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Messages - Keshian

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Strat battles need to give strat ticks and you collect crpg gold by playing - would hugely increase the willingness fr people to leave battle servers and play.

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 17, 2016, 07:14:36 am »
Everyone understands that they are at fault for saying "friend" (Despite what plumbo, kesh, and turkhammer believe)
They are just indignant because the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Of course they were going to protest. Did they do it in a kind of shitty way? Yeah. But to be honest it's really not that harsh and they all deserved at most a 1-3 hour ban.Unchecked by Artyem and the other admins, they would have suffered perma bans or character wipes as per what Desire and Derpre have threatened.
 That is the entire point of all of these damn threads.

I'm just here playing* Autism Police *with the degenerates that think otherwise.
Wee-woo, Wee-woo

Lol your earlier response trying to attack my family is exactly the kind of person you and your clan represent with your racism and homophobia.  Did I devolve to atatck your family? no.  That is the toxic shit we are glad tos ee you leave.  And no, none of your responses really showed that you accepted any fault whatsoever, so are we just supposed to assume it? 

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 17, 2016, 05:05:15 am »
How many people have to tell you that's chicken of frisa encouraging it and not artyem before you get it into your thick fucking skull kesh. You're either stupider than I ever realized, or lying for the sake of it.

Artyem posted in team chat just like the others.  Im not talking about chicken saying N word in ts, I'm talking about arytem saying he talked with desire, then he said he posted in chat now too in (racist) solidarity like another dumb lemming in the mob.  We even talked about it in our ts how he couldn't get banned even though he did it as well and he was obviously trying to force everyone to not get banned by having enough people do it it would be too many to ban including himself.

We stopped it on our side because unlike you our group doesn't have this toxic encouragement of degrading others and using racism and homophobic slurs in game on a regular basis.  You guys played a big role in escalating it and ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to take any personal responsibility for that.

yeah I don't condone Firebus, so we stopped it, unlike you, encouraging racist slurs you hack admin.

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 17, 2016, 04:57:51 am »
I'm calling them stupid for continually bringing up racism as the reason for their ban, and also, for continually fighting their bans after they've already been graciously reduced.

You all, as admins, need to understand the rules and not let your familiarity with or perceived Internet friendship or your white knighting get in the way of one simple thing. As admins, we all need to agree upon and uphold the rules, and if need be let people, clan mates, whoever we're in ts with know when they've crossed the line and refrain or stop them from aggrevating an already terrible situation. We dont have to agree on the punishment but we do need to agree that the circumstance warranted a punishment. I know countless times when Rhalzo or Canary in TS would tell us not to make it worse with trolling. Why wasn't this done? You see Desire dropping heavy bans why not say to her hey we'll handle this and what you're doing is extreme while your online and in game? Why let this shit show make it to the forums?

This is exactly what our side did, me and several other people said don't do this (none of us were even admins by the way) and we actually stopped it on our side.  Artyem encouraged it a part of "racist solidarity against limits on their free speech to call spam N word in a game like true internetz heroes."  They are a big part of the escalation issue.  Could have ended with 2-3 people who would have had their 1-7 day bans reduced afterwards by intelligent conversation between admins, but no responsibility was taken by them even with several admins on their side.  And now they bitch about 2 days.  Fucking immature.

Just have to listen to the recording and you hear artyem talking about doing it too to stand with the mob (he also posted N word in game chat - should lose his admin over that, most have lost it for far less).  Thats not getting people to stop.  Nowhere was he even remotely trying to stop it or help during that whole 7 minutes despite what all his dracul buddies try to claim.  He dropped the ball and forced this whole issue.  Just some dumb kid who is more worried about what his friends will think of him than doing his job.

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 17, 2016, 01:45:44 am »

P.S.Same goes for me as Sandy said, if I bother replying to Kesh anymore, please shitpost and insult me all over the place. I deserve it at that point.

I won't lower myself to your level and insult and shitpost you.  But you still refuse to take responsibility or apologize for using the N-word en masse.  And yes there were black players there that understandably were offended that you all as a group thought that was okay (we had FCC members quit because they saw how ugly this community has become with racist and homophobic slurs).  Desire basically tried to stop you from being disrespectful racist little kids following the crowd like lemmings.  And yes you had multiple members using it in a proud racist context in your ts according to the recording, so the "context doesn't matter" argument of your lacks standing, not that words like F- or N- need context to be offensive to certain groups with valid reason.

Part of being a man is taking responsibility for your actions - learn to do so and apologize and cease this desperate melodrama avoiding responsibility for using racist slurs.  You literally have no argument to stand on - just like those people who do unban threads and try to say it was the other person's fault for why they tked them.  Grow up.

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« on: April 16, 2016, 07:57:50 pm »
This is going to be like the most epic one-day war ever.  Kind of like occitan - 1st real battle all strat they do they spam racism, get 2 day ban for it, then cry and rage quit.

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:31:19 pm »
Oh boo hoo, a clan of angry, old men led by the angriest of old men left because 20-somethings were being 20-somethings on the internet lol

Its sad you think all 20-somethings say the n-word all the time.  You need to associate with some different 20-somethings.  Good advice - avoid the white hooded ones or the ones with a swasztika.

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:01:39 pm »
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Mentioned my feelings in the previous thread but as a little observation... Having not been involved in this community for months and playing other games and participating in other communities, coming back to see this kinda stuff makes the awfulness really stand out. People need to grow up a bit. If you want to be a troll who spends all day fucking with other peoples on the interwebs then at least step up your game and put a little effort in. What nostalgia I had for the community has greatly diminished. Also, I do actually agree with Kesh about the community being better back in the day, not to the extent that there were no trolls or anything, but it used to be y'know a few trolls out of the 100 people in the server... now its like 50% of the server and generally more abusive and awful than it used to be. Anyways, I'm out. I'll stay far far away for another however long until some day when I get bored and check to see if anyone still plays. I hope you all listen to Rhalzo.

