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Messages - kongxinga

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General Discussion / Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:39:45 pm »
Pretty much agree with you 100%. We have our infantry support cav (1 handers or low ride high PS builds high armour) and anti cav cav, although both can play the other role to some extent. However it is very hard to do infantry support if enemy cav is still not neutralized. Lancers have to line up their charges, 1 handers may have to go low and slow to slash (and in cav versus cav speed is life), HA have to slow to land trot or stopped snap shots to avoid tks. And when you are slow, that high speed enemy anti cav lancer will pick you apart in a slashing attack.

I often try to go infantry support, but more often screen the crunchies from the enemy cav if they are still around, an enemy cav going for infantry support duties is often easy to pick off if your team cav is a credible threat.

I just often wish the crunchies did not rush in that 1st minute and swing wildly. Cav will screen to their best ability, but sometimes just lack the position (for lancers) or firepower (for HA) to take down all the enemy cav when they go for back stab.

General Discussion / Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:18:54 pm »
110% agree with points 2-5 (especially #2 for ranged should be how close you are to the person dealing damage, not to the enemy receiving damage).  I also whole heartedly agree with the killing blow sentiment.  Damage dealt is very important, but I've seen many str-heavy builds (or horse xbow and other classes) who are eventually killed with a glancing or light blow, but were able to go on a rampage before dying.  If you have 1 health and are still alive, you can still deal a lot of damage to the enemy team.

Your first point however is slightly different than shielders.  Horsemen rely on their horse for transportation.  I'm not nearly as efficient at picking my engagements, or my targets if I'm on foot, rather than on horse.  If I dismount a fellow cavalry lancer, I am satisfied that I neutralized a major threat to our team for that round (unless he finds another horse).

The best cavalry lancers are the most deadly on horse, you dismount them, and you have taken away their main source of killing your team.

Think it is WAD. Killing horses to obtain cavalry superiority is the top priority on most balanced maps. If infantry engage without at least being able to deny cav superiority to the other team, their friendly cav and HA can do a valiant job, but would not be able to screen friendly infantry enough to prevent the enemy cav from scoring backstabs. IE dont engage until enemy cav is neutralized, which is what this scoring system encourages. AS HA once I dehorse someone I pop 1 or 2 shots to see if he is paying attention, then move on to other horses. I leave the dismounts for the crunchies to use my arrows on high value targets like enemy light cavalry lancers.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Proximity based scoring should not be used.
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:50:12 am »
Do you not realize the psychological effect that occurs when you are near more than one enemy? Just being in proximity of an enemy is an assist in a way because the enemy player has to focus on more than one player.

Agreed, but the proximity for HA or archers could be wider to account for the fact a HA who is shooting at the player from the rear is giving him another thing to worry about. And you can't block nothing from the rear.

General Discussion / Re: Make master of the field ALWAYS appear
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:34:22 am »
It focuses the battle, prevents draws and delaying. Yay. It does not prevent the underdog team to get a win on the brink, but it does prevent a silly horsearcher riding around ten enemies missing 9 out of 10 arrows and claiming that he is just playing his class.

I like to see anyone get good accuracy while moving with HA. And don't point out trot archers, or archer on horse. If HA's could trot shoot that meeans their team has achieved cavalry supremacy, and thus was likely to win the round anyway. Thanks to "balance", missing 9/10 shots is part of HA life, and thus is playing their class. If HA's could make the shots, they would headshot everyone in 30 seconds and wrap it up quick, but unfortunately you can watch the misses instead.

Yeah, but in real life they're not mountain goats, they can't climb ladders or stairs, not to mention that ingame they take no damage whatsoever no matter how many people they bump or how fast they ram a wall, a courser can go full speed at a wall and all he'll do is strike a pose, I can easily counter-argue your points, so your point is kind of moot.

So if I punch you in the belly with my fist, my fist takes damage? The horse is hitting pedestrian's vulnerable places with what is likely the highly tough chest structure, or hooves, and it is MUCH larger to boot. If you want to be accurate, for horses to take 1 damage from bump, bump has to instakill with 500 damage. The only reason horses are so weak is that devs do not favour the class, not from actual field tests.

If you don't believe that, film some evidence of you being hit by a horse at full speed and walking off. I will foot the horses vet bill if there is any, but your medical bill has to be paid by yourself. Horses in crpg are made of sponges or tissue paper compared to real horses.

And there were/are several mountain cav units in history that were designed to operate in mountains, including climbing slopes (maybe not the 80% slopes we see in some random maps though).

2ndary uses the pointy end in pierce mode

What's the stats on using the mil hammer with the pointy/reverse end? How much pierce damage?

Fighting axe is decent when I used to use it, just found it a mite slow, but maybe i was timing it wrong. As horse archer, I love bonus versus shields.

