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Messages - LordRichrich

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EU (Official) / Re: Merc_Jufasto
« on: September 15, 2018, 02:49:50 am »
the real question here is why the fuck do you use tinypic to upload photos

like srsly richard


Habit from all my child porn, sorry :(

EU (Official) / Merc_Jufasto
« on: September 14, 2018, 09:56:49 pm »
2050 on 14th September

I think he was mad I was playing xbow and beating him, so he tk'd me on round start.


1. Name of your character involved Knight_Richard
2. Name of offending character(s) Merc_Jufasto
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible EU1, 2050
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.

I joined EU1, 3v3, shot Merc_Hated in a "duel". He got mad and called me names. Few rounds later it's me and Merc_Hated left alive vs Jufasto. They're fighting, I shoot in and hit Jufasto. He starts to chase me, Hated refuses to intervene. I'm faster so I out pace him. This goes on for around 3 minutes. Hated moves to spectator, leaving me vs Jufasto. I immediately drop my xbow and turn to fight him, killing him within 30 seconds. Another round goes by, where he had changed to lighter armour to try and catch me. Unfortunatley this enabled me to 1 shot kill him. I believe the following round the game placed us upon the same team and he tk'd me. Pictured above. EDIT2: At one point during the several minute chase, I offered to stop and fight if Hated apologised. He refused to do so.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.* MAD
6. Multiple Screenshots
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** Can't recall, maybe in screenshot

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Ban all krems!!"&"@¤
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:16:38 am »
Well thats kind of shit for you then, when cRPG dies you can sit there and think about all the shit times that you had because of us, meanwhile us krems guys will still be in contact with eachother, laughing about all kinds of shit, going out and meeting up on the odd occassion that work/rl permits.

also lol at oberyns tears.  :mrgreen:

Why is it so great that you Krems have met up and shit? I mean it's not a rare occurrence for gaming communities to meet, I've done it, albeit not with crpg players.

The general feeling of the Krems replies are "You don't enjoy the things we do, therefore you are wrong and you are butthurt". People enjoy competitive play. Shock horror right? I really don't know when Krems went from being funny trolling to 13 - 16 year old male come backs. People don't enjoy the same things, Krems, stop having this superiority complex about how you're the most super-duper bunch of guys out there. Even if it were true, which is subjective in any case, why can't you acknowledge that people enjoy different things to you?

Also the comment about M:BG was a good point. A large clan of players joins that with the sole intention to troll, it goes 1 of 2 ways. Either the game devolves into that sort of behaviour from everyone (ie not being played the way it is currently being designed to, which while not being an objectively bad thing, would suck for everyone wanting to have what M:BG is aiming to be) OR everyone gets sick of being trolled all the time and stops playing.

There's trolling and there's trolling. Getting a high off actively making players quit out of frustration/boredom is just weird to be honest. Actively pissing off remaining members of a small community is just crazy too, unless that's the end goal? From the ashes of crpg, Krems will rise, the new 4chan, the new troll army?

I don't really know what my point is, I don't have any active interest in playing the mod. But Fin is lenient on Krems players when it comes to rules. But even if that were cracked down upon, Krems would still troll. They enjoy finding the loophole that allowed them to bend the rules and not break them.

Also this is evidence that 3 years of university don't improve essay writing skills. I have no idea what I set out to write, got side tracked and have made no meaningful contribution.

Like Krems.

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Ban all krems!!"&"@¤
« on: April 28, 2015, 05:34:27 am »
Speak out against Krems, you get called a serious gamer who can't take a joke.

When really, a lot of the time when Krems are on, you just lose interest. Rounds take forever, there's either too few (teams vs krems) or too many (team with krems) people who will fight rather than run away spamming QQ commands at you.

But yeah, apparently you can only be a serious gamer or a krems troll, there is no in between.

Also you changed a lot Krems, it used to be trolling the enemy team, offering the last guy duels and then trying to mass fist him, or STF HA nights, or picking one guy on the enemy team to bump down and troll all round. Why did it devolve from that into just pissing everyone off?

