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Messages - Waylit

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Announcements / Re:
« on: February 17, 2016, 10:01:35 am »
Holy christ you people hate crossbows.


*throws lances*

Announcements / Re:
« on: August 10, 2014, 10:11:05 pm »
I don't play Archer at all, its the one class I have never actually played, heh.   I advocate for free re-specs for every time a class gets a major change.

I don't care how much a class overpowers you personally, alone, running in the middle of a field with no shield. That shit is for duel servers.   The reality of this game is Teamplay Battles.  Live with it, and enjoy it more. 

I understand that basically archers had a bug giving them a whacked out incentive, and making them much more powerful as intended.  As a result most of them have wasted a lot of time thinking that was the way the mod wanted them to go.  I really don't expect you to gimp yourself because you feel your own class is "broken."  I expect melee to go flavor of the month because it is what the mod is telling them is better. 

San:  when you put the effects into a table like that, the bug just JUMPS out at you.  Is there a way to write a script that would allow you to identify the equations and a get Table of Values for each one?  That sounds easier to scan than where the brackets lie in 17000 lines. It may take time, but in my business a good amount of prep = a much smoother working result. 

Announcements / Re:
« on: August 10, 2014, 06:13:03 am »
I feel like a broken record.

Can somebody make a real, logical, argument for having no free re-specs after a major change in class mechanics?  All I have ever seen on this forum is, "because I hate them, feel the pain bitches."   

This patch it is about Archers, and though I understand you are fixing a few major WPF bugs and re-adjusting weapons to match old performance, I still do not see why you don't give re-specs. 

The currency here is Time, and it is a comparative economy.  There is no scarcity, so all value is derived from the use of your Time (looms, ultra-levels), compared against your opponents.  And note that Value is only somewhat based on Time anyway: Numbers of Looms on a lvl 34 2her means nothing against a merely competent level 28 HX.

Under normal circumstances, if you decide you want to change your class, you must spend your Time and suffer some loss of value against a dedicated player who did not.  But when a patch makes mechanic changes, bug fixes or not, some players will experience a loss of Value/Time while un-changed players don't.  And if the classes that got changed are given a re-spec, that doesn't lower the Value of the un-changed classes.  It doesn't take your Time away, and it doesn't make his more valuable.  It is re-adjusting his for the change in gameplay.

I'm not quite sure what "item reimbursement" means (the monetary amount for a Bow? lol), and partial re-specs are not enough for everybody who plays the class.  There are, and should be SO MANY different ways to play CRPG.  If you want to be some bizzarro Archer/Thrower, go be thy bliss.

I guess what I am saying is: why does it matter to you if archers get a re-spec?  Why does it matter to the Game Devs?  The Time people invest in classes is just not worth anything to anybody beyond the Loom Market.  Unless you're an asshole who doesn't want every player to be as competitive.  At that point: go beat up on bots. 

Announcements / Re:
« on: June 29, 2014, 10:27:58 pm »
I do a lot of things I find fun that turn out objectively terrible results.  Doesn't mean I go show it to others like a proud 1st grader who finally colored within the lines.

EDIT: Isn't "having fun regardless of how it impacts the experience of those around you" the very definition of trolling? 

General Discussion / Re: Restored Sounds
« on: June 29, 2014, 10:20:57 pm »
Thank you.  Best work done for this mod all week. 

Announcements / Re:
« on: June 29, 2014, 10:07:37 pm »
Haha i can understand the rage - the voices even piss me off sometimes - but:

1) female ones are placeholders for actual female ones coming up in 1-2 months.

This is exactly what makes think the CRPG devs are trolling us.  If your guess is correct, then why even change them to a shitty version?

Is there some magical game dev voodoo I am unaware of where you save yourself time by recording new vocals as placeholders and putting them into the game?  Wait that sounds like way more time/effort than leaving the old ones and inserting the "real" sounds 1-2 months from now.  Even if these shite vocals were delivered for free in a diamond-encrusted USB drive on a golden plate, you don't have to use all of them. 

