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Messages - spiritus

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Implement gods
« on: July 08, 2014, 10:02:15 am »
this is serious mother fuckerssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Lawlpike
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:06:48 am »
LOL awlpike op really u cant block up and down? Good damage decent reach slow......2d!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf estoc stab
« on: June 20, 2014, 11:28:21 pm »
lol i use the estoc on my stf and i do just fine with it 0: its not a bad weapon but it def isnt super strong since of the swings but but the wonky 2h stab animation plus 32 pierce is pretty amazing, maybe its just because of my normal build that i do well with it but but but for fuck sake it isnt underpowered!

Here it is!armyy cook best cook

First of all, why do we love Mount and Blade? Because its realistic, and mostly stayed true to history.
Then, as a game, Mount and Blade is and needs to be balanced.
But balancing a game is not done by keep nerfing everything, that would be ridiculous.
Seems like everybody hates ranged, so ranged keeps being nerfed. But what if ranged players complains about melee classes? Will melee gets nerfed to hell?
Also cavalries and HA's are hated as well.
Here I propose a solution that might solve the problem and is in favor of everybody!

1. Adjust ranged damage back to native way, but make everything except bodkins bounces off heavy armor...

2. Remove shield difficulty( Which idiot cannot hold a shield in real life?) every class will be able to hold a shield, but without shield skills your shield will be slow. But everyone MUST be able to hold a shield. In fact, you don't need shield skills to hold a shield in Native. Adding shield difficulty does nothing except decreasing class fexibility.

3. Make horse controls like the donkey(The current turning ability of horses are not realistic) This way can prevent horses knocking people down like bowling...

Once above alterations are done, the game will look like:
1. Cavs will be forced to work together & charge as a group( Horses not as agile as  before)

2. HA's can only shoot from a distance( Same reason as above)

3. Infantries MUST and WILL form shield walls and charges together all the time

(PS: Pleeeeeaaaase make Yumi bow 2 slots. Japanese people were not good at horse archery, making someone able to carry a Yumi and a Nodachi at the same time just to satisfy people's Samurai fantasy, is ridiculous.)

1 more thing, my main character is a level 35 Mongolian horseman, a Shielder/HA/1h hybrid, I can do good in any situations. But why the hell will you nerf my WPF? I used to have 75 1h WPF, 150 Archery, now I can only have 20 WPF. What the hell is wrong with your brain? I know you always wanted to make every possible class very specialized and not flexible, do you think this is fun?? Why am I not allowed to be able to do melee and ranged and riding at the same time?? Almost every nomad warrior is capable of doing all of these!)

To be honest, all you CRPG devs ever did was balancing stats, without modifying any game mechanics at all. Also, all these so called "balancing", was nothing except reducing class flexibility and nerfing archers.

If you want to reduce flexibility, but I will make a lvl 35 hybrid nontheless. Slashing, riding, shooting, melee, I can do everything, getting good score in every map. But who knows? You nerfed  Weapon mastery! You nerfed Power Draw! GOOD JOB!

After all, if you make this game realistic, it will be balanced. Keep nerfing a class is just ridiculous.

Authentic Translation Without any modification except the ones needed for this to make sense in English.........

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More coming...


Stooped posture is not universal

56LB need hunched posture? You are too weak
Medieval bows are shit they are not made with modern materials or design so they need more draw to get to what modern day bows can get with less. Though 56lb isnt a ton for a bow i only weigh like 135lbs while being 6ft making me quite thin and i can draw a 55lb bow quite easily

Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« on: June 14, 2014, 01:09:46 pm »
horse archer is retarded and broken beyond every other class..... just remove it form the game already no one wants it in anyways.... if there was a poll 90/10 favor removing it from the game.... lol chosen how can u say its easy you litteraly cant get caught and get to pew pew 3 fucking staccks of arrowss its really not that hard.....

General Discussion / Re: Free Loompoints Lottery [ends 11th June]
« on: June 10, 2014, 02:18:27 am »
500 EF Pecked en 497

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff Wakizashi
« on: June 09, 2014, 03:52:07 am »
weaboo tax devs want us using the allll mighty white man weapons

Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerf Horse Archers (again)
« on: June 09, 2014, 03:44:34 am »
horse achers should be removed it would make the game bettter tbh u really cant nerf their ability to be extremely op against inf no matter what you do....):

go on main get one shotted by longbow rage quit go play xbow get one shotted frum cav bump rage go play longsword get oneshot by xbow rage go play main..... cycles like dat

What are the best threads over the whole course of cRPG's life of people raging over strategus/other things and arguing aimlessly and all that jazz?

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search for kesh lolololololololololololololololololololololololol

Suggestions Corner / Re: Spear nerfed whyyy):
« on: June 06, 2014, 11:54:20 am »
Why, I like the new "long bardiche + spear + shield" combo.
oh god that sounds deadly 0:!!!!!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Spear nerfed whyyy):
« on: June 06, 2014, 08:46:46 am »
I think the MW spear was really too good for its upkeep cost. The minor nerfs make sense. On the other hand, making it 1 slot? That makes the shortened spear obsolete in many ways.
revert spear and make it cost 5k

General Discussion / Re: ARAB HORSE
« on: June 06, 2014, 08:02:11 am »
That's the case for a lot of items that are the best in one particular aspect. They are often more expensive than the next item down on the list by a big factor. Arabian horse is the most maneuverable horse. You think those 2 points aren't worth the price? Don't use it then. The hp and armor are just side bonuses.
the courser is the fastest horse and its 20k compared to the palfrey at 13k

General Discussion / ARAB HORSE
« on: June 06, 2014, 07:47:00 am »
why is the arab horse 2.33 times more expense then the desert horse for 2 more amour 15 more hp 2 more maneuver with 1 less bump

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