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Messages - Munchkin9

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There is nothing powerful about spamming. If someone is marginally good you can beat a spammer, if you can't you suck. Spamming is just another of the tools at are disposal and like everything else has a counter (decent blocking, spin and chambering).

As to the issue at hand. There just is something wrong about beating through a line of infantry to reach the long spear wielding guy in the back only for him to do a ninja move jumping back 5 feet and doing a 360 while thrusting which miraculously hits you and kills you outright. Its vexing. Not that anything should be done about it. The LAST, I say again, THE ABSOLUTELY LAST THING THIS GAME NEEDS is more nerfing. We keep going down this path and before we know it, we'll be playing WoW.

Frankly I don't get why so many things get nerfed so often. Every 5 minutes someone starts whining about this or that weapon that killed him. I think that if something absolutely has to be nerfed the devs should wait a month or two (at least) to see if the noise dies down or if it is, genuinely, a problem. Also buffing is better than nerfing.

General Discussion / Re: Really melee-ers?
« on: January 25, 2012, 03:06:16 am »
Polearms compensate this by amazing versatility and that stupid polestagger.

And by the 360-spin-stab.

*Read first page -> skip to 5th page -> more of the same = doubt I missed anything important*

The fact that *most* cav spend their time back stabbing everyone is not something anyone can deny. Like I said, not all cav, I've seen a bunch that are truly good and impressive cav, notably that 1-hander cav that's making a resurgence. They are genuinely cool to watch, obvious in their skill and even fun to fight.

The main issue I find is that of all weapons a polearm being used from horse back is the most deadly. I know of no other weapon that has such a high 1-shot kill rate. On the off-hand I know of no weapons so easily blocked (except maybe for polearm and shield). What I'm getting at is: the people playing cav aren't the issue so don't rage at them; the issue is the game mechanics related to cav. These game mechanics are engraved in stone all the way back to the first Mount and Blade. And frankly I don't see what can be done about them.

Suggestions Corner / Why is Armor difficulty so low?
« on: January 25, 2012, 02:43:56 am »
For now particular reasons other that they are all armor crutching wimps to scarred to fight like a real man (bear chested wielding a spoon of course), I dislike tin cans.

That's why I've never really had a close look at the higher tier armors. But I just had a look now and I'm a little confused. 16 str for black armor? Why?

I'm currently running a poorly made 21/15 build. 21! And I'm not even focusing strength (okay maybe a little, but that's not the point!). IMHO it seems to me that if someone wants to go tin can then they should be forced to dedicate their build to it. Meaning something more like 20 or even 25 strength for black armor and sort of count down from there.

What I believe (I might be wrong) this would do is: reduce the amount of tin cans (always a good thing :D), create a larger division in builds between tin cans and non-tin cans (what I assume are aluminum cans) and finally cause a tin can to truly be a lot slower and therefore be more balanced.

I know most people disagree with me on that last, they saying armor does slow you done a lot, but there ya have it, I don't think it slows down nearly enough. I hate to pull the realism card but a knight in armor, when off horse back, could barely move, never mind jog across the battlefield. And if the mention of realism makes your muscles in your knee spasm weirdly then there is also the balance issue to consider: whether you like it or not (or even admit it) armors are better than no armor, always: you can take a ridiculous amount of punishment and even have a considerable amount of immunity to attacks (glances). The counter-balance to this is...what? Supposedly a lose of speed. But I as I said I haven't noticed this.

This alteration would raise the speed difference (slightly) and add an extra counter-balance: armors are harder to get and force you to sacrifice some other things like swing speed, shield capabilities etc. Main issue to this (see I can self critique!) is that it would also reduce the capability for tin cans to ride horses, a plus for balance but a lose for realism.

C'est vous qui voyez.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Is it just me or do two handers seem unfair?
« on: January 11, 2012, 06:32:24 pm »
The above stats it exactly as it is. As far as dueling and 1v1 2h's are one of the best (doesn't mean that if you aren't good you cant beat them). 2h weapons do a lot of damage and have a lot of range.

In a battle situation however, which is where you should be if you have any self-respect, 2hs are quickly at a disadvantage: no shield to block arrows, out ranged by lances of cav, and in a large team cluster- f* I don't care how good that 2h is he can't block everything.

That's why I play what I think is the funnest and most interesting builds out there. The HBS (heavy bastard sword) and shield. I lolz whenever people tell me that I'm a nub and shouldn't use a bastard sword with a shield. I use the shield in team fights and when archers are around, and I put it away for 1v1 or 1v2 s. Adaptability ftw.

What really need is a way to stop people from constantly using high tier weapons in every fight. only way i can think of is to reimplement a native like system where you can, after a few kills use your better equip.

What I would really preffer is that all possible builds are worth something. but ya...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Whats the general opinion?
« on: January 11, 2012, 12:40:05 am »
Nice avatar. Worth posting the thread just for that.

As to on topic: like i said its a minor gripe but it is vaguely annoying.

and to the ninja: see that? I got supportz :D

Suggestions Corner / Whats the general opinion?
« on: January 11, 2012, 12:28:02 am »
Its a small gripe so I'm mainly looking to see if other people feel the same way I do.

