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Messages - Xandaroth

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Passive "talents"!
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:57:00 pm »
Rofl. Yeah, that's basically what the Character Planner was telling me I could do. Still though, does anyone know if there's a level cap? Google's only showing me people talking about wanting one, but nothing that says there actually is one. I want to make my 42/15 build after hitting generation 5 D:< The planner says I can do it by level 50!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Passive "talents"!
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:47:16 pm »
I've been playing for a few months and typically I respec around level 28. I've respecced a good dozen times and I've been trying out various builds like archer builds, cav builds, 2H, shields, and now I'm on polearms. I respec instead of retire because I like to lol @ the people who cry about repair upkeep, and when you're experimenting and constantly buying new items to field test it all, you simply can't afford repairs.

But this is a suggestion discussion thread, not a "I don't know you but it sounds like my e-peen is bigger than yours" thread.

I do, however, know of some places to discuss e-peen.

You might want to try there.

I'm curious what the devs actually think about the idea of passive stat-related performance boosting features. Do any of you guys rock the forums regularly?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Passive "talents"!
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:13:09 pm »
A friendly reminder for the people who don't actually read threads or understand the purpose of a video game suggestions forum:

I'm not a c-RPG developer. Numbers, names, even what these abilities do, are all just creative examples of the overall idea. Examples are not decisions, nor are they me telling anybody what to do or what should be done; They are examples of an idea. C-RPG and M&B are not my games, and I am merely a consumer participating in a suggestions forum.

This announcement was brought to you by Xandaroth, CBS, Captain Obvious, Bob the Placeholder, and forum trolls like you.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Passive "talents"!
« on: November 23, 2011, 11:02:02 am »

Suggestions Corner / Re: Passive "talents"!
« on: November 23, 2011, 10:33:41 am »
Definitely. I wasn't brave enough to venture into the realm of anything beyond passive ability type stuff because of that, lol. Mostly things that just alter the way the game mechanics functions, like making run speeds faster, altering damage, or merely switching off the swing halt when killing what a weapon hits. But even still, I'd not expect this would be possible without a huge period of no needed developer activity.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Passive "talents"!
« on: November 23, 2011, 10:27:13 am »
Harsh on the names comment! :P

Yeah, if this does ever happen, I'd hope there's a way to comfort the lower levels. At the moment I think all we have is the fact that leveling up to about 20 is lightning fast and then we get the whole 50% exp bonus by generation 5 lol. But who knows, clearly these devs are imaginative enough to come up with something to balance it, if it were an idea they'd green light.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Passive "talents"!
« on: November 23, 2011, 09:20:37 am »
1. I don't play Skyrim

2. I don't play WoW

3. I don't recall suggesting we add some fantastical magic abilities to the game

4. Playing Team Edward versus Team Jacob with video games makes us no better than Twilight fangirls.

Less rage, more open mindedness, guys. This is the suggestion forum, is <--- this way.

<3 I love you guys. :)

Also, is the level cap 35? I was playing with the character planner on c-RPG's wiki and it was letting me plan up to the stat levels listed above. And google is only showing me forums where people are asking for level caps. I'm only level 25 at the moment, but yeah, a level 35 level cap would probably mean pushing all the requirements quite lower lol.

Suggestions Corner / Passive "talents"!
« on: November 23, 2011, 08:23:25 am »
This idea just struck me the other day and I mentioned it in another thread, but I thought I'd put it here in more detail. These are all really just ideas to show examples of an overall concept, and to make it easy for scripting purposes, I imagine it'd be easiest to simply apply them to a character automatically once the criteria's reached. I imagine this system will do three things: Further distinguish the three main builds (Strength, Agility, and Hybrid), motivate players to level up beyond the retirement age and "keep" their builds, and increase over-all community incentive to play and achieve higher levels of power (Which I'm sure will come with new player complaints, until said new players level up too :P). For purposes of describing the examples I will reference an imaginary player named Bob the Placeholder.

