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Messages - Sandersson Jankins

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 176
Strategus General Discussion / Re: Any other NA Wars?
« on: June 18, 2019, 12:52:45 pm »
lol kesh got owned by lolbertarians 5 years ago

Historical Discussion / Re: Can we have new subject on this board?
« on: May 24, 2019, 02:43:08 am »
it is absurd to believe that, without outside intervention, agriculture flourished from a point of literally inedible grasses and seeds to domesticated crops in such a short period of time as is claimed by mainstream historians/scientists

General Off Topic / Re: Hey Austrians...
« on: May 23, 2019, 11:59:02 pm »
you guys did a smart thing and legalized bribe. its always good to legalize some activity criminal organizations are depending upon, makes things clear and easier for rest of the people because they know what to expect and how to act.

i would call it devious but that was a good point that reminded me of Terry Pratchett's Ringworld series where there were legalized thieve's guilds because there's always gonna be criminals but its better to keep track of them

General Off Topic / Re: Hey Austrians...
« on: May 23, 2019, 12:16:50 am »
i would not at all believe that a political party currently in power in any nation in the world has not accepted bribes, implicitly or explicitly, whether or not they get caught or not. it's often called different things and obfuscated and "allowed" depending on the amount of shekels in question

General Discussion / Re: A message to no one
« on: May 13, 2019, 11:06:55 pm »
i'm consistently surprised at how little i regret spending thousands of hours on this and other online multiplayer games. i cherish all of the memories that i've made with interesting nice folk from all over creation.

sometimes i am concerned about how little i regret it, but it isn't really eating at me. see you boys in mordhau and then bannerlord!

General Discussion / Re: I'm just sleeping.
« on: May 11, 2019, 09:03:19 pm »
i....i think its dead, chief. besides eu dtv, the thing has flatlined due to Mordhau and other reasons.

just play mordhau when you get back lmao

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: May 11, 2019, 12:29:53 am »
It wouldn't. It would just still be safer than their original countries - which aren't multiculturate.

hello i would just like to note that especially in the case of Afghanistan, that country IS multi-cultural. you've got about 30-35 percent of the population in "Pashtunistan" in the south of the country; these people largely make up the Taliban and other militant groups of that nature. you've got an oodle of minorities there in the north termed the Northern Alliance (lol) made up of Uzbeks, Tajiks, et al making up about 25 percent or so. then you've got the rest that are smaller tribes and relatively unaffiliated groups. some Arab and others different.

and what do you know, the Northern Alliance (with lovely NATO assistance) is involved lock stock n' barrel in institutionalized child rape and slavery, general barbarism like razing villages and murdering folk, stealing, racketeering, et al with the Taliban. of course the Taliban in return are quite brutal in response including suicide bombers and the like. at least they generally hang/stone kiddie-diddlers.

the US has been funding Hekmatyr, the worst of the northern warlords for decades and funnily enough now he's trying to get his ass into "legitimate" Afghani politics.

i can't lecture you as well on the other nations you mentioned because i am not as well informed but i am confident enough to say that the same sort of situation is there, but with less *overt* NATO intervention. and yeah, even without NATO intervention, these folk would be slaughtering one another because GUESS WHAT folk that practice Islam and are a similar shade of brown are just as willing to rape and murder one another as the Krauts and the Russians in WW2.

also the largest purveyor of suffering in the world is the United States Federal Government, coercive government is inherently immoral and no the selective service act is NOT fucking consent.

t. secessionist-anarcho-spergalist

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: May 10, 2019, 12:31:40 am »
at my old job i had some people from chicago enlist their 6 year old son as a traitor (lol) in their scheme to get a free room: the old "we found a used condom!!!" trick. they called me down to their room and basically said "ok now tell him what you found and how blah blah blah" and the kid was totally unsure, getting prompted by the ole matriarch hard as hell, etc. promising litigation, demanding that we keep the shit and get it tested for STDs at the hospital in the morning. naturally, once morning rolled around and they got a room comp'd they didn't give a fuck

i couldn't tell if they were gypsies or eye-talians but they sure as hell spoke an odd-sounding language very quickly. very weird experience. it helped get me out of working hotels, tho

also damnit i still can't type c0nf3d3r4t3, fuck you cmp or whoever

General Off Topic / Re: Avengers Endgayme
« on: May 07, 2019, 01:30:35 am »
The people fanboying over superhero movies are the actual stereotype nerds from 90s: overweight, neckbeard, lives w/ mom and showers you in saliva when talking about his favourite alternate universe marvel comic.