Switching weapons has bothered me since this game was released and in fact is the same for nearly all (if not all) games that invlove more than one weapon. Why, can someone please explain to me, does it make sense to make switching weapons not include the time it takes to put the currentely held weapon away?

In so many games including m&b and fps and *most* rpgs, switching weapons goes directly from the weapon you are holding to drawing the new weapon. Why does it not instead: play the animation of sheathing the weapon and then play the animation of drawing the new weapon?

Maybe there is a good design reason for this but it illudes me, anyone?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Long spears aka pikes
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:39:39 pm »
I don't know where we at in this discussion...21 pages is a bit long for what I consider a simple problem: the only reasons pikes and long spears are so annoying is that they have an overhead attack. I made a post about this in the wrong section not realizing this post existed. The over head makes no sense realistically or game-balance wise. How would someone swing that pole over their head like that so easily (blocking we have to keep for game balance, and to not make the ragers rage) and game balance wise it is an anti-cav weapon and support weapon it shouldn't be over head. It makes it even harder to account for it in a group fight. If it was only thrust then it would be *possible* to be aware of it.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Heirloom Trading & Other Life-Saving Concepts~
« on: September 12, 2011, 05:33:20 am »



Suggestions Corner / Re: adding new things to the classes
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:23:02 am »
I disagree with the archer part, as being an archer i know that the bow would just end up being nerfed again. I also disagree with the carrying a person on a horse, the reasons are technical: this would look so many kinds of hideous, and realistically: most horses (maybe with the exception of warhorses) could not carry two people for very long or very fast. Plus I don't really see how it adds that much, except perhaps allow the most annoying archer kiting to be seen yet in video gaming.

On a more positive note I love the idea of having the ability to strap a weapon to your horse. This is something I have always wished to do in single player (see picture of the suspiciously Aragorn looking guy on the 'cover' of mount and blade).

Suggestions Corner / Re: Second mode for more weapons
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:16:29 am »
A note on the throwing: this would only be viable if the thrown mod of the weapon could only be accessed if a strength requirement was met that is way above the one of the weapon. So to throwing a flamberg  would be near impossible for the strength requirement, but throwing your long dagger would be available much sooner.

On the note this thread is actually about...I agree with those that say this is not worth the work it would require, be that only a little. I am a two-hand user and I can tell you I never use the secondary mod. I see no reason for it.

Suggestions Corner / For the love of all you hold dear...
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:08:37 am »
Get rid of the overhead on long spears. No joke, no matter how you think about it it makes no sense. From a realism stand point, swing a pole that long would be one of the hardest things you have tried to do, on an object that long held where it is held the user has absolutely no leverage, swinging this would feel like lifting a huge boulder. From a game balance stand-point the fucking weapon is an anti-cav weapon, what the HELL does it need an overhead for that? It was obviously added in to be used against infantry which means you are disregarding weapon roles and ruining balance.

I'm not asking to nerf the weapons stats. I don't care about the damage, range, speed or what have you. But just remove the overhead. Please.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Disarm
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:02:58 am »
The main issue I see with this is that while it would feel amazing for the one doing the disarming, the one getting disarmed will be going wtf? and raging. It is like stuns (this game only just gets away with it). Any point where the player loses control of their character (or a part of their character) during a tense situation, the player will become extremely angry and find that unfair.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Boosting Knives
« on: September 09, 2011, 05:55:00 am »
So I'm going to get flamed but I have found myself wishing that the Khyber knife could block. FIRST: let me give a reason why. I am a heavy bastard sword user. I love my HBS. Sometimes I also use the highland claymore if I'm feeling a little slower. However I have noted that these weapons have a HUGE, and I mean HUGE disadvantage in tight locations such as tunnels, in between buildings and on walls. All too often my weapon hits against the walls. Which is fine btw, perfectly understandable (although some sort of sound notification would be nice a ting, clang, poke or 'fuck all my weapons done got stuck in a wall'). So in trying to solve this I have been trying to bring knives with me to use in these situations. I have ran into the obvious problems mentioned above I can't block and I do shit all damage. And I refuse grabbing a short sword as it goes on my HBS slot and that is UNACCEPTABLE, no really it is. So ya a knife with blocking plox ;D.

But in more realistic discussion: I think a timer for back stab would be too artificial and maybe even the back stab feature. Instead (and tell me if it is not possible) but can the 'sharpness' of knives be increased so that glances near never happen with them. I know this isn't realistic but it feels kind of nice. I mean if I'm brave enough to charge into combat with a knife the game should take pity on me and give me a little help. No?
I noticed this when I was dueling to practice my knife skills (btw knife v. knife fights are so much fun) and I found my self glancing on everything even cloth and leather. This is because when knife fighting moving around is extremely important even more so then normal so very often glances will occur if you aren't standing JUST RIGHT.

Anyway I'm ranting, thanks for listening/reading. Off to bed now. Night ;)

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