Author Topic: Some thoughts on the new scoring system  (Read 6038 times)

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #60 on: August 24, 2012, 05:22:53 pm »
So the system rewards you for staying in the heat of battle and working for the team.
It doesnt reward lone heroes, it doesnt reward frag hunters, it doesnt reward ranged.

Is it really a bad thing? Alot of people clamor for more teamplay and more tactics and formations etc.
This could be good, this could steer people toward a playstyle that is more about mutual support and staying with the team.

Im not sure myself yet, i want to give it more time and see how it works. But so far it looks like you are really rewarded for contributing, with valor being given too people who actually was in the  SHIT.

The heavy fighting usually happens in the first minute of a battle round. If a team wins this decisively, emerging with a 20-40% advantage in player numbers, they are probably winning the round 80-90% of the time. As such, if you are kicking ass in that heavy fighting, at the critical moment of the battle, you deserve to be well rewarded.

Sorry archers, but the guy who only lives one minute, but manages to go 5-1 and pick up assists and leading to his team to clobber and break the main enemy mass and gaining a 35 to 20 number advantage is doing A LOT more towards victory than some archer who gets as many hits, but from sitting on a rooftop over 4 minutes, after his team is already down 30% relative to enemy and facing outnumbered fights all over the map.

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #61 on: August 24, 2012, 05:29:37 pm »
Yeah I kind of think of gaining cav superiority similar to WWII trying to maintain air superiority.  You need an army (ground troops) to take and hold areas on a map (similar to infantry in WWII).  However air support (cav support) is very useful for taking out targets of interest and other cavalry.
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #62 on: August 24, 2012, 05:39:45 pm »
Pretty much agree with you 100%. We have our infantry support cav (1 handers or low ride high PS builds high armour) and anti cav cav, although both can play the other role to some extent. However it is very hard to do infantry support if enemy cav is still not neutralized. Lancers have to line up their charges, 1 handers may have to go low and slow to slash (and in cav versus cav speed is life), HA have to slow to land trot or stopped snap shots to avoid tks. And when you are slow, that high speed enemy anti cav lancer will pick you apart in a slashing attack.

I often try to go infantry support, but more often screen the crunchies from the enemy cav if they are still around, an enemy cav going for infantry support duties is often easy to pick off if your team cav is a credible threat.

I just often wish the crunchies did not rush in that 1st minute and swing wildly. Cav will screen to their best ability, but sometimes just lack the position (for lancers) or firepower (for HA) to take down all the enemy cav when they go for back stab.

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #63 on: August 24, 2012, 05:53:16 pm »
Trying to be anti-cav as cavalry is very hard, and all you really can do is screen for your infantry.  You're typically not going to be physically stopping them (I ride a +3 courser and it's still hard to anticipate the enemy cavalry position as the circle and move in).

I honestly think the best anti-cav have to be on foot with spears.  I think the best use of your own cavalry is taking out enemy infantry, and I think your team's cavalry is being wasted if they go after enemy cavalry.

I notice if myself and a good cavalry player run around the first couple minutes playing anti-cavalry that our team does worse than if we were to just go on the offensive and pick off stragglers until the infantry collides and then start flanking the enemy. 
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #64 on: August 24, 2012, 06:11:25 pm »
Getting the kill means nothing. Dealing lots of damage does.

I love how I say same thing as cmp with more details and I get minuses, and he says it and gets pluses.

EU bias against NA!

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #65 on: August 24, 2012, 06:16:25 pm »
I dont think the system is that flawed just needs a bit of tweaking.  As mainly support class on my alts and my mains, i can regularly top the charts in whichever role it is.  Really though as an ranged unit or skirmisher you cant expect to have the same amount of points as an infantry support or cav support in the main melee.  They are down there in the thick of it getting kills and assisting teammates.  While ranged units in the back can pick off 1-3 targets a round and hit a few more than that, your not going to be dealing near as much damage as the 2h or shield heroes up front nor should you.

Really the simple fact is: the more damage you deal the more points your gonna get.

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #66 on: August 24, 2012, 06:18:33 pm »
Well he's technically wrong :P  Killing someone prevents them from doing any more damage to your team.  The killing blow is what is necessary to stop them from being able to hurt your teammates.  Being black barred you can still kill a lot of people, and survive the round.
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #67 on: August 24, 2012, 06:24:55 pm »
I dont think the system is that flawed just needs a bit of tweaking.  As mainly support class on my alts and my mains, i can regularly top the charts in whichever role it is.  Really though as an ranged unit or skirmisher you cant expect to have the same amount of points as an infantry support or cav support in the main melee.  They are down there in the thick of it getting kills and assisting teammates.  While ranged units in the back can pick off 1-3 targets a round and hit a few more than that, your not going to be dealing near as much damage as the 2h or shield heroes up front nor should you.