That actually seems a good suggestion. Length 80 is decent length for horseback ride-by striking, knockdown will teach a lesson to any armoured dueler, and 28 blunt is going to hurt anyone. Price is kinda high (I think 1 hands break often for me due to no wpf), speed seems fast enough too. Might use it when 5x is on, switch to fighting pick when not.

2 questions though. Thrust damage =0? Is it even thrust capable? And i assume the 2ndary mode is using it 2 handed?

Shashka comes to mind, I think.

EDIT: Oh, Pierce and Blunt? Are you willing to lose a pair of slots for a morningstar? otherwise, the only thing I can think of is an Arabian Cav Sword, and those can be kinda pricey.

I have not looked at shaska yet, but thanks for the suggestions. I can't really afford to lose more than 1 slot on melee weapons, as I pack a bow and 2 stacks of arrows.

Arabian would be good if I had PS or the WPF to use it. As it is now, it glances off the armour every 2 hander ground pounder is wearing. I need something cheap that can still deal at least 4 damage per swing through armour with my stats. 4 damage is important so my swing can stagger/stun them so the teammate can bisect them with a 2 hander. Ideally in every pass I can bump 1 ground pounder and stagger another with my swing.

I am considering seeking a new 1 hand weapon to use as a horse archer. I have no 1 hand proficiency, no ps, but often have significant speed bonus due to speed on horse. I would like a weapon that could work well under the build. Ideally it should be lethal enough to force tin can strength stackers in cost effective plate armour to not ignore my strikes, yet cheap enough to not break the bank, which i am close to in my set up already, thanks to the arbitrary high prices on horses. I guess this limits us to cheap yet reasonably long and fast pierce and blunts, but open to other suggestions.

Appreciate all useful suggestions. Thanks.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: I know you hate horseman but...
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:12:55 pm »
Dont you guys even dare threaten to nerf my champion Arabian! It's already ridiculous that I have to go to 7 riding and it costs more than a courser does and it's only a 100 gold less than a destrier and one point slower. Which in my opinion is stupid since it has less armor which should make it lighter -____- but in any case as it goes for 2h cav I'm the horse Xbow slayer with my horse. I have yet to find a horse archer hat can get away from me. And as for taking so many arrows a lot of the time it's only because I can minimize the damage by riding away from the projectiles while if I'm charging them. Let's just chestaclese laser war darts one shotted my Arabian :(((

People need to take into account the large differences running away from projectiles makes. Back in native beta someone did a test on crossbows and piercing shields. He found out that the crossbow could not pierce the shield when the target was standing, but did pierce if the target was walking with shield up forwards.

This works both ways though. If you have the misfortune of turning your horse into an arrow or bolt (while say dodging friendly fire), the speed bonus can get your horse one shot. OTOH, riding away can let you take many, many arrows, which is why HA duels where both are riding away take a long time despite many hits, and are often decided by 1 speed bonused arrow.

General Discussion / Re: "PRO" Clan, the end of CRPG
« on: April 29, 2012, 05:57:41 pm »
Just goes to show that cav's op and Cavalieres do it best. Also, I don't understand OP's problem. Not a single one of these "PRO" my old friends is good--they're all so bad. Their tag should be "BAD_" .

I don't quite agree. I think it is more likely the average CRPG player has been spoiled rotten by the anti cavalry maps and tweaks, so that many native players have better skills to handle cav than the majority of CRPG players do. So when a large group of cav appears once in a blue moon, no one has any idea how to handle it, although I suspect these chaps are dragoons, and pure cav eat dragoons for breakfast.

General Discussion / Re: The Dark Force
« on: December 01, 2011, 08:34:55 pm »
I feel as if I'm in a twilight universe...

Why are so many non-Fallen so displeased about this? I mean, any NA player knows that Native is a lunatic who makes inventive stories up rather often hence his avatar, but what is everyone elses problem exactly?

Angry that the developers are finally playing their game, and instead of removing a thousand troops via typing in the data base, they chose to have fun and let the Fallen have fun as well? Oh god save us all, the devs made strategus fun! The horror! The humanity!

Or is it perhaps that some of you are realizing that Strategus is finally being watched closely by the devs...

Either way stop crying about it... The Fallen Brigade found the solution to be fun and pleasing, the Hospitallers/Occitan force claim that they found the solution to be fun and pleasing, the devs are happy... Why are so many random people harping on it so bad?

Are you so hellbent on drama that you will create it out of nothing? Considering that the devs just released a patch and recently implemented a kick ass launcher (that auto updates, holy hell) as well as WSE, and considering this is the first time the Fallen Brigade have abused a game feature (and openly addmitted it), the reaction from the community is just sad on how many of you are determined to make a shitstorm about nothing...

