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Messages - Kaelaen

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Either in:
C:\Program Files\Mount&Blade Warband\Textures

or if you have steam,

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband\Textures

Extract the actual files, not the folder there.  Overwrite.

You don't install it.  Banners auto-install themselves these days.


Diplomacy / Re: Occitan strat 4
« on: September 18, 2012, 07:34:00 am »
Honestly tough, I wonder who is going to be the new "black sheep" of NA.

Probably us.  We have Kesh back!  Hallelujah!

As to not hijack the thread, good luck in EU lands Occitan.  I assume you'll still fight in NA battles regardless so we can still have fun.


Spam / Re: NA ALLSTARS - the best players by US/CA states (now with votes!)
« on: September 05, 2012, 10:45:11 pm »
I understand where Huseby is coming from.  To keep it simple (and he doesn't seem to play anymore) I'll refrain from talking about Gafferjack for the moment.  This poll isn't supposed to be who is the better duelist, fighter, whatever.  Actually it's not at all clear what we're voting for, so basically it's a popularity contest.  That aside, his points aren't really too clan biased, though of course people will always favor the people they hang out with all the time.  He made the argument that Devilize goes around wrecking teams on a daily basis and Frugfrug doesn't, that's all.  He's not saying Devilize is better than Frug (though as a lancer cav, as far as I can tell Frug isn't on that level yet.  But he hasn't done a serious lancer yet that I've seen. [Also he does seem to be vastly overstating Devilize's melee prowess.  I personally see Devilize as way too drunk to consider a huge threat in melee]), but that when it comes to contributing to his team, Devilize does it on a more consistent basis.

Can Frug contribute?  Yes, despite barely trying and usually fielding inferior equipment Frugfrug still manages to stay at or near the top whenever he feels like.  But using a personal comparison, whenever Devilize is on the opposite team I have to be constantly watching my back because he -will- be there, and he is easily one of the most accurate lancer cav around.  Hell, the intimidation factor alone of him potentially being somewhere behind me is enough to distract me from melee sometimes.  His very presence on the enemy team forces me to alter my playstyle.

Whenever Frugfrug is on the enemy team, I don't alter my playstyle at all.  Hell, I show him just a tiny bit of friendliness and he leaves me alone.

When it comes to fighting prowess I don't thin Devilize can even hold a candle; Jack and Frug from what I've seen are both way better fighters.  But that doesn't matter in battle, and Devilize is a game changer whenever you give him a horse and a lance.  Will I still vote for Frug?  Probably.  But using the guidelines of the OP, I honestly think Devilize should win.  Just because Frug can be a better team contributer doesn't mean he is.


Diplomacy / Re: YO TKoV!
« on: August 28, 2012, 09:39:53 am »
One of my favorite parts of the war:

(click to show/hide)


General Discussion / Re: Most underrated weapons?
« on: August 23, 2012, 11:08:06 pm »
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The medieval baseball bat.

Oh god I love that thing.  People don't expect the right swing knockdown spam.

Then you tell 'em "Outta the park!" whenever you kill them ^_^


Under which name, buddy?



CookieMonster aka YourWorstNightmare for Ontario plz


General Discussion / Re: IM SICK OF DYING!
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:33:40 am »
BRD?  Well-coordinated?

*Checks the teamspeak audio for that night*

FCC representin'



Kesh was seen in TS yesterday and even played cRPG for a few hours.


General Discussion / Re: People who have taught/inspired you.
« on: July 28, 2012, 12:36:05 am »
I started on EU, because back when you start ping doesn't really matter and you can't block anyway.  Anyway, I was running around being all peasanty when I see SoA Micah holding her own wearing peasant clothing (used a bow and poleaxe back then, only managed to play old cRPG for a grand total of two days :().  That inspired me to start off as a dickless archer, and occasionally I return to that playstyle.  More importantly, I always loved the concept of some peasant kicking everyone's asses so that inspired me to constantly make agility or low armor builds, a trend which I still haven't quite bucked to this day.

Then when I started learning how to play, I started noticing how important ping was so I hopped off of EU.  I'll always miss The_Finn.  There, I saw RS running around doing well, a lot of the times in cheap clothing and or cheap weapons so that inspired me to learn how to melee better to hopefully get noticed by those guys.  Never happened, but eventually I joined BRD using the excuse they were looking for archers.

