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Messages - Raxmus

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Closed Requests / Re: BAN REQUEST: LLJK_raxmus & goresaw
« on: September 27, 2012, 08:02:07 am »
Thats my point Rax.  If you are caught repeatedly shutting the gates on your team (the one touch gate) then how much more absurd it is that you triggered the gates that take longer to activate...  you sound rather silly about all this.

The only thing I see in the video is me trying to re-open the gates players are closing.

So you closed the gate on offense by mistake... 4 times on the same map?  :lol: Sureeeee I like how you didn't deny lying. you should prolly deny me really fast in your above post so you don't look even more silly.

I wasn't on offense 4 times.

Closed Requests / Re: BAN REQUEST: LLJK_raxmus & goresaw
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:58:01 am »
Rax... have you even taken a look atthe fraps I took?  Do you realize how silly you sound right now?

That wasn't even a gate house, not even talking about the one touch activate-able gates.

Closed Requests / Re: BAN REQUEST: LLJK_raxmus & goresaw
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:53:57 am »
Maybe you wouldn't have to defend you're self, if you didn't do anything wrong in the first place.

Tell that to every convicted murderer who had his judgment reversed on DNA evidence decades later.

Him and goresaw were both attempting to keep this door closed to stop the steady supply of reinforcements which cost us the round multiple times.  Later on you continued to grief by opening the gate on defense  Closing the gate on offense, harming his team's chance for victory.

Canary caught you in the act of closing the gate on offense.

You should really stop trying to lie your way out of this one.

I was trying to keep the gate open, as I said. I never attempt to close  the gate. If I go up the ladder or the siege machine I'll check the gate house and press the activator if I think the gate isn't up yet. If I closed it by mistake oh well mistakes happen once in a while. It's not like it's ever happened before. Activating the gate tower once on offense isn't means for a ban, it means someone should tell the player so they can re-open it. The fact is people are just insecure and they want someone to hate. They want someone to point out as "the bad guy" to make themselves feel good about who they are. It's compensating for their lack of confidence. It has nothing to do with trying to make sure players who are making the game worse are removed. It's just about stringing someone up in front of others and saying "hey guys look at this guy he's the bad guy look I found him praise me!". It's all a power grab and an attention seek. The reasons people become overzealous or quick to judge GMs are the same as cops with a chip on their shoulder who want to exercise power over society. They're itching for an excuse for someone to give them a target, even if that target is innocent.

Closed Requests / Re: BAN REQUEST: LLJK_raxmus & goresaw
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:27:40 am »
Whatever ban someone was planning on giving this guy, can you triple it considering how big of a clown he is right now?

God forbid a player defend themselves for their right to play when people tout around false accusations to defame them and prevent them from playing a fun video game.


Closed Requests / Re: BAN REQUEST: LLJK_raxmus & goresaw
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:22:35 am »
3 more time and now you kicked at people who were opening them...  But hey!  "New guy.. mistreated..." Won't even fess up when caught redhanded...

Do you have video of me kicking other people? People were actually killing me and hitting me with weapons regularly. E and F are very close. Sometime I will "air kick" when meaning to press F to open the gate. Players teamwound kick each other constantly, it just seems to be something that is regularly done to me. I don't see threads about them and I don't see them get kicked or banned.

Closed Requests / Re: BAN REQUEST: LLJK_raxmus & goresaw
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:15:48 am »
Please, save your bullshit.

I only wish I had uploaded all those screenshots of you earlier from the battle server of going to the top of the mountain, delaying everyone, and fleeing from them without fighting. It's horseshit. The players in LLJK that take this game serious should be ashamed of you. I feel bad for them and your clan and anyone you are associated with that enjoys this game.

I sometimes go and find high vantage points to throw from on battle but if I'm one of the few left I always run toward the general area of the enemy. I'm kinda wondering if you guys just want an excuse to TK and grief and pin it on LLJK. There's no reason to be rude or mean unless you have something to hide. I came into siege was team killed repeatedly and had people yelling at me in chat. It wasn't a very relaxing or enjoyable experience at all especially when I'm trying out a new character and returning to the game. It's a shame the community reflects so negatively upon a good mod.

Closed Requests / Re: BAN REQUEST: LLJK_raxmus & goresaw
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:13:54 am »
Rax, watch the fraps.  Kind of hard to explain away what you did on that since you were (along with me) on assault... How many times did you shut the gates on your team just in those 30 second clips I took?

Maybe once or twice? I was opening them most of the time to allow the proper flow of troops. I only pressed F when I saw the "Open Gate" dialogue, the gate shouldn't close if that's the case, right? Some of the players on the outside may have queued the same dialogue.

Closed Requests / Re: BAN REQUEST: LLJK_raxmus & goresaw
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:09:09 am »
Okay some quick things:

1.) I was teamkilled more than 10 times by allied forces and you can check the logs on that
2.) I was trying to keep the gate open so allied players could pass though
3.) If I closed the gate it was in mistake trying while spamming trying to keep it open from players trying to close it or I was on the defending team if the map had a gatehouse.
4.) The fact that the gate was opened and I was there ready to throw darts at people doesn't mean I opened it.

Is this how you treat returning players? Trolling them and TKing them over and over then getting them banned? No thanks. I think a few griefers are trying to shift the blame to avoid getting banned for interrupting the proper sportsmanlike gameplay normally occurring in CRPG. I may have forgot some things since I took a break but I know the basics. I am disappointed in the community that instead of helping others seeks to isolate and haze them.

Re-joining after you failed to ban me is not ban evasion.
You being racist and me responding by being sexist isn't against the rules.
Putting up strategic ladders isn't not contributing.

You basically have no proof anywhere of me doing anything and instead wave your vagina around at people and expect them to just kowtow.

