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Messages - Akhooey

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Suggestions Corner / Re: Stamina System !
« on: April 27, 2013, 01:45:34 pm »
It could work if there was a realism only server (first person, higher damage, ect.)

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Commander Bilbo
« on: April 06, 2013, 04:09:44 am »
Actually I was LVL 30 but it said I was LVL 1

NA (Official) / Ban Commander Bilbo
« on: April 06, 2013, 03:12:47 am »
Reason: I was unable to get any of my stuff and said I was level 1 and when I spawned, He Tked me, next time I spawned he did it again.
He said I was leaching. I told him what is going on. Three other people were also getting Tked by him which I presume is having the same problem as I have. Please consider banning him for a bit.

Faction Halls / Re: Lost Legion Recruiting Na
« on: April 04, 2013, 04:11:30 pm »
Hey, Gleimairy wants back in! I really missed the raging TS and "teamwork" we did so very long ago. Dang my impulsive leave when you guys/girls/others went to KUTT.

General Discussion / A thank you to all the hard work the devs did
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:07:57 pm »
Hello cRPG team Merry Christmas and a happy new year to a very good job on building a spectacular mod for all of us in this wonderful community!

Cheers-   ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )

Suggestions Corner / Re: New Idea for Battle/siege teams
« on: December 03, 2012, 11:18:06 pm »
How do you say, who is allied and who is not? What about clans not active in Strat. What about smaller clans or clans that do neither have allies nor enemies?

The only thing I currently see is, that it would be a good addition for HRE and Fallen as they're allied and active. Especially on siege.

Nono, banner balance is better in that case.
Did you read the whole thing? If so, both of those questions are answered.

Diplomacy / Re: CHAOS at war!
« on: December 03, 2012, 03:14:58 am »

"Send out the forward scouts, I don't want to get caught by surprise" said Gleimairy one early morning in a forest

2 hours later...

"Sir, sir, a large force of Chaos troops are within a weeks ride of Tilbout Castle and a days from us!" said a worthless scout, back from riding as a rear guard. " Gleimairy swears loudly, he realizes that he won't have any sleep that night. "Bring the scouts in, and lets set a position atop that hill. How large is the force Will?" "Looks like a million troops sir!" Gleimairy automatically assess that to be about 1000 troops. Meaning that will be a slaughter for his 200 troops with flimsy armor and peasant weapons.

The next day...

Gleimairy smirks, "Stupid fools, my men are better trained than they think. take out their commander Alfonso"  Alfonso, son of Loki is the Brigades best assassin that they have to offer. He foolishly got himself captured after an attempt at Canary, the Chaos commanders life. He slipped on a piece of bacon that a servant girl dropped and stabbed the fool girl. He was captured shortly after. It was Gleimairy's job to free him and free him he did.
As Alfonso approached the commanders tent disguised as a messenger stabbed the two guards and entered, He shot a bolt at Boobery, and nailed him in the groin, but lived and stabbed him with a mighty great sword. Alfonso laughed and said " Look at your groin, and long live the brigade!" Those were his last words he every uttered. Booberry looked down, and saw a crudely drawn figure of Tears, flicking him off. "Lets ice these fools!" Yelled Boobery. and he pulls the bolt out of his groin, and faints.

At the Battle...

"Piss on those rocks and throw them!" Yelled Gleimairy as he cuts a soldiers arm off than thrusts him in the gut. "Why the heck should we piss on rocks!" Yelled a private just as he was brained by an ax. Gleimairy pisses on a rock, and beans Boobery in the face with it. He gets concussed, and has a strange yellowish liquid running down his head. "That was for the Brigade Mother Fu.." Yelled Gleimairy, but had to stop mid sentence because an enemy tried to slay him as he laughed, as the two fights dueled, one, with a pitch fork and the other with a sword the allies on both side stepped back, and watched them. As Gleimairy looked like he was going to lose, a soldier threw a piss covered rock, and hits Gleimairy's duelist in the arm, and that opened the window for Gleimairy to stab him through the throat. After that duel, both sides just stared at each other. Until the Chaos force realized that they had more than half of their force left, and they out number the Brigades force by more than 5-1.They then charged. This time, the Brigade was thrown back and as  there were less than 20 troops left, the Brigade ran, and recovered rocks and peed on them. They then threw them in the air, and laughed as enemies were nailed with piss rocks. The laughter still on their face when an arrow storm hit and killed everyone. As the new commander walked over, she saw Gleimairy and said " Tell me what your strengths are and I may let you live." "Go to hell, FOR THE BRIGADE!" Gleimairy yells with all of his force and spits on her face, then laughs at her stupidity "I don't betray trust given in me, unlike you and your slimy friends." Those were his last words when Dark Karma smiles and runs him threw. While the troops cheer, Dark Karma finds a pee covered rock in her gauntlets and says "Pee covered rocks, these Brigade folks are weird."

Suggestions Corner / New Idea for Battle/siege teams
« on: December 03, 2012, 12:42:41 am »
          I think that instead of banner balance that all of the teams are connected to factions/strat relations. For example, lets say Hero Party and Occitan  are at war. If they join a game (battle or siege) they would be on different teams and for their allies have them be on the same teams. Now, I know that you are going to say well, what if a faction is allied or against on both sides? Well, then have the players in the faction in question be randomized on different teams. But have the people on the same factions on the same team. In order for this to take effect, have place on the website/forums to click on the faction and if both parties click a box for War and Peace then Allied, and than for neutral. To become neutral both parties DO NOT have to click it, only one of them. Also, a box to click that says at peace and neutral with all to save hours of clicking each box.

P.S add Final bosses heirloom pack and heraldic horses and lances!

Diplomacy / Re: CHAOS at war!
« on: December 02, 2012, 10:49:02 pm »
Where did Gleimary even get these +3 Deli Caps and +2 stones man, awesome.
Err, I robbed a Party City, duh

Suggestions Corner / Re: [GAME MODE] Strategus-like Battle Mode (Strattle)
« on: November 10, 2012, 02:00:19 pm »
Excellent Idea, but I don't think that 90% of Strat. bonuses is fair, the current system is fine, with a little push to more gain. Everything else is fine, good job! :D

Strategus Issues / Re: Stuck
« on: November 10, 2012, 01:54:42 pm »
yep, looks right where I am. Just that is a little south of me. Screen shot not wanting to work :twisted:

Strategus Issues / Stuck
« on: November 10, 2012, 12:31:08 am »
I'm stuck in a river in EU land, HELP i have been there for about a week!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Titles
« on: September 13, 2012, 03:27:14 am »
err, I thought it said game balance/suggestions...

Suggestions Corner / Titles
« on: September 13, 2012, 03:22:29 am »
I think you should be able to rename titles, so it says what you want. I wanna see what you think post!

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