG Technical problems / Re: Website gear loadout issue
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:01:47 am »
Same issue, been happening to me for the past 3 days and is still happening.  Cannot update any of my default equipment.

Closed Requests / [BAN] Crusader_Chip and Crusader_Fruit
« on: July 17, 2012, 01:56:15 am »
These two guys were on siege today from ~5PM CST until I stopped playing at ~6:45PM.  Both guys would ride out of spawn on their horses every round and run over as many teammates as possible.  Several times they even looped around to do it again.  To boot, Chip especially was making quite the fool of himself in chat.  He would make inflammatory remarks against people that reported him for TW, and would even bitch at people for "getting in his way" when he would TW or TK.  Many of his remarks were highly offensive and racist.  I'm sorry but I did not screenshot the chat log.  If admins have access to that, then I ask you to please review the logs for server 2 at the times I indicated.  Fruit said very little in chat, but behaved in every other regard the same as Chip.

Upper_KUTT was present for most of this, and I asked him to ban them but no action was ever taken.  At one point, the server voted to kick Chip, at which point Upper_KUTT was kind enough to say that "you can't ban them when you vote kick them."  When Chip came back and I informed Upper_KUTT in admin chat that he was back, again no action was taken.  Hopefully others that were there during this time will come and back this up.

Sorry for having no evidence, but the ingame chat log is very short and full of kill spam, and I didn't think to screenshot this stuff at the time it was happening.


Suggestions Corner / Re: Repair costs...
« on: July 08, 2012, 06:48:50 am »
That's very well said, thank you.  I realize that both the bec and the crossbow are expensive, and are the reasons I am using such middle of the road armor in order to offset the cost.  According to everything I've read 50k was the break point over long periods, so I decided to stay under 40k to shorten the periods of loss.  The problem is that I lose gold every single time I equip all of my gear, and I'm well under 50k.  Maybe its bad luck, maybe those posts about 50k are wrong, but either way, I don't feel like its too much to ask to use this amount of gear without going broke.  I do spend a lot of time without the crossbow equipped, and normally do gain gold during those times, but that amount is more than offset by what I lose when I try to use both.

I see people playing all the time with a lot more, and sometimes a horse to boot.  I realize these people are probably bleeding gold and have lots to spare from playing for so long and selling looms, but come on..

There are enough things to discourage new players in this game already without having this on the list.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Repair costs...
« on: July 08, 2012, 06:14:56 am »
Archers don't wear armor because they stay at range, and less armor means more speed.  Thank you, but I guess I should have specified that I was referring to melee characters.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Repair costs...
« on: July 08, 2012, 05:07:24 am »
I'd like to keep this from a newbie help thread to what its supposed to be.  I'm suggesting that upkeep is over the top expensive right now and I haven't seen any responses that refute this.  What I'm wearing is middle of the road stuff.  Transitional armor, crappy gloves, meh boots.  My helm and weapons are the only gear that's decent.  This setup should NOT cost this much to upkeep.

Repeat:  I have to wear nothing if I want to be able to use just my bec and still make any gold.

If you don't think this is a problem, well that's fine, please say so.  I however do think its a problem and I'm suggesting that it be addressed.  :)

Also, if you wear <20k worth of gear (at level 30) as your main gear set, please tell me what you're using.  I'd wager most people in the upper 20's and 30's wear about the same amount of gear as me, if not more.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Repair costs...
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:30:41 am »
Setup some stones for 10k an ill give u some gold to get u started.

With gear over 40k in total u want atleast a 20 maybe 30k buffer in between good rounds and bad rounds.

If u start out with less then 10k in gold  buffer wearing gear worth around 40k you will get caught unaware by bad luck streaks ect ect..

Imho i think upkeep have done what it was supposed to do an could at this stage might aswell be removed since so much changed since the need for upkeep in the first place.

I appreciate the offer, but I'd really rather be able to support myself.  The thing is I usually play in my normal gear from about 15k down to around 5k, at which point I go cheap mode and die a lot.  But my normal gear isn't that expensive!  My bad luck streaks must be legendary or something.

What was upkeep supposed to do?  I only recently started playing so I wasn't here for that.

I just checked and found out my total equipment value is 18805. Huh.