"Play my way or don't play"

Please stop ruining gaming for the adults with some sense of fairness and justice and who don't get off on bossing men around on the internet.

The internet: proving how democracy never, ever works.

Closed Requests / Unban Request Thread - Raxmus
« on: September 12, 2011, 02:32:56 am »
I just want to play internet knights with my buddies, why are you banning me? Why do you want me gone? I just want to have fun with you guys. I didn't break any rules :(.

Please watch this video as proof of my sincerity:

Shik got mad at me and banned me for violating 0 rules on the following list.

Apparently they can't read this clause:
"Remember that this is the internet. Don't be insulted if someone calls you an idiot."

They failed at banning me a few times (as in I could join normally without evading the ban), they then freaked out (or so I hear) and did some uber-banning measures until I couldn't RJ. As far as I could tell I was kinda sorta not really getting banned and I didn't break any rule so I kept RJing. That said I can still RJ occasionally, so you can either unban me or I can keep rjing... the choice is yours and yours alone.

So no ban evasion, no rule breaks. You can be an adult and do what is fair and just, or be a child and keep me banned out of spite.

So I fully deserve an unban considering 0 posted rules were broken and if you read the log the fact is shik just got mad at me for spitting the truth and banned me spitefully like a small child :)

Behavior rules

    No offensive behavior anywhere
        Remember that this is the internet. Don't be insulted if someone calls you an idiot.
    No offensive character names. If in doubt about a name, pick another one.

General rules

    No exploiting of any kind
        NOT OK: Bypassing the autobalance
        NOT OK: Using a bug to gain undeserved benefits
    No intentional teamwounding/teamkilling
    No malicious griefing of teammates (kickspamming, blocking, etc.)
    No drawing/delaying the round on purpose (i.e. running away or camping unreachable places when you're one of the last people alive)
    No abuse of in-game chat (racism, insulting, griefing...)
    No random kick/ban polls. Always specify reason before starting a poll
        OK: poll-kicking a leecher
        OK: poll-kicking an intentional teamkiller
        NOT OK: poll-kicking someone who involuntarily hurt you
        NOT OK: poll-kicking someone because you don't like his playstyle
    No leeching
        OK: Being a bad player and getting no kills
        NOT OK: Standing around away from keyboard. If you're away, switch to spectator mode
        NOT OK: Running around naked without weapon. Not contributing is leeching, naked runners don't contribute.
        NOT OK: Autorunning your char to enemy to die
    Glitching is allowed, being an asshat isn't
        OK: hiding (e.g. in the hay)
        NOT OK: hiding when last man standing (i.e. delaying)
        OK: using a ladder to reach a roof that can't be reached normally
        OK: camping unreachable places in the middle of the round
        NOT OK: camping unreachable places when last group of men standing (i.e. delaying)
        NOT OK: exploiting invisible barriers
        NOT OK: going out of map bounds (if you can see unfinished parts of the map, then you should not be there)
        NOT OK: ladderpulting
    If you're stuck, change team to spectators or rejoin the server, otherwise you will be considered a leecher.

Duel mode specific rules

    All types of duels are allowed (ranged, mounted, shield, heavy armor...) if both duelists agree
    No following or face-hugging the other duelist before the duel countdown has ran out - either hold your starting position or back-pedal if you want some distance between you and your opponent
    No running away or going into unreachable places

Siege mode specific rules

    No opening the gates as defender
    No stopping on ladders and blocking your team-mates on purpose

Breaking a rule may net you a warning, mute, kick or ban at admin discretion depending on severity of rule broken and player history (yes, repeated offenders are treated more harshly). In minor offences you usually get a written warning first, in more severe cases you might get kicked or even banned immediately.

If you ever get kicked, consider that a serious warning - you are obviously doing something wrong. If you are unsure what it is, re-read these rules and/or ask the admin in question what the kick was for in a civilized manner. If you're a hot-headed type, perhaps take a few minutes to cool off before going back to shout at the admin. Same goes for all interaction with the admins, act properly and you will most likely be received better.

Voted bans last for 1 hour. These cannot be lifted by admins and are automatically removed after the time is passed.

Admin bans can be either temporary (1 hour) or "permanent". Permanent does not mean permanent in most cases, usually it's a day or two. If you are in a rush or think you have been unjustly banned, post in EU or NA unban sections (read the first post and follow the rules). Again, civilized behavior might do you some good, raging/lying just prolongs the duration of the punishment.

Admins are human too, so mistakes can happen. We are terribly sorry for not being perfect and are working on replacing all players and admins with computers for optimal performance.

Closed Requests / Re: sane and clearly readable unban request
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:56:08 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Closed Requests / Re: sane and clearly readable unban request
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:52:48 am »
Rejected for giving me any reason why I should unban.

Care to add a reason?

because I love you this

much  :D

Also I am clearly a paragon of diversity and alternative gameplay that CRPG is severely lacking. Banning me is banning art. It's censorship. Only chocolate chip cookies would censor people. Are you a chocolate chip cookie?  :shock:

Closed Requests / sane and clearly readable unban request
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:50:08 am »
sane and clearly readable unban request

Please resubmit a sane and clearly readable unban request, and fix your forum profile so that the information does not run over the post.

Closed Requests / NA_CRPG1 Unban Request
« on: September 03, 2011, 04:31:19 am »
This is a direct attack on the Zulu nation. My people will not take this blatant racism and classism against throwers. The Zulu may not fight in a "chivalrous" manner but we fight to the death. We have committed no wrongs and stand for honor and fuzzy boots.

All attacks and attempts to ban us are completely unfounded. There is no proof of our crimes and all false claims are lies.

Mighty Zulu Nation we have found the perfect beat, stupid jelly internet knights, they want to possess our perfect beat.

I submit this video evidence of my innocence:

I rest my case.


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