What gave me this idea was the fact that c-RPG reminds me of oldschool Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, with the three primary build types resembling three of the tabletop game's primary classes; The barbarian (strength), the fighter (hybrid), and the rogue (agility). For those of you who aren't familiar with D&D 3.5, the class structure was essentially a gain experience, allocate points into your raw stats, skills, and "feats" (which are the equivalent to talents and abilities in other games). But mostly, the three classes I just mentioned gain "bonus" feats automatically by simply reaching the requisite level;

The Barbarian receives passive and activated abilities that contribute to his endurance, physical power, and overall battlefield intimidation.
The Fighter receives "bonus feat points" at frequent intervals throughout his leveling, giving him access to more of the game's standard feats.
The Rogue receives various abilities that effect his battlefield prowess, awareness, speed and grace.

So here's some ideas...

Power Attack - 21 STR required
When executing a "hold attack", base weapon damage increases by one point for every 3 seconds the attack is delayed. Bonus weapon damage is removed after the hold attack's release or when cancelled/interrupted.
Details: This one will drastically help out players who can't quite fit in with the attack speed/feinting crowd, and in the heat of combat, 3 seconds is a long time to notice what direction a person is swinging their weapon. The fact that the bonus damage cancels out if the hold attack is stopped for any reason also prevents feint abuse as well.

Cleave - 30 Strength requirement
When executing a "hold attack" of at least a two second charge duration, weapon swing will follow through and strike the next object in its path if the first object it collides with is killed/destroyed. Effect is cumulative (Will hit three targets if it brings the first two in its swing path to 0 health, and so on). Effect occurs once per two-second attack charge, and cancels out if the hold attack is interrupted in any way.
Details: The biggest contribution this will make is an unexpected one: It will drastically lessen the stress and consequence of accidental team kills by 2Handers and Polearm users in cluster fights, due to the enemy still receiving the attack even if it kills a teammate first. Most people who roll STR builds opt in for the big weapons - This would only make the build more welcome among battles. We all know how aggravating it can be to make a big weapon swing and the only thing you actually hurt is your team - Even if, on your screen, your weapon pretty much passed through the enemy's body.

Thundering Boot - 39 STR requirement
Removes the self immobilization effect when kicking (Player can turn while the kick is being executed), causes players to fall down as if struck by a Knockdown effect when hit, and grants the kick the ability to strike up to three targets in a thin melee-length cone where the kick strikes.
Details: Kick is drastically under-used, and even when it is used, it's mostly done just to amuse people. Considering being knocked down isn't even a complete game changer by itself (Cavalry teams still lose battles even though they're the kings of knockdown), this ability change will only contribute to making STR build players feel more like a battlefield powerhouse, while giving enemy players a reason to actually pay attention to the guys with the giant 2Handers.

Slice in Twain - 45 STR requirement
Whenever the player executes a Cleave attack, the first object struck by the player's weapon (if any) is done with a +10 base damage bonus applied to the weapon used. Bonus damage is applied before damage reduction/bonuses from Power Strike and WPF, and dissipates either after striking the first Cleave target or otherwise when each Cleave is performed/cancelled/interrupted.
Details: This is just a juicy treat to justify pushing to 45 STR, really. It's safe to assume anybody who does is using a big weapon and trying to inflict large damage. However, this will create a large learning curve for the player, because team kills will become much easier - And of course it's not something forced on the player because all they have to do is not use Cleave in situations when it's obvious results would be bad. Challenge, anyone?

Body of the Solid Mountain - 54 STR requirement
Whenever the player is struck by any attack for 16 damage or less (After bonuses and penalities apply), that attack's damage is reduced by 12. Damage by such an attack cannot be reduced below 2 and is not subject to another bonus/penalty check. Any damage that is reduced by Body of the Mountain also negates flinch effects on the player (the reduced damage will not interrupt weapon swings/movement).
Details: Just another treat for pushing a stupidly high amount of STR. Clearly the only way to get this much out of any stat is to make big sacrifices else where (like other defensive investments such as shields), unless the player is generation 5+ and decided to never retire ever again. Although, I haven't done the math for the game's combat, but you guys probably get the point this ability would be trying to make.

