
The suggestion:

20 (29.4%)
No. Stop.
24 (35.3%)
give them run
6 (8.8%)
nerf ha scum
10 (14.7%)
8 (11.8%)

Total Members Voted: 68

Author Topic: Nerf Horse Archers (again)  (Read 1771 times)

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Offline Sari

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2014, 01:43:35 am »
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Undo the HX reload nerf and I'll take care of your HA problem.

give them run :3

Offline Simon_Templar

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2014, 07:26:47 pm »
actually a arrow fired against people with mail. The mail dont protect you at all. So match about realism. The only thing what would protect you is a Plate armour against arrows. there you can see that even on horseback you could shoot a longbow. so match about your bullshit.

but i was the one who suggested buffing plate armour because it had his sence. You have this ranged weapons inside the mod. So you need the defensives what where usefull. and when you dont get a plate armour you have to deal with archers like that. what ends up with the discussion of a better damaging system . Arbalest 40 meters killing zone against plate "." same counts for longbow. and all the other bows where pretty match useless. because they dont go through shields. So match to this game is fun. it was bullshit from its beginning i would like to see a better damaging system. Who would make sure that the balancing is fine. And not always that melees contesting the our point of standing. And Ranged as well because it all depends on distance. because the projectile loses all lot of energy while traveling to the enemy. So give them melee abilities as well. Neither one of the 6 points for the vote. What is on top of that thread.

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2014, 12:49:47 pm »
HA is op because no other class has that kind of domination on the field against other classes who simply cannot counter (HA vs. anything melee w/o shield and even shielders can't chase them down.)  This class permits un-counter-able trolling via the targeting of individuals and with this most recent patch not only has their accuracy improved (meaning more hits and head shots) but so to has the strength and ability of their horses, and likely their riding skill. 

What is the point of entertaining this type of play style?  Everyone should be counter-able to everyone else.

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2014, 06:21:41 pm »
Everyone should be counter-able to everyone else.

Umm, No.

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2014, 12:47:50 am »
@Simon - I'm not saying nerf damage (it already takes them like 6 arrows to do any real damage anyway), I'm just saying that they should sacrifice the amount of arrows they can use for mobility. I don't like when HA's shoot the whole round without anyone catching them. Now, if they were caught more easily, the basis of this thread would be obsolete. It's just I think my suggestion wouldn't be that taxing on implementation. On the plus side, if they freed up a slot and HA's started carrying a 2 slot, they could maybe double as light cav.
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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2014, 03:44:34 am »
horse achers should be removed it would make the game bettter tbh u really cant nerf their ability to be extremely op against inf no matter what you do....):

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2014, 06:02:46 am »
Not really though, because I have 9 riding and 15str and it still takes 2-3 hits for me to kill an HA (while I'm chasing) while it only takes them 2-3 hits with their bow to dismount me, meaning I can only win if they screw up or they are bad (which after a while they learn not to be).  So what this means for me (and everyone else) is when there is even just one HA on who has it out for me (or you) I've got to spend the whole round avoiding/running away from him, because all he has to do is put 2-3 shots into my horse, dismount me and then finish me off, while I have no way to respond.

@San, look buddy your op, so don't assume just cuz you can kill some op class we can to.
It's not about being op, anyone with a 9-10 riding build can do such a thing. But why? Your class is pretty much gimped to bumping and chasing HAs most of the time at that point, and most wouldn't want to sacrifice that on one of their main characters and instead use it as a troll STF or something.

Chasing other horses suck in this game because of the negative speed bonus, but the damage does accumulate. You have to use a medium horse because the light ones will go down in 4 hits when you're chasing a really high level one (well, before. Haven't tried the lighter ones against HA recently).

It's annoying and I understand what you mean, Thryn. Instead of being annoyed for 2 slots of arrows instead of 3, they should just be easier to catch for agi cav melee builds (that aren't crazy 9+riding, but 8 riding). Archers on the ground need to find ways to deal with slower movement, while horse ranged are typically faster than most of their cav counterparts. While less slots would help, they'll still be annoying is what I was trying to say.

I can't really think of anything other than making HA strength-based, even though it doesn't make much sense outside of gameplay. Right now, 3/4 skills: riding, HA, and WM, are all agi-based. PD doesn't need to be that high if you aren't going to use a yumi bow. Not that great of a change, either, but it makes it more difficult to have an extreme build above 8 riding. An alternative would be to just apply a straight up speed penalty. Both have their problems.

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2014, 07:07:29 am »
My suggestion: now that Light Xbow is 11str, roll-back the 50% reload on horeback nerf. 

