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Messages - Governor

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Are the devs not concerned about growing the community?  Childish stunts like this do nothing but make the devs and this community look just that: childish.  Everyone needs to get their jollies somehow, but this was above and beyond what any reasonable person should expect to see in any community.  I'm disappointed, and despite having no vested interest whatsoever in this particular battle, the fact that people think this is OK is definitely contributing to my desire to no longer spend time with this game or this community.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Primary and Secondary modes for Archery
« on: November 28, 2011, 07:29:32 pm »
This is an interesting idea, but my main concern is about the whole "cannot move" while firing in secondary mode.  Who doesn't move a little bit while drawing in every situation?  I don't mean you should be able to run like mad, but when another archer is firing on you with a horn bow and you have a long bow, you are dead 100% of the time if you had to stand still.  Even though I have a bigger and badder bow that is [arguable] intended to be used at long range, I would have to switch into the first mode just to be able to avoid being an easy target for other archers.  This is perhaps even a bigger issue when I'm against a crossbowman; it is already tough enough that they can wait as long as they want to fire while I need to be ready to dodge at any moment.

Diplomacy / Re: Declaration of War
« on: November 18, 2011, 06:01:19 pm »
Enjoy the fights, guys.  Strategus is boring as hell without them.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus Battles!
« on: November 18, 2011, 03:11:23 am »
Not that it matters, but the largest battle to date (as far as I know) was the 11/13 battle between HRE and Hospitaller.

Rage much?  You make a reasonable point, but you sound like a bratty eight year old doing it.

General Discussion / Re: Public Service Announcement.
« on: September 24, 2011, 08:57:59 pm »
Bramd went from level 28(?) to level 6.  Please everyone, heed is warning, but also laugh at him endlessly.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Artistic talents - win a loom point!
« on: September 24, 2011, 08:53:02 pm »
Traditional digital map/GIS software (even map software as simple as google maps) faces the exact same problems that you're outlining here.  They solve this issue by showing different maps/panels based on your zoom level and also provide toggles for different versions of the map or layers (e.g. google maps satellite vs road map).  This also helps with page load and memory management on the client end.  It seems we already have different "layers", so at the very least it should be pretty straight forward to add in a toggle on the UI that switches between realistic view and "terrain" view.  This would also have the added benefit of being flexible for the future -- if you added a map image that was dynamically generated based on faction territories, for example, it could be toggled on in the same fashion.

If needed, you can also implement more detailed maps at closer zoom levels -- this would allow you to really focus on the graphics/details that look best at specific zooms rather than trying to find something that looks OK at every zoom.

Since the map functionality is all built into the backend, the vast majority of this work would be simply done on the frontend UI, and that is obviously ideal.

If this seems like something you'd want to pursue, I'd be happy to help out with the javascript.

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.241
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:40:15 am »
- horse requirement changes

(click to show/hide)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: How do I join a Strat battle?
« on: September 23, 2011, 12:43:30 am »
If you're looking to merc for a lot of clans, you should probably get Teamspeak, Ventrilo, and Mumble installed.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
« on: September 21, 2011, 12:08:00 am »
Ha, if you remember the last version of Strategus, NA doesn't need that much encouragement to fight. We have the FCC. They pretty much keep things interesting on a full time basis.

Oh yes.  With this I am quite familiar.

<-------------------- :)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
« on: September 20, 2011, 09:59:02 pm »
That map looks like it is going to encourage people (especially in NA) to fight.  Looks good to me.  When can we start killing each other?

Diplomacy / Re: To former Enemies
« on: September 10, 2011, 09:46:27 pm »
You too, champ.  That said, if you could never fight me again, that would be great.  I'm not fond of you shield-er types. :P

Strategus General Discussion / That was fun
« on: September 10, 2011, 07:13:05 am »
Despite all of the exploiting, backstabbing, whining, and trash talking, I thought this round of strategus was a lot of fun.  I'm happy that FCC was at war since pretty much day 1; it definitely made us a lot of enemies, but it allowed us to battle an excessive amount of times, and that is where all the fun is, in my opinion.  I suspect we weren't the only ones that had a kick-ass time.

I'm excited to see what the next round of strategus will bring -- I'm hoping there will be some new alliances (unexpected even) forming so we can mix up the battles a bit, but I guess only time will tell.

Anyway, thanks for the fights.  I'm looking forward to seeing you all in the field again in a week or so.

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 13, 2011, 09:35:42 pm »
+ Changes. I'm glad you guys tried to mix things up, and I hope you continue to do so.  It keeps the game fresh.  I just hope you're also willing to admit mistakes and revert the bad changes.  I think the last patch was a huge win, and I think this patch is... not so much.

- Archer missile speed decrease (because archers were so OP before?  show me the stats to back that one up)
- Upkeep increases (did anyone really think that upkeep was a problem before?)
- Dropping of arrows when picking up like weapons not fixed
- Renames of the bows -- there were no duplicate bow names, why the change?
- Throwing

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