Because of the bad precedent it clearly sets? Because if I log in the one time in the week for a strategus battle, either as a merc or a clan I rather not be curb stomped by people with magicked equipment?

To elaborate on the localized "free to play" korean MMO analogy, these people take a game which itself was a copy of other games, changes a few variables, slaps on a translation and runs it. And he says, hey its a mod of a game I made and now its "free to play". Oh btw, you can also donate for some nominal advantages, such as levelling up much faster (lottery lordag anyone?). Afterall everyone can level up too with enough (20000 hours) of play, so leveling up faster is not really an advantage?

And then they pull stunts like magicking +20 oversized swords of head removing for their buddies and steamroll some clan that they don't like. and when people complain they or their fanboys say "it's a free game etc etc" even though they take money in return for real benefits?

Which brings me to the other point. The players have little recourse, so the korean mmo owners can get away with it. But just because you can do it does not make it that you should do it. While some masochists may find it enjoyable to be slaughtered, many players would not like to log in to die repeatedly with no way of defending themselves. For example, take all the hate that was generated whenever a faction forgot to buy equipment or proper equipment for its mercenaries. Recall getting shot at spawn by organized DRZ arrow squads when there were not enough siege shields or normal shields. Was that fun for anyone? Fact is, many, if not most people do not like to be slaughtered.

General Discussion / Re: The Dark Force
« on: December 01, 2011, 01:10:10 pm »
Blow it out the left side of your arse you humourless nincompoop.

This game... oh I mean completely free mod developed with what ever spare time is/was available to the devs is a work in progress.

At least they have a sense of humour, this is both a punishment and a slow clap at the brilliant douche baggery of the fallen. Its fare better that they had the back of the hand slapped for finding this floor and exploiting it.

Just chill Winston, chill.

It is always funny if it is not happening to you right? So it is just a barrel of laughs if your clan gets hit by this?

 In game explots arising from incomplete design is best solved with in game methods, not magicking out stuff and deriving enjoyment from the sufferring at others. And I am not even Fallen or symphathize with their clan. They did a number on me and my clan in earlier strategus.

I would not even be too bothered if the devs styled themselves the papal states and could give out excommunications, thus letting other clans attack fallen without needing causus belli or stability drop (Europa Universalis FTW). Or even if they attacked with their own papal troops.

UNfortunately the 'Strategus: A social Networking game' design has not been fixed, so these are not possible. So magick back the conditions. Fallen got extra 24 hours and more equipment , perhaps at a better time. So restore the conditions to what was before by teleporting the reinforcements and stuff back, then let the other clan choose a attacking date and time.

But getting jollies at the expense of other using one's own mod reeeks of the localized korean MMO mod "owners" (more like hired employees) giving themselves advantages by magicking ridiculous equipment just to settle petty in game grudges. To these MMO 'owners', it is their game, they have suckered money in, so they can do whatever they want. And yes, crpg has taken money in the form of donations.

This was in poor taste. Just because one can does not mean one should. Don't you people try to put yourself in other's shoes?

General Discussion / Re: Archery questions post patch
« on: December 01, 2011, 02:51:52 am »
it would be nice not to take 8 bodkin arrows to kill someone with PD5 :(

Or not take over 4 shots to kill an archer with cloth armor...

But there isnt a better archery game out there...nvm HA :)

This needs to be better known. Archery is so nerfed compared to native it is not even funny. All those archery complainers must have been pure arrow catchers in native.

Announcements / Re: 0.250 released
« on: November 28, 2011, 08:48:02 pm »
You guys are so funny pranking someone who a) doesn't know you, so he can't tell whether you are trustworthy or not, and b) currently has a broken PC and can't check things himself.

Every day this community confirms my impression of just being a bunch of wannabe-funny assholes.

The developers already tried making pikes unable to block, horsebumps wounding the rider and now making the pike a 3 slot weapon, which increases your dependancy on other teammates from 75% to  about 95%. In a game with such a high retard percentage being dependent on others is the last thing you wanna do. Well, at least you can't say "buy a pike" any more when someone rages about cavalry again.  :?

So it would perfectly fit into my picture of the developers if they really changed ladders to work this way. Instead of making them indestructible for "their" team, for example, which would actually be an improvement.

Must agree with you. I can count on 2 hands the people who do not troll and use tired internet memes. The wannabe funnies (kids, drunks, or drunk kids) seemed to have increased tenfold once crpg forums moved out of taleworlds. Guess it was the Taleworlds TOS keeping people in line.

Has anyone figured out the sweet spot armour amount where it becomes more effective for a (horse) archer to use bodkins? I am guessing 30 armour, which means using cutting arrows limits you to shooting other archers.

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