EDIT: lol already posted
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Undo the HX reload nerf and I'll take care of your HA problem.

It would also help to have the reload of all crossbows have two stages, so that if you are interrupted after cocking the bow, then you only have to slap in the bolt after un-stuttering, rather than start the whole process over again. NW has the code for muskets. (Or you can make the game logically consistent and have all loaded crossbows fire in a random direction when the user is hit, because apparently that causes the trigger to trip.)

Here's the problem with the HX nerf in general:  It used to be possible for me to solo a decent HA, and even sometimes a GOOD HA, doing the whole Champ Arabian thing.  Now it is frustratingly un-fun, because even a mediocre HA can get 1 hit out of the 4-5 shots they get in the span of the current HX reload.  HA always had the shoot-faster advantage, it just wasn't crippling.   

So I stopped playing the class. Nerf successful.

I know most meele just hate all ranged/cav/ranged cav, but remember the Chinaserfs: the HX who would get off their shit and die when the last 2 left. 
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 07:19:12 am by Waylit »

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2014, 07:22:58 am »
Yeah, HX reload isn't very fun. The base problem of horse ranged still needs to be addressed before they can be made into something better than troll classes (more fun to play/fight against, well, for melee cav at least). Sounds impossible, but at least it's a goal to eventually work towards.

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2014, 07:44:19 pm »
I played HX because it was fun, not because it was OP.  But yeah, often it was completely OP.  As long as horse ranged is in the game, they will be a trump card in some situations.   It's part of the game...and I think the Flag Spawn changes have fixed it to a great degree as far as affecting the round goes.  That HA only gets a minute to ride around like a tard now, not 5 min. 

How about an inverse relationship between HA and effective ride speed as your speed penalty?  It's something to be tested thoroughly, but my rough idea would be that a full 5 HA (11/30 HX specialist) should take your horse down "one tier" in speed.  So an Arabian (40 speed) becomes like a Steppe Horse (37) and a Steppe Horse becomes slightly slower than a Sumpter (35).  The less HA you have, the less deadly you are while running away at full speed, so you get more speed as part of the balance. 

One problem with that is that it would be class crippling.  So instead of a blanket speed nerf, the effective riding velocity could go down during the bow draw, so that HA have two choices: Run if they can, or Shoot at chaser horse (which allows chaser to quickly get to them, so better make that headshot).    Further application of this idea would have the horses maneuver stat affected by HA when the bow is being drawn (or XBow shouldered).

I like choices, I don't like taking things away from players.  The HX reload nerf is a good example, it took away the class viability as anti-HA, our only real competition, so it shriveled and died.

My idea to fix you, San, is to add a stamina bar.  That way you have the choice between swinging your sword a lot/raising your shield or running at Terminator speeds.  You don't get your AGI taken away, you instead have to think more about how to use your AGI.  I'm sure highly skilled players like yourself would adapt and own.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 07:47:28 pm by Waylit »

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2014, 09:06:04 pm »
Yeah, that kind of thing wouldn't be much of a bother.

If flags didn't break so often, things would be a lot better.

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2014, 11:22:54 pm »
Do you know how hard it is to hit someone with a ranged weapon, and do damage? It's incredibly difficult to get any kills with a bow especially on horseback, that's why you hardly see any horse archers at the top of the scoreboard. If they do, it's because their pretty damn good, in the same way that two handers and polearmers top the scoreboard. This is a team game anyway, one person should not be able to beat everyone else without some sort of counter.

But with that being said, when all of the archers are on the same team is when it gets retarded. It's been suggested many times, this mod needs a class balancer.
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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2014, 01:09:46 pm »
horse archer is retarded and broken beyond every other class..... just remove it form the game already no one wants it in anyways.... if there was a poll 90/10 favor removing it from the game.... lol chosen how can u say its easy you litteraly cant get caught and get to pew pew 3 fucking staccks of arrowss its really not that hard.....

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Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2014, 01:12:20 pm »
I think it is actually fine how it is. There are some people who do nice damage with yummi bow. And also HA with low bows. like nomad bow or horn bow to do some damage. There was a time when they didn't even make a bit damage. I think it is fine how it is. I would give them the chance to use longbow on horse as well. And would remove it maybe that you can carry to match ammo. This would maybe stop the trolling. Like you suggested at the end of the round. And also give them a buff of using an other bow.

So that everybody is HAPPY.

Another point is you can also kick poll him when he rides around Trolling. And there are also the flags who appear after some time. Maybe think your point through again.