Give me a good reason why they had to be changed now to placeholders?  I doubt there is one apart from giggling at this forum right now. 

And the first thing I did when I logged in was remind the server about QMV.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Crossbows should have a two-stage reload
« on: June 26, 2014, 11:20:18 pm »
Pulling the bowstring of an Arbalest or a Heavy Crossbow takes two million hours and putting the bolt in takes five milliseconds. What would be the advantage of separating these 5 ms from the rest of the animation?

Anybody who has played Crossbow at length has been in that situation where you get shot by an archer or bumped during that "5ms" (more like 1s) and then start the process allllll over again.

The main reason I would like it, though, would be to put some viability back into HX.  Because on HX the animation is slowed to half and so placing the bolt takes way too long and HA can interrupt you easily.  If you take away the full interrupt from the second stage of the animation, then the HX still takes as long to load, and the HA still have chances to slow him down, but it no longer makes you restart a reload that now takes as long as an Arb. 

Game Balance Discussion / Balance Rain effects by making Snow Worse
« on: June 26, 2014, 11:17:25 pm »
Okay so obviously we will never get the arbitrary Ranged-fuck that is Rain removed from the game.  But the fact that it really only affects ranged (everybody else has the same run speed reduction) is annoying as hell. 

So I say we do the same for all snow maps.  -4 Athletics, -2 riding Global on Snow Maps.   There are much less of those than there is the chance for rain, but everybody should get to have their class nerfed to a degree that matters (not the tiny run reduction with rain) at a random chance and for ~20 min at a time. 

Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« on: June 09, 2014, 07:44:19 pm »
I played HX because it was fun, not because it was OP.  But yeah, often it was completely OP.  As long as horse ranged is in the game, they will be a trump card in some situations.   It's part of the game...and I think the Flag Spawn changes have fixed it to a great degree as far as affecting the round goes.  That HA only gets a minute to ride around like a tard now, not 5 min. 

How about an inverse relationship between HA and effective ride speed as your speed penalty?  It's something to be tested thoroughly, but my rough idea would be that a full 5 HA (11/30 HX specialist) should take your horse down "one tier" in speed.  So an Arabian (40 speed) becomes like a Steppe Horse (37) and a Steppe Horse becomes slightly slower than a Sumpter (35).  The less HA you have, the less deadly you are while running away at full speed, so you get more speed as part of the balance. 

One problem with that is that it would be class crippling.  So instead of a blanket speed nerf, the effective riding velocity could go down during the bow draw, so that HA have two choices: Run if they can, or Shoot at chaser horse (which allows chaser to quickly get to them, so better make that headshot).    Further application of this idea would have the horses maneuver stat affected by HA when the bow is being drawn (or XBow shouldered).

I like choices, I don't like taking things away from players.  The HX reload nerf is a good example, it took away the class viability as anti-HA, our only real competition, so it shriveled and died.

My idea to fix you, San, is to add a stamina bar.  That way you have the choice between swinging your sword a lot/raising your shield or running at Terminator speeds.  You don't get your AGI taken away, you instead have to think more about how to use your AGI.  I'm sure highly skilled players like yourself would adapt and own.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Crossbows should have a two-stage reload
« on: June 09, 2014, 07:14:47 pm »
So you are saying that the Light Xbow, since it can be held against your chest and pulled while riding, should be able to reload without bending over when not on a horse?  Possibly while walking...that might be too far out of balance.  A little 15p hand xbow that you can walk while reloading would be badass. 

For those of you watching Game of Thrones, last night Ser Piggy just pulled off exactly the maneuver I was talking about.  Cocked back bow, ran around with a bolt in his hand, slapped bolt in, fired.   

