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Messages - deVada

Pages: [1] 2 3
Closed Requests / Re: Unban request which shouldnt happen
« on: November 17, 2013, 08:28:10 pm »
"He's banned until he changes his mind about teamkilling. I already wrote it on the thread he opened after the ban."

Thanks for the help friends, but hmm, the ban will last for years then ... I wouldn't spare a teammate hitting me on purpose and I'm not changing my minds.
That's my way to understand honour and my pleasure to obey my rules.

Closed Requests / Yanicarr
« on: October 16, 2013, 11:59:54 pm »

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Uploaded with

1. Name of your character involved - OdiProfanumVulgus
2. Name of offending character(s) - Yanicarr
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible - 23:50 CET, EU2
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. - th me, after i hit him back he attacked, killed him (in self defense) then he got mad and killed him,
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.* - frustration due to my 18:3 score and killing him in 1:1 combat on niuiwiedaos without even taking a scratch
6. Multiple Screenshots - one shall be enough

Ban him to cool down or just allow me to kill him on sight with no ban (I dont need mommy). Else cyas.

Also - I'm sure he read my character's terms of use:

Terms of use:
1. When in the same team - kicking or punching me means acceptance of being slashed with scimitar or shot in the ass with a crossbow bolt. Me love to play teenage greeting games.
2. Trying to hit back then means full acceptance of being instantly killed.
3. I am too old to care.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Don't bother disputing any issues
« on: October 10, 2013, 04:29:21 pm »

Felt the same Intervention when was banned due to some nerd complaining and crying for mommy after being hit by me in the eye with a xbow from half the map distance.
He will never again call his team or me "Bobs the Builders".

A long break from cRPG was fine plus earned quite a lot of infamy and nice vulgar title.

It is just a game. Be a man and do what you want to do and do not care about some zeros and ones. Its enough you are a slave irl.

Realism Discussion / Re: pierce damage
« on: September 19, 2013, 11:37:46 am »
1h stab is ok now, at least there is something against 2h "lolstabs".

Historically weapons like rapiers replaced typical medieval swords ( so it kinda proves that stab damage was found more useful than the cutting one.

For bardiche vs 1h sword comparision - there are three things (on attacking side) that actually influence the power of thrust:

a) speed
b) mass of the attacking item (
c) size of the contact spot

Don't know how it is implemented in Warband/cRPG but the biggest speed and mass of a weapon are and the smaller (and sharper) the striking tip of the weapon is - the more damage it does. That explains why huge and heavy bardiche with relatively big tip can't be as effective as light and sharp sword.

Also if you ever fought irl using an axe or a sword you will know the difference when it comes to thrusting. Axes and berdiches aren't handy for thrusting - and of course it is possible to thrust with them (with sufficient strength you are even able to make a thrust with a refrigerator :)) but position of your body while thrusting with a berdiche doesn't allow to use as much of your body mass in the process -  so the thrust is weaker.

The best unreal thing now is that shield becomes instantly penetrable while you start a shield bash. Any plan to fix it?

Closed Requests / GK warlord
« on: September 05, 2013, 12:20:34 am »
Since it is a game for pussies (you are not allowed to kill an idiot which teamhits you on purpose) please ban GK Warlord for pool abuse and th on purpose.

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Total War Series / Re: Rome II General Info Thread
« on: August 31, 2013, 02:44:36 pm »
any news about possibility to buy RTWII in non-steam version?

Sell/Trade / Silver to gold - Currency Exchange
« on: August 08, 2013, 02:14:25 pm »
Please PM me in Strat or here for exchanges silver => gold /  gold => silver.


General Discussion / Re: What the fuck
« on: July 26, 2013, 10:57:11 pm »
damn this is the dumbest forum I ever seen ...

cRPG Technical problems / Re: High ping help!
« on: July 20, 2013, 04:02:42 pm »
Ping has to do something with servers, I have days when got 130 on EU 1 - 3, then suddenly it comes back to normal (30-40). EU4-9 always 30-40.

Regarding to ping difference - most good players can see difference between 30/50 ping. Having over 50 is a huge disadvantage against skilled players. 130 is unplayable.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Armoury
« on: July 19, 2013, 07:05:14 pm »
huh, socialismus in cRPG?

well, devs think it will be ok if man can survive a couched lance attack from a rider of galloping horse ...

maybe they're afraid of loosing all players in combat  :rolleyes: ?

Guides / Re: Nudge guide
« on: July 19, 2013, 05:58:45 pm »
Well I like Warband for its realism and not implementing any manga wizards (if not to mention one guy on a flying carpet).

Ofc balance issues are sometimes acceptable, but some obvious "weirdnessesses" are too idiotical to live on (heavy lance with worst damage than normal one or guys thrusting you with a 3 m long pike while standing 50 cm away from you or the cutting power of axe's handle etc.). It just ruins my pleasure.

The punching force of shield nudge can be balanced by using both characters (+ equipment) weight * their strength * speed vectors as factors.
Then strong heavily armed man running fast would punch back a standing still lady in a woolen dress (if not to say "agi w****"  :twisted:) and not vice versa.

Guides / Re: Nudge guide
« on: July 19, 2013, 04:08:40 pm »
One more suggestion - it seems that starting a "shield nudge" (any type) causes your shield to became instantly penetrable.

It happened to me few times that when I started the pushing shield nudge (block + v) in very close distance against a thrusting player - the thrust damaged me through the shield if the thrust was started in the same moment as my nudge. Visually my shield was still protecting me.

Imho shield should stay solid all the time. Maybe mechanics which makes arrows coming from lest hit the shield when you just run with your shield loose on your left arm shall be adapted into nudge.

Anyway - good thing that nudge is. Brings some extra flavour.

maybe a historical attempt?

1. food stores (and transports) in the cities/castles (those could be produced by villages)
2. the more garrisoned troops the sooner food is being consumed and the more expensive would be too keep huge garrisons
3. siege option = blockade of men/food/equip reinforcements / withdrawals from a location, siege lasts long time (like a week or 2 to starve the garrison)
4. assault, counterattacks and siege lift attempts from outside

also what I think is totally unhistorical (and even ridiculous) that attackers have the same amount of slots as defenders,
I don't suppose anyone would sturm a castle with 1:1 troops balance, standard Warband troop balance shall be aplied

not much coding imho


interesting topic

check ghostery addon for browsers + adblock plus,
haven't seen an ad in years


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