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Messages - Ghostie

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 30, 2011, 09:59:20 am »
Well, I'm all up for practical training sessions! Though I think I've hijacked the build request thread for long enough. If anyone would like to have my steam contact address, I'll answer any PMs I receive!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 29, 2011, 04:47:11 pm »
Well, wow... it feels as though everyone was running circles around me, even in the heaviest armour I could think of. I had a black armour tincan with a flamberge circle around me and slash at my side before I could even turn into his direction. That was on EU, mind. I switched to NA an hour later, and actually managed to do relatively well.. 19 20 was my end score between map changes.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 29, 2011, 12:51:48 pm »
I completely disagree with you spawny. A 2hander can only double swing on the 1hander if the 1h can't follow the enemy's movements. [keep the enemy in the center of your screen or turn into your attack, either workks]
I ALWAYS swing back and NEVER get hit out of turn. I'm sorry, but needing to alwaysever do that means you have a mistake in your footwork that you need to fix.
Blocking twice is only needed if your weapon is stunned, but that doesn't really happen with a shield... And that is not exclusive to 1 handed swords.
While learning your footwork? You may need to block twice. Every time you die though, you'll see where you went wrong.

Well, I immediately put Spawny's and your suggestions to use on the EU duel server a few minutes ago and I found myself struggling to keep my duel partner in the centre of my screen, if they had any more speed than me. I'm doing my very best to analyse what I'm doing wrong, but so far my only conclusion is: I'm reacting too slowly. I hear the shield absorb a swing, immediately strike with my own knightly arming sword and find myself with a blade in my face a moment later. Rinse repeat when I block twice. Some 2h wielders are just too mind bogglingly fast with their chunk of heavy metal. I got outswung by a flamberge!

Also, I have no idea how to turn into my swings. Every time I try this, my character stands still, performs the animation in the direction it started while I flick my mouse around wildly and hoping for profit. I managed to turn my mouse so quickly that I was looking at my character's face as she did a left to right swing straight into the camera. Unless that's just a glitch on my end and I'm actually spinning on everyone else's screen, I'm just at a loss.

As for the horsie suggestions... I think I'm more inclined to try the 24/15, but is there any way I could squeeze in riding 6, to use a courser? Or would you recommend against it, entirely? I am looking at future upkeep, after all, and on paper the heavy horses don't look as appealing to me as they maybe should. Conversely, if I went with the other fragile but agile build, should I be looking at an arabian warhorse? I cannot determine what is more important for polearm cavalry: turning or speed.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:00:55 am »
I think I'll go by your recommendations and work with the Knightly Arming Sword. I have no particular preference towards any attack type, but I find myself swinging more out of convenience than thrusting. Maybe that's subjective, too. Against pole axe users I'll simply have to settle for manual blocking/chambering with my shield on the back.

Thank you for the advice thus far!

I wonder if I might strain your patience some more, however, because now I'm looking at the various possibilities and builds for a cavalry lancer / foot polearm user.

Assuming I'd like that alt to be capable with polearms on foot and very capable on a horse in open maps (I tend to play siege a lot these days, with just some battle mode maps here and there), what would you suggest I use, both build and equipment wise? Would I want to go for a hybrid foot soldier and rider build, or focus on either strictly?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 28, 2011, 01:32:19 pm »
I apologize for using the incorrect pronoun, but that is not going to change it from my default when used on the internet.

It's quite alright, I don't go out of my way to point it out, unless I'm encountering a community I plan to invest some time in.

I'm also looking at the top end weapons/shields at the moment and, since this is a build thread, I'm wondering if I should stick with the plate covered round shield as my standard siege equipment along with a sword, use the heavy kite, or settle for the huscarl once I get my last agility point in. While the plate shield lasts longer against the average opponent I face, it's noticably slower than the others. Also, do you think a sword with 97 speed is significantly slower than a 99 speed blade?

My options at the moment are the Long Espada or the Knightly Arming Sword as suggested by v/onMega. I'm also carrying a warhammer, in case I need to crack a tin can and a Light One Handed Battle Axe for meeting other shielders.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 28, 2011, 09:10:32 am »
Well, with my newly acquired kettle helmet, light mail and plate, mail gauntlets and chausses, I top out at 52 body armour. My IF is at 6 at the moment and I'm noticing a great change in survivability from 0 IF. I used to get two-shot by morningstars before. Now I manage to get one-shot if I run really fast into the swing :P

But yes, I don't think I'll want to slow myself down more than I already have. I'll keep my light set (tunic over mail, leather gloves and boots etc) and my mid-heavy set around to see which playstyle works best for me. And I'll pack a plate covered round shield unless I run into axe-heavy games.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 28, 2011, 08:57:59 am »
Also, when he said riposte he was  referring to manual block.

*She, actually

Either way, I do play on EU if I can, because my ping to the NA servers is, at times, above 100. And I get very self-conscious about latency, not that it greatly matters at my current stage of learning. But I feel as though I am making progress on the duel servers, putting away my shield and stubbornly blocking with my 1h sword. I've settled for a long Espada at the moment.