Drop and Roll - 21 AGI requirement
Removes the brief immobilization effect from being knocked down by a cavalry charge, Knockdown weapon, or Thundering Boot. Players can move at normal left, right, forward or backward acceleration as if moving from a complete stop while getting back up, but still retain stun effects (Can't attack, jump, switch weapons, or block/parry) until standing fully upright as normal.
Details: This one would just plain be fun, and would not only provide only slight defensive measures against how easy it can be to get knocked down (Team knockdowns via cavalry - lol?), but it will make AGI investors simply feel more agile and acrobatic in combat. Also it will provide a counter-balance for fighting against enemies with Thundering boot; Quick reflexes will prevent dying to follow-up attacks!

On the Hunt - 30 AGI requirement
Whenever the player lands a killing blow, total movement speed is increased by 15% for three seconds. Movement speed bonus is applied after bonus/penalties from armor and skills.
Details: This one will probably be a primary assist for archers, but at 30 AGI, will also be accessible to hybrids who are trying a cleaving "berserker" class. Only having a three second duration certainly prevents outstanding round delay abuse, and overall it will make AGI investors feel much more aggressive and bold in combat.

Grace of the Stalker - 39 AGI requirement
Removes the self-stun/flinch afflicted on a player after landing from a jump or long fall. Falling damage is still received if would be inflicted normally, and players are still susceptible to being struck or otherwise harmed by enemies when landing.
Details: At 39 AGI, I imagine people will start wanting butter on their bread since it will demand sacrifices from STR, and I think this would be it. Archers using On the Hunt will find rooftop travel much easier, as would any of the swift assassin type players who set out to kill them. Basically all this would do is give AGI investors a new way to have fun with the amazing town and fortress maps the game already has - Smooth platforming mechanics. Naturally the slower STR type players will argue this makes AGI types uncatchable - But as they should be. They're agile assassins leaping across roofs like ninjas, you're not going to hulk hogan them down from the ground, silly! :P

Study Their Weakness - 45 AGI requirement
Whenever a player executes a hold attack of at least two seconds charged, the following strike will inflict 1.3x damage. Effect is cumulative - Attack will inflicts 1.6x damage after 4 seconds, 1.9x damage after 6 seconds, and so forth, and applies before bonus/penalties from skills and armor. This effect cancels if the hold attack's charge is canceled or interrupted by any means, and occurs once per such attack. Bonus damage is halved for Crossbows, rounded down (1.1x damage for 2 seconds, 1.3x damage for 4 seconds, 1.4x damage for 6 seconds, still applied before bonuses/penalties from armor and skills). Study Their Weaknesses does not work on ranged weapons if the attack is performed while moving on foot/horse.
Details: 45 AGI probably means the player has substantially lower STR, meaning what they want is speed. This ability will actually give the players the option to inflict higher damage by forsaking lightning fast speed with a charged attack, giving the agile warriors options that would likely grant them more of a tactician's feel to things. This will also improve archery damage while at the same time making it more challenging - They will need to risk tiring out the bow string if they want that higher damage.

Reflexes of the Serpent - 54 AGI requirement
Grants the player a 20% chance to trigger a "block assist" when struck in melee combat. This automated block will interrupt any attacks or actions that a normal block is capable of interrupting normally and will aim in the direction of the attack that triggered it until a successful deflect occurs. This block operates as a standard successful block in the direction of the attack that triggered it and does not grant protection against effects a normal block cannot prevent such as Knockdowns, Crushthroughs, Kicks, weapon stun due to weight differences, shield damage/destruction or ranged damage (if block executes without a shield in hand). Upon successful deflection of the attack which triggered this block, the player will immediately release their block stance unless the player resumes/sustains the stance manually. This ability cannot trigger in any case when a manual block or parry cannot work.
Details: Pretty much the necessary ability for anyone who wants to play the rapid speed assault build and doesn't want to just get destroyed and discouraged from it entirely. 54 AGi will probably mean low health and and overall damage, so combined with On the Hunt, this ability will likely give many heavy AGI investors a very smooth speed-combat experience. On paper this ability might look a little daunting, but a 20% chance to block in only one direction at any given time is actually still easily overcome by anyone who uses tactical strategy and teamwork.

