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Messages - Zerran

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Suggestions Corner / Re: New Game Mode: Mutual Siege (castle wars)
« on: September 04, 2012, 08:47:16 am »
we need to see some maps guys.

Making a map takes time, and with only a fairly vague (though absolutely fantastic) idea of what it would entail, and no dev saying "We'll make it!", it's a bit early for mapmaking.


push it forward goddamnit :evil:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Revolt! Save the king!
« on: September 04, 2012, 08:39:56 am »
Making it a player is, I think, just asking for trolling (not to mention the defenders would always blame the king if they lose, regardless of who was at fault). And making it work like a siege tower would be WAAAY too complex for a public game (though it would work fantastically in a scrim type environment). However, if the king was made as a carriage that automatically followed a set path (Which could be defined using the same objects used for spawnpoints), it might work. Simply have the carriage go straight from each waypoint to the next, so no need for the devs to mess with pathing or anything, and have it be the mapmaker's job to set the markers in such a way that the carriage could move unimpeded.

Balancing would be tricky though. Possibly make spawnpoints along the route that the "defenders" or "attackers" would be able to use. The specific spawn points that would be active would be based on whichever "marker" the carriage passed last.

Additionally, I'd say attackers should spawn very spread out, while defenders spawn from only 1-2 spawn points at a time. Attacker should also have slightly fewer players than the defenders, but should spawn faster.

Anyway, I think it's a really good idea.  :)

Basically everything Felix said. Haven't actually played with him, but judging by the post we have a similar piking style.

Though, I generally deal with other pikeman differently. I'm not very good at judging my length, so I generally play defensively for the first hit, and then try and chamber block them into a thrust stun. If I can't get them after a couple attempts, I may pull out my sidearm in an attempt to end the fight sooner so I can get back to helping my allies. Even a bad pikeman can occasionally judge his distance better than the best pikeman, but he doesn't have a chance in hell of performing a proper helicopter by luck.

Heavier, durable pikeman is, imo, the way to go. With a build like that, utilizing heavier armor, you won't die nearly as easily if someone manages to get through your allies and thrust stuns you (which, even with the best allies, WILL happen from time to time.), and you'll be able to deal a lot more damage. The big disadvantage of it is, of course, you aren't as mobile, so it can be a little harder to target swap. Though if you use that 300 length properly, you can still target swap with relative ease.

On the other hand, NH_Relit manages to do exceedingly well with a higher agi build.

To the OP:

You mention that you have bad ping, so some of the really nice tactics such as watching for an opponent to open up, as Felix mentioned, won't really work for you. HOWEVER, you can still be very effective. With proper footwork and foresight, you should even be able to perform perfect helicopters.

My advise to you to deal with your ping, is to learn to use footwork to FORCE your opponent into doing what you want him to do. Learn to take control of the fight, don't let him push you around and back you into a corner. Back-peddling will get you nowhere without allies around. If you know what your opponent is going to do before he does, you won't need to worry about ping as much. The way you do this is all through footwork. For example, if you run directly to the right to get past him, you KNOW he's going to try a left swing, and so you can block it without even trying.

As counter intuitive as it may seem, I think you'll be better off using an aggressive footwork style as opposed to a defensive one to counter bad ping.

And to Felix:

Actually if you don't mind, I'd like to just toss this in the Guide as-is, it's quite good.  :)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Stop this pike madness!!
« on: August 26, 2012, 06:55:57 am »
Still, the decrease in attack duration after you chamber compared to a regular attack is probably a lot more significant than the 27% reduction in stun time?

It WOULD be, except when chambering a LS/Pike WITH a Pike, I'm so damn slow they can get a block up either way.  :lol:

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Stop this pike madness!!
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:07:31 am »
Thrust getting blocked = baseStun * 0.55
Swing getting blocked = baseStun * 0.35
Thrust/swing getting chambered = baseStun * 0.4

(click to show/hide)

I kind of had a feeling thrust stun was shorter on chambers. It always felt like pikes/LS could recover a bit too fast when I chamber them. Nice to have the numbers.

By the way, any chance we could ever get a long ass thread that details a bunch of these formulas?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Low weight Heraldric items
« on: August 24, 2012, 10:27:14 pm »
Sure, don't need models, just textures. There is only one BUT - no one created good textures. Honestly they could have used a LOT of work, total re-work would be even better ;) They suck, so thats why they wasn't added.

Not all that much. Messing with heraldry once the location of center has been set is as simple as painting with a single channel over where you want it to show up. So even a "total re-work" is pretty easy. His textures already had the front painted on, with a bit more of the heraldry map on it they would have looked fine. The only real problem I saw with them was they only covered a small part of the mesh and looked incomplete.

General Discussion / Re: help eeded
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:59:29 pm »
Was he also the prince of Nigeria?

I feel left out. No African royalty has ever tried to give me money.  :cry:

Though I did get contacted at one point by a kindly soul telling me my long lost relative, Ming Xaoh Do, had died and left me his fortune, and I only had to give them my bank account information to receive it.

Faction Halls / Re: World Eaters (NA)
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:52:46 am »
there's a good chance no one will be let in as most decent players who want a clan are in one

Interesting insurance policy here. If the clan totally flops, you can just say you were too exclusive.  :lol:

In all seriousness though, asking for well known players, while being a total unknown yourself, and additionally sounding quite arrogant throughout the post is a really poor way to try and recruit people.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Low weight Heraldric items
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:40:55 am »
Do the models and textures first, then ask for adding them.

