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Messages - john_pullinger

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on avoiding teamhitting?
« on: December 26, 2011, 01:27:30 pm »
Thanks for the advice, guys, much appreciated.

I do have a habit of wading into the enemy (usually after getting over the top of a ladder in siege mode) and just swinging madly because I know no teammates are near me. I am too slow to body block them, unfortunately. :-( And you know how it is, the enemy's a good player and blocks the guy he's fighting, then makes to attack him and suddenly leaps out at you instead because you're waiting with a swing ready and are trying to move around your teammate. Even when I can see that coming a mile off, it still normally gets me because I'm slow and I can't flipping block. >_<

Good advice though, all, I'll try to employ it.

Merry Christmas!


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on avoiding teamhitting?
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:48:53 pm »
That's good advice. I know I get nervous around crushthrough weapons.

Did I mention I'm terrible at blocking? X-D Need to level up again and put some points into Ironflesh. ¬_¬

Edit: It'll be a while before I can upgrade my PC, unfortunately. But when I can afford it, then I'll definitely upgrade, lol.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on avoiding teamhitting?
« on: December 22, 2011, 12:19:19 pm »
Thanks Nic, I've been trying to do that and I'll continue avoiding side swings, it's just that both friends and enemies are jostling around and I can't keep track of them with my framerate (I wouldn't be surprised if my motherboard was glaciating my mouse inputs, too), so overheads aren't even that safe in the hairballs. x_o


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on avoiding teamhitting?
« on: December 22, 2011, 11:50:39 am »
Unfortunately my favourite weapons are unbalanced... Cobalt was designed as a shieldbreaker, so I lug the Sarranid war axe around half the time, and when I get sick of being stabbed by quick, long weapons before I can get a swing in, I switch to a mallet.

I'll try to avoid zergs, but it's not always easy on siege mode, which is my favourite type of server. x_o

Thankyou for the tips though, I'll take all the advice I can get.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Advice on avoiding teamhitting?
« on: December 22, 2011, 11:31:07 am »
I come with a humble request.

In the last few evenings I've played cRPG with Cobalt, I've been getting an embarrassingly high proportion of teamhits and consequent teamkills. Cobalt is a strength build and I often have trouble stopping his weapon when it starts swinging, and enemies dance around me like Muhammad Ali. Couple that with a machine that's over 6 years old and has trouble reaching smooth framerates on the majority of maps and I have a horribly hard time trying to keep track of everything in the thick of melee.

I really don't want to hurt my teammates. Please, given that I have jerky graphics and a slow-moving character, can anyone give me advice on how to avoid hitting my teammates? I want people to feel they can depend on me, not have to avoid me because I might clot them by accident with a mallet. Thanks.


General Discussion / Re: Goodbye everyone!
« on: October 10, 2011, 06:41:46 pm »
Will miss ya, matey, always enjoyed seeing you slaughter about 9 people at the end of a round when you're the last guy left. Happy trails. <=)


Closed Requests / Re: Banned from EU_cRPG_7, for spawning I imagine.
« on: October 09, 2011, 01:46:19 pm »
Really quite strange, it happened again. I just logged back in and immediately after spawning was poll banned.

But this time I was prepared enough to take a couple of screenshots, we like those:

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Sorry if these stretch the board, not sure how to resize them.

Surely this can't be normal though. Why am I being banned, is it just trolling?

A perplexed and irritated,


Closed Requests / Banned from EU_cRPG_7, for spawning I imagine.
« on: October 09, 2011, 12:30:10 pm »
Hello mateys. I've never been banned from an official server before so forgiv me please if I'm doing this wrong.

Just a minute ago I joined EU_cRPG_7 for a nice small-scale battle, there were four players and it had the lowest ping on my list, seemed like a good choice.

Until I got inside. Where I saw a naked guy on a horse larking about and his enemy standing still at the end of the round, the last two chaps left. Fair enough, he's inviting the other person to do fisticuffs, I thought. It went on for a while and I began to have my doubts, then the naked guy got kicked and the next round started.

Action at last!

Or not. As someone initiated a ban poll on me about five seconds after I spawned. Naked Guy had come back in by this time and together with the only other remaining player, they provided the 66% necessary to ban me.