Mind of a Strategist - 21 STR & 21 AGI requirement
Grants the player a permanent +1 skill point for every 2 total character levels acquired. Upon achieving Mind of the Strategist, the player is given the appropriate amount of skill points for levels already gained, and continues to grant an extra point at every even numbered level the player gains afterward (levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc). These skill points can not be converted into stat points and are revoked should the requisites for Mind of the Strategist ever be compromised due to a respec, retirement, or any other effect or action.
Details: I'm sketchy on what a decently balanced amount and frequency of these bonus points should be, but yeah. Shameless D&D Fighter class ripoff, I know. But I sincerely think this would drastically promote the idea of hybrids entirely, and while it will probably grant players access to tons of weapon types, everyone still is restricted to 4 inventory slots and all the item penalties like weight and cost upkeep. I doubt this would cause any sort of cataclysmic balance issues.

The Tactician's Resolve - 30 STR & 30 AGI requirement
Provides a passive 18 body armor, 8 head armor, 10 leg armor, and 20 body armor from shields. This armor stacks with all other armor and defensive bonuses and applies whenever other armor bonuses apply. These bonuses cannot be cumulative by equipping more than one type of armor-granting item (such as two shields).
Details: Relatively easy to obtain by anyone pushing a sincere hybrid build and is mostly designed to accommodate the shield users and cavalry (Stop freaking out, take note it does not increase the armor on plated lolchargers :P). In total I imagine this would be impossible to obtain along with the stat specific defensive abilities, unless you could somehow find your way into 84 stat points. If you can... you probably deserve to be a combat monster.

Sorry for the TL;DR! What do you guys think? Should c-RPG someday have "passive talents"?

*Edit* as it turns out, I took this thread seriously and Bob the Placeholder was not mentioned in its production. His union rep has been contacted and good will negotiations are being conducted. I will post updates when they occur.

And by the way, my character is mostly complete in design. I think I'm going to go with the overdone-but-I-don't-care Norse-ish tribesman from the giant snowy mountains in the more north than anyone ever goes. Still working on my plot, but yeah, signature weapon will be loomed Great Maul with a Throwing Lance, and I'll develop some sort of cheesy lore around his helm, which is that fancy winged plate helmet.

Anyone know where a guy goes around here to find other roleplayers to get his nerd on with?

Dammit, Kale. You plated lolchargers are why I went polearms instead of 2handers for my STR build. Lol.

Though we did have pretty epic "Fight scene #1 from Conan: The Destroyer" battles there.

I actually don't know whether I'd like c-RPG to be a full-out MMO or simply what it is now. I've discovered all an MMO really is, is any othr RPG game... with the single player quests, multiplayer component and social lobbies melded into one in-game instance. I've been playing games where those things are separated like E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy, Might & Magic 6: Heroes, etc, and I really can't say there's any true downside to it.

As far as an F2P store goes... it might be neat, though I would just do what I do with other games that have F2P stores and subscribe for full features (DC universe is seeing that loyalty from me at the moment). Unless it's League of Walletholes, which I refuse to spend another dime on, at least until they fix community moderation.

My biggest thing with spending money on a game, though, is the dev support. Coding, game design, production, distribution, web hosting, it all costs some pretty hardcore time and money, and I follow the belief that I like to motivate the product providers I rely on. There is hope for humanity if c-RPG survives the test of time, something tons of actual full-time game studios are actually not managing to pull off these past couple of years.

I fully agree. I'm going around telling people this is Battlefield 4: Skyrim. If it does happen though, I hope it's not too graphically advanced. I'm running a GeForce GTX 260 and I can barely manage to keep the game shiny by removing corpses lol.

And yeah, I wasn't mad about the mod thing. Poor guy probably deals with intentional TKing so much, these guys just want to clean up their servers. I just wanted to dodge the ol' malevolent admin eye XD

Also, pure strength build with all points into Power Strike is hilarious. I'm level 24, up to 32 strength and 10 power strike, and everyone on the field is complaining about "all the people with strength builds" and "blunt damage sounds are bugged".

