sorry for my broken ingrisch
Idea is simple
if someone is inactive and he belongs to clan ingame hes looms goes to armory
I am really looking for yours respond here Paul because I know YOU can do that.
Now my explanation and rules that in my opinion should be implemented with that.
CRPG is really old multilayer mod with lots of players that play it and even more that stooped because of many reason,
clan system works way longer that armory and loots of old members of many clans have no idea about it, with some of them I have totally no contact and I believe they like to support armory especially when they are inactive.
Some of you can say then I am greed and I just want more looms for me but i just want to extend Templars Armour( I belive it will help many others clans to) for new players and members that have no looms especially in age when everyone runs around in full +3 sets.
How long that inactive transfer timer should be set on? & days I think maybe up to 10, should only include loomed items or be up to armory masters to set the requirement.
That change can can improve some players performance and bring some new ways to play for guys that never go around with non loomed items.
There should be informations for players that looms have been transfered that way into armory about what happed with theirs looms, and explanation how to get them back.
And I really love if you make players to be able trade looms when their are in Armour, that would be really helpful.
good Idea, which leads me to the next: You should be able to adjust that timer of inactivity yourself, so that a) you get a chance to refuse moving your looms to the armoury (if you are semi-active) and b) for people like me who play like 1 time per week and always forget to put looms back in armoury (I would set it to 2 days I guess).