« on: September 13, 2011, 10:35:59 am »
Try to think about it as if you were an archer. Personally, I play 2h on the Aus server so I may have different experiences to you, but I'm sure it would be the same. As an archer you can play as a couple of types of archers. The first is a hybrid, who go bow and melee weapon, normally 1h. They go on the open battlefield, and can go quite well. Most people have no problem with them. Then there are the high ath, fairly low damage archers. They run around and sprint away from people when they get close. A lot of melee players have a problem with them, but thats not part of the debate. Then there are the archers with high power draw, low athletics - the normal archers from medieval times. They have low ironflesh and low athletics, so how do they defend themselves ? The hide behind things. Or where melee characters have a disadvantage/trouble getting to. It's logical. As a 2h player, you have the high agi spammers (like the ath archers). No-one gets overly annoyed with them. Then you have the normal, medium 18/21 or 21/18 players. No-one gets annoyed at them. Then you have the crazy str players, that are around 30/9 or something crazy like that. Their only defence is their armour, they can't retreat or run away. What you are asking the str archers to do is effectively loose their armour - what would you as a high str archer say if you saw people calling for no more medium or heavy armour ?