The reason this is funny is because I'm the only one on the field with a blunt weapon and a strength build right now.

General Discussion / Letter to the devs (Compliments/feedback/questions)
« on: November 22, 2011, 05:52:16 pm »
Hi guys!

First off I'd like to start this thread by saying excellent work. I've never seen a game like this come to fruition, yet I've always wanted one to. I'm actually a little sad I jumped on the wagon kind of late, but hopefully c-RPG still has plenty of years in its lifespan. The mod works great, no bugs, no hassles, extremely in depth class customization and I love how varied the gameplay is between all of the possible builds. My current favorite is the crushthrough pure strength build using the Long Maul and Quarterstaff. I also love how dangerous the mod makes things - I've come to truly fear archers and cavalry, but being an NES generation gamer, I love being challenged and I'm forcing myself past all the learning curves with a smile on my face.

As far as feedback goes, I have nothing negative to say at all. Actually an idea struck me, if you guys had free time to mull over some future patch ideas - Passive stat talents. Imagine gameplay bonuses granted automatically once a player reaches extremely high amounts of STR, AGI, or even both. Maybe abilities like a wider impact radius with the kick ability and instead of a flinch effect, a full-out knockdown on things the kick hits at high levels of STR, or even a weapon cleave effect (Weapons swing through targets that die on impact, hitting the target beyond it). Ideas for AGI could be things like removing the self-stun when landing after a jump, or perhaps a very brief run-speed boost immediately after landing a killing blow. And for all of you utility people, maybe talents granted when reaching high levels of both STR and AGI, like passive bonus armor, or a bonus +1 skill point per level (rolled back, so if this talent was achieved at level 20, the player would receive +20 skill points and then an extra point at each level gained in the future). Obviously this would have to be something left for long periods when there's no need for dev activity, cause this reeks of an awful lot of coding lol. But, just an idea for now.

And now, for questions. I have two. Those of you who are familiar with the Long Maul and high Power Strike levels know... team kills happen unless you're shy. I confess I've done my share, but whenever I do, I apologize whole heartedly. And truthfully, my smashing arcs are really wreaking havoc on the enemy team and I'm seeing a lot of x5's even despite the team kills, and nobody I've killed has really complained. I can imagine anyone who's fighting side by side with me knows I'm not here to troll, and for the most part, my TKs are treated like they're completely and sometimes hilariously accidental.

But today, I was scolded with pink text D: I wasn't banned and I've been playing very cautiously since then... but now my team is suffering round losses because being shy to hit my teammates means being shy to hit my enemies too. I don't really want to invest in a different weapon because there really isn't anything with knockdown, crushthrough, and the weapon's reach to compare. Could someone do me a favor and explain the detailed rules on team killing and bans? I've respec'ed a dozen times and so far this build seems to be the one I play best as... but holding back is really hurting my team's success. Any advice? D:

Second question would be - Has the dev team ever considered making c-RPG a full-time game with Steam support? I read up and discovered that's basically how With Fire and Sword got its shine - it started out as a mod for Warband. I paid retail price for that thing, and it wasn't bad... but since playing this, I'm thinking you guys deserved my $15 instead. I'm just curious if you guys have given it any thought.

General Discussion / Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« on: September 26, 2011, 07:24:31 am »
Is the upkeep really altogether that terrible? I was reading up on this repair stuff, and so far what I've read is that at the end of each round in Battle mode, each equip slot has a 4% chance to cost 7% of the item's base cost in repairs.

Considering rounds on a filled 120 player Battle server take at least a few minutes (meaning you'll earn a bare minimum of 150g per round) is it actually possible to *lose* gold? 7% of, let's say, a 32K piece of armor or a horse would be pretty pricy, but each slot has a 4% chance to proc a repair cost, right? Maybe my math is off, but it just doesn't sound that scary to me. Especially considering if you and a few others on your team are wearing this ridiculous gear (and putting it to good use), chances should be good your team has a x5 multiplier anyway, meaning something more like 750g per round..

Correct me if I'm wrong, by the way. I'm new here and I might be. D:

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