BRD was one of the clans I was really interested in because I saw them once plant a bunch of dummies on the ground and hide in them wielding torches, so quite clearly that was a group of people I wanted to play with.  Even when I wasn't good, I knew I still didn't feel like being a tryhard at this game so this pointless teamwork type playstyle appealed to me.  Little did I know, they were also regulars on the duel server, so I became one as well.  My big inspirations then became Edmond, Kalam, and Cyranule.  Eddie broke down my playstyle which lead me to start on my path of improvement, Kalam was always a solid duelist and until he joined the army we were always regulars in duel.  And of course, Cyranule.  I don't feel I need to waste time describing him since a bunch of people already mentioned Cyranule.

But enough clan jerking, two of the most important people in the world are Partyboy and POOPHAMMER.  They mastered this game.  They are peerless.  I'm pretty sure the only reason Partyboy stopped playing is because of how amazing he was.  The developers constantly made nerfs to his playstyles, the admins constantly banned him for it, he was quite clearly overpowered.  I mean, half the time he roleplays being a pacifist with his torch.  Sometimes he does it on a horse, and then his horse kills people and he'd apologize because he claims his horse had gone berserk.  I'll always miss Partyboy.  Is POOPHAMMER still around?  I don't know, I don't really play siege.  I hope he is.  He's one of the few people I respect in this game.

Wiegraf gets a special nomination because he was always a decent player, but more importantly played like a weirdo.  He was a big reason in why I joined BRD in the first place.  My first impression of Wiegraf was some idiot digging holes in the ground by constantly stabbing down with the goedendag, and then the legendary HarmlessPeasant stood up to him ready to fight.  Wiegraf casually looks up, and then thrashes HarmlessPeasant to the ground.  It was awesome.  Not to mention he started the Axe Gang.  My god it's hilarious seeing 20 axes fly through the air hitting absolutely nothing.

CHINASERF.  Enough said.

Always really liked watching and fighting Bigsandwich and Hannibal.  Such naturals at the game.

Epoch for his 6/33 spear build.

Saulcanner, because of all the reasons people already say about him but also because he's kind enough to never refuse a duel with you.  It's hard to learn off of someone if they're constantly snubbing you; I never see Saul dismissing a fight.  So whenever I'm in duel, while I still seek out people I feel are better than me, if someone wants to duel me I don't refuse them either.  If I can help someone get even a little bit better, I dunno?  I feel good I guess?

These days I'm a cav melee build and while there are cav better than him, my favorite horseman will always be TommyHu.  Wears light armor, but it's his style that impresses me most.  While most cav do efficient things like only attacking from behind, I always see Tommy attempt the weirdest horse maneuvers and succeeding at them.  Like using his horse to jump on top of ruins, carefully balance atop the wall where normally you only see archers with high athletics even try to scale, and slowly sneak up on the archer on the window not looking at him, still on his horse mind you, and then stab him in the arse.  TommyHu's amazing. 

Special nomination would be RUFFIESROHYPNOL was and is better, but RUFFIES always seemed like such a cool guy.


General Discussion / Re: Anybody know who I am thinking of?
« on: July 09, 2012, 01:37:28 am »
I was not around back then but I do remember a guy in Manofwar's old clan named Chaos_Takeda.  From what I recall, he used the helicoptor polearm and rode around on a horse, and usually wore the black samurai armour.

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We've missed you this much Kalam.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Impliment Ornithopters please
« on: June 21, 2012, 11:10:23 pm »
This will make agility builds actually useful, clearly.  Therefore, despite none of my characters having any range whatsoever to shoot these down with, I vote yay.

P.S. the blades should be chamberable with a left swing.

General Discussion / Re: strategies for killing huddlecrabs
« on: April 28, 2012, 02:13:34 am »
As with anyone who doesn't understand footwork and positioning, castor swing all day err day.  Or if by huddlecrab you mean some guy who rarely strikes back . . . if I remember how to play usually I just ignore them and attack someone else.  You don't actually attack someone else.  You pretend to attack some guy in front of you, who will block, which will free you up to attack the huddlecrab behind you, who thinks you're not paying attention.


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