I was doing nothing wrong, there was no server message at the beginning indicating any obscure rules I needed to comply with (if naked horse-riding with fists is kosher then I'm pretty sure I was, too), and I can only assume that the poll was for a trivial reason or to troll.

T_sgt_DevilBox is the only name I remember from the server, I see he's active in this section of the forum so I trust he will act as my witness. My player's name was Dogtanian, this occurred at about 11:25am GMT Saturday 9th October.

EU_cRPG_7 is an official server and I believe I was banned unjustly. How long does a polled ban last for, please? As I intend to play on this server in future.

Kind regards,


General Discussion / Re: We need this
« on: October 09, 2011, 12:11:05 pm »
I agree with Fraemi, on an open field with your mates running higgledy piggledy as they usually do, this would be useless.

I would enjoy seeing it implemented, however. Because some maps have close streets and narrow passes which could be effectively blocked by two or three pikes, leaving archers behind to shoot down the lane. Another place you could use it is siege mode, particularly if you make it effective against infantry in some way (just slowing down their movement would be enough, or even making it possible to jab the pike forward at infantry to resume normal fighting mode).

As for the shield bash, I loved that in single player, but in multiplayer I can see it getting old fast. Having a way to attack while still blocking the whole time would turn fights with shielders into boring slapfests until the shield broke. I do think it's worth a trial to see if it wrecks the game though (if you can test bumping the rider of the horse as well as the guy being bumped, then you can test this), particularly if it can't be used simultaneously with kicking.


General Discussion / Re: Please bring back Defend the Village
« on: October 09, 2011, 12:01:19 pm »
Capture the Flag would be a good, interesting game mode. I'd enjoy giving it a go to see what it's like, I'll leave it to the devs to work out how gold and experience should work for it.

What puzzles me is why you can't have both Virgin and Village mode for the server to pick from. Whoever wants to have Virgin on their servers can, and whoever wants to have Village on theirs can. I don't know if that's a lot of work or easy to do, but I think it'd work nicely.

The game is there to be enjoyed (donkey trolling excepted), so if a significant number of players really enjoyed Village but are put off by Virgin then surely Village can be reimplemented, without necessarily replacing Virgin?

Even if you got just half the experience and gold, I'd play Village mode, I loved it, it felt as good for me as when Invasion mod first came out.


General Discussion / Re: Please bring back Defend the Village
« on: October 09, 2011, 01:17:35 am »
I would love to see the old Defend the Village come back. Holing up that doorway took good teamwork and was great fun. Much more fun than getting massacred in the open because the virgin stands exposed to the world and you can't get her into a bloody defensible structure of any kind.

Please, bring it back. Lexor served a purpose when he had a doorway to help plug.


General Discussion / Please bring back Defend the Village
« on: September 30, 2011, 10:39:37 pm »
Defend the Virgin mode is a charlie foxtrot every time, the maps are far too exposed and it's ceased to be fun to play.

Compared to Defend the Village, it really doesn't hold a candle. In Defend the Village, you had coherent teamplay most of the time and a good last-stand feel to the rounds, barricading yourself into a ruined house most of the time and holding a doorway against all odds. It really was great fun and felt superb.

Defend the Virgin lacks all of that, there's nothing to attract me to it any more. So please, bring back Defend the Village mode, it was my favourite game mode. Dont let My_Horse_Is_Called_Rebecca's comprehensive strategy guide go to waste. :-(

I offer up my humility before the donkey god.


cRPG Technical problems / Re: Spear not rearing horses, Bug or intentional?
« on: September 30, 2011, 09:59:16 pm »
Pitchfork does rear horses, phew. I can still support my team.


cRPG Technical problems / Re: Spear not rearing horses, Bug or intentional?
« on: September 30, 2011, 09:46:44 pm »
Thanks, Zapper. My character's a serious weed though, STR 4. I'll have to test the pitch fork, will get back to this thread with results.


cRPG Technical problems / Re: Spear not rearing horses, Bug or intentional?
« on: September 30, 2011, 02:54:57 pm »
I think that if some polearms can rear horses and some polearms can't then it should be flagged on the website the same way that knockdown and crush-through are. One of my characters is only strong enough to use a shortened spear or a pitch-fork with his shield. Does the pitch-fork rear horses? The shortened spear used to be his anti-cavalry weapon.



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