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Messages - Korgoth

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Well the compendium gave you a battle bonus of like 125%, the more battle points means you level up more which means you get more items. It lasted until TI3 was over and it came out like 3 months ago.

Only 19 hours left on my Compendium battle bonus! I am going to be playing all day I feel.

s4's coil on dendi right at the end really secured the win for Alliance. Look at that TP timer!

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Faction Halls / Re: [Nord] The Nordmen (Not recruiting)
« on: August 12, 2013, 03:14:16 am »

That draft by Na'Vi... they really needed to fully dominate the early game and they just lost it, so badly.

edit: Then they give Na'Vi Batrider and Wisp in game 2 and get pwn'd

You should of picked another carry Overdriven. Teach them a lesson.

The Audience camera was hilarious during the Navi Alliance game. So many Na'Vi fanboys in bright yellow hoodies screaming for every kill then Alliance just come and teamwipe + steal Rosh. They just sit down and shut up.

Alliance just stomped Na'Vi!

I wanted IG to win just so it wouldn't go to a 3rd game. I want to watch Alliance vs Na'Vi and at this rate it's going to start at like 1AM...

What always annoys me is when someone disconnects, a teamate pauses, then some idiot types "?" or "Why pause?". Seriously isn't it fucking obvious?

The Chen + Pudge thing isn't that broken, because it takes good timing and the pudge needs to atleast get the hook. Me and Gravoth played a game today and two guys picked Chen and Pudge and kept trying to do it and it was pretty sad how many times they missed it, one time Chen sent back Pudge after the hook and while Pudge was using his ulti on the guy he hooked.

It did seem quite unfair when they fountain hooked the guy with Aegis though...

PS: Chinese doto is so fucking boring.


Go to 0:44. wtf.

That game was the Chinese game to rule them all.

It really shows you how boring it was when people were sarcastically cheering everytime the Ancients were killed and whenever Rosh was being done.

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He TP'd right at the end but it ended before he could even move I think. Just think, One RP on Loda and/or Bulldog probably would of won that.

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