No need for models, just textures and a bit of messing with other files to get the game to load the heraldry properly. This takes effort, however (though admittedly not a whole lot), and with the dev's tendency to completely ignore 99% of the threads in this forum, it would likely go to waste. Zagibu actually DID make some of these, but they weren't added. Honestly they could have used a little work, but 5 minutes on photoshop and they would have been fine.

Sadly, devs said no and people bitched and complained over nothing.

General Discussion / Re: Fun
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:34:30 am »
In an ideal setting, with no fucktards and trolls, ladders are an amazing addition to the game. Unfortunately, this mod has one or two trolls (>_>)

On the one side you've got the asshats that run up a ladder and then break it so no one can reach them. Then on the other hand, you have the douches that break the ladder from the bottom so the people at the top have to come down (honestly I found this to be even more annoying than the former). You can't make ladders unbreakable (not even going to bother explaining that one), so what do you do other than just remove them to avoid people using them for super gayness?


(click to show/hide)

The sheer amount of these on these forums is mind boggling.  :lol:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Ideas to buff infantry
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:36:09 am »
1. I'm all for it, but I really doubt it will change anything. Still worth a shot though.

2. I'm conflicted about this. On the one hand, it would be really great for teamwork and would very much help different classes function differently. But on the other hand it just doesn't really fit in with the game's mechanics. However I would be for the addition of "special" abilities being given for the support classes. Things kind of like this:

Also in general, it would be nice to see people have more reasons for playing support classes. Pikes and LS are more or less OK (though I wouldn't be opposed to a little buff  :P), but primarily shielders have had a huge portion of their abilities stripped away. Especially in regards to their ability to "counter" archers. Right now, they not only don't counter archers, but they have little better defense against them than a wiggle dancing 2Her.

Essentially I'd like to see more classes get abilities (similar to the off-hand stuff paul talks about in that link) that are basically useless in 1v1, but can help your buddy(s) get hits in.

In particular I think the board shields could use some work. They SHOULD be (imo) the perfect support shield. Very slow, so they can't really duel well, but very very tough, and allow even a low shield skill shielder to block 100% of arrows coming in from at least a 90 degree arc in front of him (possibly even 120 degrees). Something like this would also be fantastic.

3. OH GOD PLEASE YES. Battle is atrocious with no defined goals other than "kill the enemy". This is another way of telling everyone "Sit around and camp the whole map if you want to win." It also is one of the main reasons infantry get their asses handed to them regularly in battle in horrible ways. Infantry are the best possible class for holding and taking key positions, not for the kiting ranged and sneaky cav fest that is battle.

4. I'm not really sure about this, as I like the idea of hybrids. However, I do agree that the skill system is desperately in need of an overhaul.

5. YES. Right now, heavy armor gives and medium armor are almost identical, save a little bit of armor and weight difference. Heavy infantry performs basically the exact role that medium and light infantry do with the current system. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE CASE. I would be 100% for your suggestion here. Heavy armor, medium armor, and light armor should all fill different roles. Honestly I don't think they should even cost anything different, but rather they should have positives and negatives for each, such that they're equal.

Suggestions Corner / Re: How to make archery more fun for everyone
« on: August 23, 2012, 01:04:18 am »
It would require a little tweaking with the balance on slots, but I'd like to see one of the 4 slots dedicated to melee weapons. As in, it can ONLY have a melee weapon in it (or be part of a 2 slot melee weapon of course). This would be a nerf for the 2 slot bows, so something would need to be done about that, but it would also mean no ranged would have any excuse for not carrying a 1 slot sidearm.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Stop this pike madness!!
« on: August 23, 2012, 12:55:17 am »
that was sarcasm, both the longspear and pike for some reason can haft stab at that range for full dmg, maybe not anymore on battle? but on siege has always been like that

Incorrect, the longspear can do this, the pike cannot. It literally has no hitbox until about 4 feet away from the user, which is why it can stab through people.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Long spears aka pikes
« on: August 20, 2012, 09:49:43 pm »
I try my hardest to get them in a straight line

There's your problem right there. That is EXACTLY what the pikeman wants you to try. It just gives him a perfect line up to pin you down while his ally swings away.

You can't fight a pike/LS like you would a 2Her (i.e getting the two between each other with the one that came at you first in front). Footwork is EXTREMELY important when fighting a pikeman, it's just not the same footwork you would use against a 2H + 2H combo.

What you need to do is get past the random melee-er, and get the pikeman between you and him. It requires playing very defensively, as far as blocks goes, while using very aggressive footwork. to get past the melee-er without getting stabbed. I wouldn't even try and attack until you've gotten past the melee-er.

If you can get them separated long enough for one of them to attack without the other being able to help, you can often use this as an opportunity to get into melee range of the pikeman, and get around him.

Just a tip, pikeman don't like to wiggle to the right. It works fine, but it just feels really weird. So if you can, try and circle around to your right when getting past the melee-er, so he's in the way of their wiggle. This is by no means a 100% guarantee it will work, but it's a much safer bet than trying to go left.

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