As for riposte, I was referring to the move of slashing in the direction of the incoming attack to deflect it and at the same time get my own strike in. Is that what you call chambering?
I can't seem to pull it off reliably against anything but other 1h users... the twohanders are just too damn fast, ironically.

Also, since you mentioned heirloomed gear and since I'm approaching level 30 now.. would you recommend I heirloom a weapon of choice first, or armour?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:51:57 pm »
You're referring to an agi build, something akin to 15/21? or 12/24? I can't imagine how that would actually deal damage without a piercing or blunt weapon.

I've switched back to my warhammer from the espada and... despite it being much shorter, I feel as though I get kills more easily now. Before, the espada either bounced back or simply didn't seem to have much of an effect. Just for giggles I was trying to take down a heavily armoured afker on a siege right now, standing still, using my sword and swinging. It took me in excess of half a dozen strikes. Very sobering.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 27, 2011, 12:22:57 pm »
Okay, I took both your advice and tested Marathon's lighter armour suggestion first on random siege games yesterday. I felt much quicker on foot than with the mail hauberk and didn't notice being much more vulnerable than I already felt. When switching to a borrowed Light Mail and Plate (because it looks flash and only weighs .5 more than the brigandine) with a kettle hat, I was noticably slower to move, but my swings didn't seem to be affected. And I think I survived a few more hits than I did in light armour.

Maybe it's just subjective. I also tried my buddy's Espada Eslavona and was surprised how often I would actually hit. That length difference really seems to do it for me. I'm slightly miffed to lose the blunt damage and knockdown possibility, because it feels as though I glance off of armour quite regularly now, even at power strike 6. Maybe it's just my poor positioning.

As for the shield.. the most important part of a shielder, I suppose. I didn't realise how incredibly vulnerable a huscarl shield is compared to a plate covered one. I thought 400 hp should be a lot, but... it seems the shield's damage reduction plays a much greater role.

Thank you guys for taking your time to answer my pesky little questions, but here's one more :)

From your own experience, do you think 18/18 would give my shield noticably more durability and my weapon greater speed? Would it be worth sacrificing power strike 6 and ironflesh?

Edit: As a side-question: Is it practicable at all to try riposte against polearm and two handed weapon users? I'm trying to find some way to defend against long axe fighters without relying on a shield that'll break.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 26, 2011, 12:16:42 pm »
I've started with cRPG only a couple of weeks ago, and I find myself hooked.

After the initial frustration of completely and utterly failing at crossbow sniping, I've switched to a 1h shielder build, the very cookie cutter in the original post.

21/15 with 7 IF and 7 PS by level 30. I'm at 19 now and still trying to figure out what armour and weapon to use in the long run.

At the moment I'm trundling about with my plate covered round shield in a mail hauberk, leather gloves, mail chausses and a helmet with neckguard, the leftovers of my failed aralbest career. And I'm swinging/thrusting a warhammer.

Considering I'm still just an average player on a good day and keeping the upcoming upkeep in mind, what armour/weapon/shield combination would you suggest? I've yet to digest the complicated formula for determining my wpf loss, but I'm hoping 146 by level 30 should be enough?


I'd very much appreciate any advice you could give regarding choice of weapon and armour. It's difficult for me to figure out where my problem is - gear or skill (personal or character), but I tend to die quickly against long axe spammers and polehammer spammers. This game definitely needs a stamina bar that drains when attacking.

Right, that was quick, thanks!

I should've actually posted this in your rather brilliant beginner's guide thread, Tears, mea culpa.

I've always tried to get to know the little quirks and peculiarities of 'proper protocol' in games that I was new to.

Like the single shot in the air in Planetside, when indicating a duel with an opposing trooper, or dropping a piece of gold for a gater in Ultima Online.

Thanks again and cheers!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Blocking High in Duels - what does it indicate?
« on: September 24, 2011, 07:57:01 pm »
I've tried to practice my manual blocking and riposte on the official duel servers for several days now, using my warhammer for the lack of a different 1h weapon.

In many duels, at the start, I've noticed that most of my opponents raise their weapon by blocking high. Not finding any answer through the search function, I'll ask in a separate topic:

What does a high block at the start of a duel mean? Is it a polite indicator of readiness or somesuch?

I'm interested in etiquette and good behaviour overall in cRPG and as a new player. Is there any other advice you are willing to share?


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: September 24, 2011, 07:04:35 pm »
I've started with cRPG only a couple of weeks ago, and I find myself hooked.

After the initial frustration of completely and utterly failing at crossbow sniping, I've switched to a 1h shielder build, the very cookie cutter in the original post.

21/15 with 7 IF and 7 PS by level 30. I'm at 19 now and still trying to figure out what armour and weapon to use in the long run.

At the moment I'm trundling about with my plate covered round shield in a mail hauberk, leather gloves, mail chausses and a helmet with neckguard, the leftovers of my failed aralbest career. And I'm swinging/thrusting a warhammer.

Considering I'm still just an average player on a good day and keeping the upcoming upkeep in mind, what armour/weapon/shield combination would you suggest? I've yet to digest the complicated formula for determining my wpf loss, but I'm hoping 146 by level 30 should be enough?


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