Really the simple fact is: the more damage you deal the more points your gonna get.

Mainly this, though headshots need to be fixed (2 points for a HS is bullcrap if I am slamming a MW Rus MW Bod into you with 170wpf and 8PD from a mere 6 meter distance, that DOES do damage, proof is in the dead dude on the ground, yet 2 points meant it thinks I did just 20...). I also think the proximity bonus is set a smidge too high.
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #68 on: August 24, 2012, 06:51:38 pm »
Mainly this, though headshots need to be fixed (2 points for a HS is bullcrap if I am slamming a MW Rus MW Bod into you with 170wpf and 8PD from a mere 6 meter distance, that DOES do damage, proof is in the dead dude on the ground, yet 2 points meant it thinks I did just 20...). I also think the proximity bonus is set a smidge too high.

If you ask me,range doesn't deserve ANY points for it cowardly bundle of sticksry,so I'm definetly fine that those fucking random headshots get 1-2 points
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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #69 on: August 24, 2012, 06:52:08 pm »
Its not about damage dealt, fuck its not about kills either.

Your contribution to the teams succes, that is what matters

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #70 on: August 24, 2012, 07:03:09 pm »
I agree that individual kills should be better rewarded, right now, giving the killing blow gives you just the amount of points you get from the damage you deal, and if the enemy is nearly dead, you get like 1 point for a kill, which is ridiculous in every way, no matter you only dealt 1 damage, it's a killing blow and therefore should be rewarded. I mean, your blow could be a 50 damage one, but as the enemy is just 1hp left, is scored as a 1 damage blow. To resolve this, a "special award" for a killing blow should be made, say, like 3 or 4 EXTRA score for a killing.

About hoplites being favoured, i think the main cause is that dealing damage to horses is too-well rewarded (12 points for killing a horse sometimes, without touching the rider), and hoplites is the class that more likely will do it. It's the same for 2h or 1h, but they will not kill horses so often, so that's why they don't get the score. Pikers are in the same group of hoplites here, no need for a shield.

Having said that, Bjorn, your perception of Shielders being score-magnets, is partly caused by EU having great shielders ;D. Survibavility is a really important factor in this game, and shielders have a good amount of that.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 08:10:48 pm by RiPLeY_II »

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #71 on: August 26, 2012, 03:29:12 pm »

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #72 on: August 26, 2012, 07:38:27 pm »
Taking out the last few hit points on a nearly dead guy takes a lot less skill and courage than taking on a fully healthy 'game changer'.  If I see a guy with four arrows and a jarid sticking out of him, I know I just got to get one lucky hit and he'll stop hitting me back.  You face a full health guy and its going to take a lot longer (especially for a hybrid one-hander like me), and there's a better chance some of his buddies might show up.  Conversely, your buddies might show up, which is great, unless they steal your kill points after you got your shield smashed, lost 3/4 of your health and developed carpal tunnel syndrome from dancing around.

As for archers, this is good enough nerf for them.  People bitch about too many archers; maybe their getting less points will cause a few to change classes.  I do like the idea of proximity points for being near the guy doing the damage, mainly because when I'm pretty wounded but still have a strong shield I'll find an archer and stand by him, protecting him from arrows, causing melee who don't know how weak I am to think twice before trying to chase him down, and keeping cav at bay with my jarids.

And you can never get enough points for killing cav.  Anti-cav support classes have been getting low scores long enough now while really helping their team.  As a thrower, you usually can just keep the enemy cav away from your rear, as most cav have learned not to charge throwers (I miss those days- nothing like the thrill of throwing a jarid into a lancer's head at the very last second.  Well worth getting trampled by its rider-less steed).

So everything is wonderful, except I don't have my fast internet hooked up to experience all of this.  And hooray for hoplites and hybrids!

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #73 on: August 27, 2012, 06:11:51 pm »
With the current score system it seems we have in general continuous valour xp for shielders in battle and for strength crutching maulers on siege.

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Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« Reply #74 on: August 27, 2012, 07:11:47 pm »
I dont feel like writing an essay, so im just gonna say that its awesome.