And yes, shame for Star Wars franchise because it has a cool ass setting, yet the movies are created just as another superhero movie. They're cool to watch for the visuals, but anything beyond that is eh. Imagine if it had a more adult and complex story..

the last superhero movie i saw was either the first Iron Man (pretty dope) or that one maybe 2007 Hulk remake (pretty cool too), just never at all enjoyed comics, superheroes, et al. not even really as a kid. but i will say that much of my extended friendgroup is totally into whatever Marvel movie comes out and they were stoked as hell on Endgame. they clearly know that i don't give two fucks about it so we don't discuss it much but everything i catch via social media or conversation is that they're really deep into them.

and i'm a good bit closer to the neckbeard stereotype (habitually, not physically or in terms of life status) than ANY of them. it's seriously normie-food, my dude.

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Last Thread Of Lord of Chamber of Tears
« on: May 07, 2019, 01:13:40 am »
you know, i think this whole thing is my fault. no, i'm not joking. i think that yuhmaz' behavior is entirely my fault

i should not have spouted off several months ago that i was highly and sincerely impressed by his gains in both English literacy and shitposting. i think it went to the poor man's head. words have power and i should have realized this. i was absolutely speaking my heart at the moment but there is a time for oratory and a time for silence. that was a time for silence.

i am sorry yuhmaz, and i am sorry everyone

General Off Topic / Re: Women are the biggest hypocrites.
« on: May 06, 2019, 11:41:58 pm »
most people are very shallow :/ majority of people are zombies, slaves of the mirror, with no real interests or hobbies other than things that concern image and looks. no creativity. no visions. golden shells

you should read some info on early Gnostic Christianity, specifically the differentiation between Pneumatics, Psychics, and Hylics. folk been thinking this for a very long time, although for different reasons. very depressing to get into for me; i'll read all day about nasty, violent, degenerate topics but the concept of literal NPCs IRL makes my skin crawl

i can't see myself putting the hours i did into warband because i must've put at least several thousand hours into warband and i am just not as young, unfettered, and free to sit my ass in my chair playing games 8 hours a day although i try my damndest to sit my ass in my chair as much as i can

i am absolutely loving it- the combat system is "good enough" but what i really love is the visuals besides graphics. like, decapitations and arms getting lopped off, the delightful ragdolls and blood spatter, the combat looks surprisingly fluid when spectating, etc.

starsector is really damn neat in 2019. and no i'm not paid to shill

basically 2d space mount and blade in space with as much or more autistic customization and micro-management. still in development but the modding community is really going ham on it.

Announcements / Re: you to decide
« on: May 02, 2019, 12:14:02 am »
The fact that you say you've encountered similar remarks does not reflect on whether this is the best method or not.  I would say it's a problem for most people since very few players are populating the servers.  I did not have a problem with it previously because I did not have to grind to get started in Strat.  I started with some money and some men, not at 1 & 1.

i don't really think that the lack of population in NA or elsewhere is due to people not wanting to "grind" to get started in strat. firstly, its just playing the game. grinding is playing the game. it ain't killing a bunch of shit mobs or waiting for spawns of some shit, it's just fighting, killing, and dying with your internet friends.

maybe half plus or minus a few of the "regular" players in NA1 don't give two shits about the strat map. they'll play in battles to style on people but do you really reckon there are numerous individuals thinking to themselves "damnit i want to play strat but HELL with this one week of grinding i just won't play instead"?

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