I didn't read any of this but the first couple posts because I didn't need to. Plumbo is pretty accurate in his first post and Kesh is correct when saying years ago mod was better. For real people that tried to troll were just insta-ban and Farmer Nate was the greatest shit talker that has ever graced this earth. Trolling was, as he stated, people doing themed things together, and the community was much more pleasant. Now all that's left is the shit at the bottom of the barrel and you guys really went out of your way to prove it. Whenever one of you get in trouble or "bored" you take your toys and go home. Then, you tell everyone how shit the game is and how pathetic they are for playing/caring. Like for real? Open your eyes.

I couldn't summarize it better than this!  Almost the saddest thing was that you are completely unapologetic (even if you think your 2-day ban was excessive), you really think its okay to spam the n-word and call people racist or homophobic slurs.  Deltah even just admitted he wouldn't tell people to stop saying the n-word because he was worried his friends "would think him a whiny, over-sensitive bitch". and Sandy agreed they would (definition of a toxic clan).  That is when you should probably take a big, long look in the mirror and realize how spineless you have become that you worry more about what your internet friends think of you than doing what is right and respectful of others.

I may be belligerent and an asshole, but man, I don't think anyone could ever call me a coward like that.  You just don't get that its wrong to do, apologize, and move on after a silly 2-day ban (this may have been on the slightly longer side of a reasonable ban for racism, but not unheard of or unreasonable considering the circumstances of everyone following like mindless cowardly lemmings and doing it).  And no I do not condone it in the slightest of any FCC members that did it either.  I have never said that hateful word in any context in my entire life. 

You honestly should be embarrassed and the fact that you are "taking the high ground" as Deltah put it by trying to insult me for telling you having an entire clan being okay with spamming racist slurs is not right - screams how incredibly toxic you have been to the community.  You have become so used to the toxicity, you actually defend it as okay and a good thing to spam the n-word, as if spamming hate-filled speech just to impress your friends really is some impressive form of free speech.  Go back to your Neo-Naszi meetings and wave your Confesderate flag and good-riddance.

P.S. We have talked within FCC for years about this and many many FCC have left over the years for this exact reason after we crushed you in strat - hence another reason I am reasonably pissed at you lemmings.

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General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 06:24:29 am »
Come on Sandy, you can't be so good at rationalizing and turning a blind eye to anything you do, you ignore the thousands of times you guys insult people, say racist or other words in game over the years.  I have heard multiple people explicitly talk about you guys as part of the acid-filled community that is not worth playing with.

Look at your mass postings, most of you never actually answer posts arguments just attack everyone personally who disagrees with you - dupre, desire, plumbo, etc.  (I don't even think you realize you are too stupid to come up with good insults against me.  I don't even get that child to boyfriend one considering I don't have kids, but hey stupidity is not looked down upon in your faction, just anything resembling decent respectful behavior towards others)

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:39:00 am »
What the fuck community have you been looking at?

Before your time.  I really wish some of these stupid, spoiled suburban kids that were doing this had to go to the ghetto and say that.  Maybe get your face smashed in would be a good learning experience.

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:36:11 am »
You know this mod used to have a fun, playful community years ago.  People wouldn't say hate-filled speech in chat and a lot fo people did silly antics like all dressed up in smurfs and fought with tiny smurf weapons.  Then frisians and Dracul brought this ugly trollish shit to the community.  I know a LOT more people (specifically from my clan alone) that have left this mod because of the bile you guys brought to this community than ever left because you came back for strat 6.  We have a lot more older, mature players who simply don't want to play in an acid-filled community that you fostered.

And like always you all think its completely okay to spout racist shit while hiding behind your monitor.  Matey and Bale and Desire are all right, you guys just bring the whole community down to your level and now all the good people have long gone.

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:29:02 am »
He wasn't posting for being asshurt you dipshit, he was posting to make fun of a bunch of stupid kids who think they can be blatant assholes and violate rules repeatedly after being warned and then get no punishment.  Not surprisingly those same trolly petulant kids all down-voted him, because not a damn one can take responsibility for anything they do.  You have no concept of accepting responsibility for anything - time to grow up and be a man and accept your punishment without being whiny bitches.

Diplomacy / Re: The Despotato Faction hereby declares war on RAGEMARE
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:22:26 am »
you will still have brd to fith with many of their black player menber are back to the game, you will be able to enjoy the game still don't you worry

Couldn't make out what you were trying to say there with the misspellings, sorry, but its okay we get that occitan is a racist bunch against any non-french canadians.  I'm sure its even worse for black people up there in Quebec-racist land.

Also, yeah leaving for a two-day ban after being a racist asshole is up there among the most petulant ways to leave.  At least try to leave with some dignity (or in a body-bag - only true way to leave) and with a justifiable reason.

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:05:48 am »

Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 16, 2016, 04:39:17 am »
Kesh I was literally just trying to get Dynamics and Sir Spacey unbanned you dink lol

Dynamics already unbanned.  But seriously its just fucking two days.  You know you were in the wrong, just accept, do the two days, and move on.  This shit is getting ridiculous.  If I had been that insensitive to d that shit, I would fully have accepted a two day ban - I don't get what kind of household you are from but the N* word is not acceptable in this day and age, even when you are hiding behind your monitor.

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