Ras got rekt?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerf couched lance
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:31:45 pm »
Even I can chamber couches about 50% of the time. Alternatively, dodge.

It's a game, cool you're going to do it for money (which lets face it, doesn't matter) but don't stick so harshly to the times set. Duel at some point, one of you will win *cough* Vara, and then the lose can pay up. Hell, if my gf wanted fun times, if my friend rang me to go hang out or any multitude of things happened, I'd drop a duel, in a video game, against people I don't know and reschedule it.

But I mean hey, you people are the sort to stop being friends with someone who you were going to go bowling with cos shit came up, that's cool.

Have the duel, someone pay up, end of.

Why this needed 20 pages of analysis fuck knows.

Also lol at certain sacks of shit being MASSIVE hypocrites.

A.k.a Varadin trying to stand against Ras's mighty force.
AKA it doesn't do much except make you laugh?

Varadin peak vs Ras peak, Varadin EZ.

But I haven't seen Vara play in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time

Still, Vara will win.

I mean for gods sake I've killed Ras on EU1, he's not someone I think "OH shit" about fighting

Like Bobby, or Rogue, or GTX, or Hador, or Tommy, or Polepoop, or Guy, or Saxon. Or Varadin. Or Pawiu.

General Discussion / Re: State of the game.
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:37:02 pm »
Sometimes on EU one you can hear Darude Sandstorm with Pew's instead of Du's

General Discussion / Re: State of the game.
« on: March 24, 2015, 02:25:13 pm »
Oh another thing. Sure ranged is part of the game, but it's the part that makes people rage quit and get pissed off the most.

General Discussion / Re: State of the game.
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:54:17 pm »
Do any of the mechanics he used in the golden days still exist?

I must be blind, i thought Leshma was saying that agility builds are ''the pinnacle of skill'' (sarcastically or otherwise), and that Gurnisson was saying that balanced builds were and are the best. Those 2 statements appear to be completely unrelated as one is talking about 'skill' and the other about pure performance.

Lesham meant they're OP as fuck, Gurni think that balanced builds are better.

General Discussion / Re: State of the game.
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:56:47 pm »
Implying that archery is easy mode. Same can be said for shielders. Of course 2H/polearms is the pinnacle of skill, especially AGI builds...

Every class has its merits and involves skill, but some people are too thick to realize that. For example, shielder seems like an easy mode but in melee duel shield is nothing but a burden because blocking and attacking is significantly slower than with one handed weapon without a shield. If not for the fact that enemies bashing on my shield grants me points (important for valor reward) and if ranged wasn't as deadly I would play so called swashbuckler.

Archery is relatively easy though. 30/15 10 PD, 6PS, 64wpf 1h with a 0 slot mace, longbow + bodkings (typo but it works cos bodkins are king). Pew pew mofos from a mile away, hit like a truck, when they get close pull out your mace and open a can of whoop ass on them. Hell, I rarely go through all my arrows with low server pop, I should carry a proper 1 slot mace.

Low server pop makes ranged more deadly. Also the fact that as server population has gone down, the % playing ranged seems to have increased. As though only ranged are staying and the melee are quitting (or rerolling ranged).

General Discussion / Re: State of the game.
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:45:41 pm »
Ranged is slowly killing people off. Sure it's "part of the game" but when you close with an archer, they turn and run, get ahead, pew, run, pew. Or even worse they're on a horse. Or they're a thrower. It's just infuriating to get plinked at constantly.

You find someone, they'll run away until there's at least one more person in their group than your group.

Also agi is crazy op what the hell.

General / Re: Melee battlegrounds funding
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:08:29 am »
Can you please tell why don't you want to open concept page in Steam?

If you mean early access, IMO it's a bad idea. A full release that works would serve them a lot better rather than an early playable build, likely with bugs and limited content. Just my two cents.

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