Not that good with "how to earn much gold" tactics, apart from winning/reducing total gear cost, but post your full equipment list (and build too) and I'll help you downgrade your equipment without losing too much efficiency. Some "top tier" weapons are hilariously costly for their bonus (Knightly Arming Sword compared to Long Arming Sword for example). Having 50k worth of gear and breaking even is really, really long term and mainly for people in clans/individuals who win a lot. What gamemode you play also affects your income a lot.

Also, a buffer of 40k or more is really needed. Sometimes you repair all items all day :( Those times sucks.

PS: Post a marketplace link and I'll also buy stones for 10k.

To the last bit first, I play battle a lot, but if I start taking big gold hits I usually switch to siege because I tend to earn more there since there are more ticks per round.  Sometimes though, even siege breaks me.

My build is 21/17, going for 18 agi (though that will be at level 31 so, whats the point of that? lol).  5wm, 5ath, 7ps, 7if.  I use a bec, crossbow, and steel bolts for my normal setup.  Barbuta / Heraldic Mail with Surcoat / Mail Mittens / Iron Greaves.

I mean, I know I could downgrade and save money, but I already wear 38 body armor....  its the weapons that have the highest repair costs, but I've tried lesser polearms, and they suck.  The crossbow is the first thing I unequip during lean times..


40k in gear is kinda high unless you're on a horse. If I'm wearing my full armor set up I have 40k in gear. That also includes 3 weapons and a shield. So I have a feeling you're wearing too much stuff. Even with that gear though, I still make money. I also have another setup that I use a lot that only costs 14k. I make a shit-ton of money with that.

It's terribly easy to make money even if it's your first gen. There's really no reason why you'd need to go over 35k in gear. You can easily make money with that and have great gear.

There's a few things that can cause you to lose money though, even if you have reasonable gear costs:

1. Low WPF. The lower your WPF, the higher chance of upkeep.
2. You use bodkin arrows. Arrows have a higher chance of breaking than any other item. Combine that with bodkins being expensive as hell and you have yourself a problem.
3. You ride a horse. Shouldn't do that first gen anyway.
4. You play a lot of siege. The longer the round, the higher chance of upkeep.
5. You play battle on a high population server. Again, the longer the round, the higher the chance of upkeep.

Best way to make money is to play on a low population battle server. The rounds will be quick and you have a better chance of reaching higher multis.

I've made MANY new characters after the upkeep changes. It's still WAY easier to make money than it was before the multi system. Honestly, no one should have problems making money. But, time after time some new person comes in, doesn't read the forums, spends all their money on expensive shit and claims that the upkeep system is broken.

My gear is above, please tell me which part I am not allowed to use because I'm new.

My WPF in polearms is 140, 54 in crossbow.  Oh I forgot to mention that I use steel bolts amongst my gear, but those don't cost much to repair anyway.  I do play siege when battle starts costing too much, but I tend to make more there than I lose (?).

Also, I read the forums quite a lot before buying ANY of my gear, and made what I thought at the time were well informed decisions, so kindly take your condescension and shove it up your ass.

Suggestions Corner / Repair costs...
« on: July 08, 2012, 03:50:41 am »
So anyone who's beyond 1st or 2nd gen will probably not care about this, but those of us that still haven't reached 31 yet to get an heirloom point to sell, repair costs are keeping us from playing.

I currently wear 39,862 gold worth of gear in my normal setup.  Now, according to everything I've read, any character SHOULD be able to wear about 50k worth of gear and basically break even over a long period of time.  The reason I wear less is to make sure that I don't lose gold so often that I can't even wear my gear at all.

Unfortunately, this happens quite a lot.  If I wear this gear, I pretty much always lose gold.  Right now I'm down to less than 3k, and I can't even afford to wear this stuff so my only alternative is to run around in peasant clothes with just a weapon.  That is NO FUN.  Before anyone rebutts with "win more for mutilplicatorz1!!" please understand that an individual has almost zero effect on whether or not your team wins, unless you are Miley.

That said, I can't control my multiplier, and aside from those fortunate few times when I do have 4-5x, I find myself losing too much gold.  Please, please, please reduce the repair costs or the chance to repair so newer players don't quit in frustration and have a chance to catch up to the veteran playerbase.

As an aside, how the hell did so much gold get into the economy with these repair costs?  Do people AFK in servers for gold during off hours or are there really that many people that have fun running around naked with a weapon?

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