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Messages - Fandrall

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Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: May 04, 2014, 03:04:26 am »
I'll be there. You guys serious about the yurt and Is there some sort of competition or something?

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: April 05, 2014, 08:28:27 pm »
Bubastan banner looks awesome!

Best thing that happened to GK since Chagan quit!  :wink:

General Discussion / Re: Gold, Masterworks and Loompoints give away
« on: February 17, 2014, 12:00:45 pm »
Om jag var du skulle jag behålla mina looms och pengar. Man vet ju aldrig när man får för sig att komma tillbaka.

Dock gjorde Chagan_Arslan likadant när han slutade och jag upplever att han är mycket mer avslappnad när han spelar nu. Genom att ge bort allt och delete:a sin main säkerställde han att det inte kunde bli några "återfall" som bara skulle leda till stress och besvikelse.

Hur som helst... Om du absolut vill ge bort dina looms och pengar tar jag gärna emot vadsom. Själklart får du tillbaka vad du gett ifall du bestämmer dig för att börja spela igen. :-)


Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:58:01 pm »
I say get shiny gloves and use shiny purple banner ;-)

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: February 15, 2014, 04:55:14 pm »
This banner discussion is interesting... For your information banners are bought through auctions. You get to keep it for 2 months and then you need to buy a new one. They go for 150-200k. Sofar Dark and Chagan are the only ones that payed for them. Since none else contributed, Chagans money ran out and Dark likes the purple banner we stopped buying new ones.

Im not saying GK is a democracy (because its not) but for the "majority" to have any say in a democracy they have to contribute...normally by paying tax.

If anyone of you wants the banner just put money into the bank and we will get it.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: October 23, 2013, 01:51:31 am »
Bah! such nonsense. Nice scene though... up until the silly placed MGs and gunners only hitting riders.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Game mechanic megathread!
« on: October 18, 2013, 09:43:39 am »
Is the HA malus (archery) removed?  Its not listed in the first post anymore but I cant find any information of it being removed in patch announcements.

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Horsemy old friendchery
« on: September 06, 2013, 03:36:08 pm »
It's the end of a round, one guy is left on one team, ten people are left on the other. Team 1 has a ha, team 2 has ten shielders optimized to counter ranged as good as they can while not becoming ranged, the HA wastes 3-5 minutes of everyone's time running around without managing to get a single kill despite filling everyone's shields with half a dozen arrows. Everyone even have to wait for the MotF to come up instead of the guy just dehorsing and dying, for he doesn't want to hurt his kd.

That guy sounds like a douchebag. However the only thing your example has to do with classes and classbalance is that a horseranged has high survivability and for that reason attracts(?) more trolls/griefers.

Does that make the HA class unfair? It sure as fuck does to the shitload of people whose time is being wasted

No it doesnt it makes that player unfair. If he has no chance of killing them all or win in an other way he should not drag the fight out... To me this is a classic case of delaying.

Would being hybrid throwers have helped the shielders? If the HA stayed out of maximum range (which for a thrower isn't very long) it wouldn't

You have much more experience then me when it comes to throwing so im not gonna argue about throwing effectiveness but a combination of 10 guys with shields some of them with throwing skill seizing the flag would most likely be successful against one HA.

However If flags are 3-5 mins out, there's a 10 vs 1 situation (everyone else died the first two mins?) and the one guy (whatever class) has a very little chance to win the round even if he uses all the time that is left, he should be a nice guy and engage the enemy in close combat.

Is the insane amounts of minutes being wasted because of some shitbird on a horse beyond retarded? Yes

Agreed but that goes for everyone that are being selfish and make everyone else wait when there's no chance of winning not only Horseranged.

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Horsemy old friendchery
« on: September 06, 2013, 01:55:44 am »

Give me an example of a situation where an archer is more than 10 meters away from any class without a ranged weapon and totally suck equally bad as a 2h more than 10 meters away from an archer. Tip : in such a situation the 2h dies within seconds.

Hes out of arrows?

Seriously that is just silly. This is not a game about standing 10 meters away from people. If you want to "theorycraft" atleast make the scenario somewhat applyable on the actual game...

Like its the end of a round. One guy are left on each team. Team 1 has a 2h optimized to deal and receive dmg in melee. IE no shield skill for ranged protection. Team 2 has a HA optimized to kill heavy inf IE high PD, bodkins and heavier horse. Clearly the HA has an advantage as he can decide when and where to engage the 2h. Right now the only thing the 2h can do is either hide and wait for flags or try to outsmart the HA. Lets say he choose to hide and wait for flags. They spawn and he dances over there in a hail of arrows and bumps hoping the HA will slip up or the glitching hitboxes will save him. Not a very good place to be in and would probably end up with 2h dead.

Does that make the HA class unfair?        No
Do the 2h have to respecc archer to coupe with other ranged?        No
Could he have done something not to get into that position in the first place?       Most likely yes... He could have brought equipment just for situations like that, helped his teamates who are better suited to take out HAs survive, tweaked his build to be able to counter more then melee oriented situations to name a few.

Adaptation against ranged is more ranged, but people don't do it because they still prefer having fun over winning.

It can be but it doesnt have too. You counter an enemy by playing your strengths and denying him using his. Thus you need to adapt your playstyle to the situation you are in. If you optimize yourself to a certain task one of your weaknesses will be not being able to adapt very much. That is your own choice/fault not the classes that you cant counter.

Oh and if people dont want to adapt to win because they prefer having fun why do they call for nerfs/removal of other classes? Sounds to me they want both things to the expense of others fun...

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Horsemy old friendchery
« on: September 05, 2013, 07:52:22 pm »
How about not call for nerfs and removal of "classes" based on subjective thoughts, pseudo science and isolated incidents.

All "classes" and playstyles have situations when they are well suited for the task and where they totally suck. Further we all have the same opportunities when creating characters and choosing gear at round start. If you want to have a better chance against a certain "class" there are plenty of options. All it takes is not focusing on whining/raging but adaptation.

Try not to bend the spoon... Instead bend yourselves!

General Discussion / Re: eu1 tonight
« on: September 04, 2013, 01:04:30 am »
On that particular map the class balance was totally fucked up. Allmost all ranged and cav was stacked together on one team and the melee inf was on the other.

However both teams used teamplay and played to their strengths which I found really enjoyable. Win or loose the game is much more fun when "tactics" are applied.

I think it ended up ranged/cav team:4  melee team:3... It should have been the other way around though as the flag where bugged one round and didnt end the match when it reached the top.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:08:56 pm »
Check our forum!

Important info.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: August 13, 2013, 08:36:00 pm »
Poll on our forum will end in 4 days... last chance to cast your votes!

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: August 04, 2013, 09:00:31 pm »
Important poll on our forum!

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: August 04, 2013, 06:51:23 pm »
If you want to join follow the instructions stated on post one in this thread.

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