Suggestions Corner / Crossbows should have a two-stage reload
« on: June 09, 2014, 07:46:37 am »
Okay so at this point I've accepted that Crossbows will never get the love that Archery does.  Look at all those bows!  So will there be a lever Crossbow?  A crank Crossbow?  Hand Crossbows? Chinese Styled Crossbow? Most of that is just visual flavor or highly uncommon, so I accept none of it is going to happen. (Could be balanced by having the fancy shit REEAALLY expensive...)

It would be nice, however, for these old hand-pull crossbows to get a reload mechanic like the muskets in NW.

When you pull the bow back and lock it, then get knocked over/shot/hit/bumped/nudged, you should not have to start the reload from the beginning.  Just stand up, put in bolt, done.  If you switch to your sword mid-reload, same thing.  That makes sense given the game mechanics at hand.  If being knocked over doesn't trigger an xbow with a bolt loaded, why would it trigger one without the bolt loaded?

As far as realism goes...I would imagine medieval crossbows have a high chance of going off if the user drops it or is knocked over by a horse.  And AFAIK they did not have safeties, so having a loaded crossbow on your back would not be a wise idea.  So given that CRPG does not follow realism, I move that it follows logical consistency. 

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fix time on the ground and also blocking
« on: June 09, 2014, 07:23:05 am »
Does anybody else sometimes see knocked down people perform actions (such as blocking) while half-standing up in a glitchy fashion?  It seems sometimes people get up ultra-fast from being knocked down.

2 and I call it "the secret."  We don't know the secret.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« on: June 09, 2014, 07:07:29 am »
My suggestion: now that Light Xbow is 11str, roll-back the 50% reload on horeback nerf. 

EDIT: lol already posted
(click to show/hide)

Undo the HX reload nerf and I'll take care of your HA problem.

It would also help to have the reload of all crossbows have two stages, so that if you are interrupted after cocking the bow, then you only have to slap in the bolt after un-stuttering, rather than start the whole process over again. NW has the code for muskets. (Or you can make the game logically consistent and have all loaded crossbows fire in a random direction when the user is hit, because apparently that causes the trigger to trip.)

Here's the problem with the HX nerf in general:  It used to be possible for me to solo a decent HA, and even sometimes a GOOD HA, doing the whole Champ Arabian thing.  Now it is frustratingly un-fun, because even a mediocre HA can get 1 hit out of the 4-5 shots they get in the span of the current HX reload.  HA always had the shoot-faster advantage, it just wasn't crippling.   

So I stopped playing the class. Nerf successful.

I know most meele just hate all ranged/cav/ranged cav, but remember the Chinaserfs: the HX who would get off their shit and die when the last 2 left. 

General Discussion / Re: Free Loompoints Lottery [ends 11th June]
« on: June 09, 2014, 07:03:15 am »

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 28, 2014, 11:09:07 pm »
Nice to wake up to a patch I mostly like.

My one concern is that 8 Diff for the heaviest horses seems a bit much.  Note, I do not play that class.  But when being a plated horse knight means going 16-18/24 now...and you have to soak 8 skill points into riding... It weights this game even further towards 31+ levels.

And that sucks for new players, especially new players who like to have alts and play different classes.  Every game change that gives  31+ levels (Ultra Levels) more advantages/incentives/impossible classes shafts the newbie, who is left with the choice of spending their play time getting Masterworks, or avoiding those and going straight to Ultra Level so they can compete skills wise (or at least run away from 15/30s) with the Old Guard (who are covered in multi-alt masterwork sets and are working on lvl 35 at the moment). 

Barely affects me, but I have one very good friend of mine who refuses to play this game because why should a free mod have a class progression model that gives heavy rewards to those who have played the game a long time?  It's not like y'all profit off playtime like MMORPGs or anything. 

I personally wouldn't mind a new player skipping the fun, leeching for some cash, and then getting to play the Plated Knight of Their Dreams.  They still won't have the Str or AGI of the 34s. 

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