So have people here seen this? Personally I've never understood why people love superhero movies so much, and I've no idea why the last Avengers movie was the highest grossing movie ever. All these movies follow the same tired clichés, have the same kind of out-of-place shitty predictable jokes, have ridiculously childish and dumb plotlines (and characters and worldbuilding) with zero internal consistency, and awful fight scenes which resemble 80's action movies but just with REALLY powerful dudes and dudettes. In a sentence, they're live-action Disney cartoons. I would've enjoyed them greatly as a ten year old, just like I enjoyed Disney cartoons, but I see all these grown men acting like it's Christmas because a new superhero movie came out. Baffles the mind.
And now people have been insanely excited and hyped about Endgame. Apparently they're crying and laughing and being rendered speechless in the audience.
My question, then, dear readers, is twofold: was Endgame good, and why do you like watching movies like it?