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Messages - Baskakov_Dima

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WSE2 Beta / Re: Need help with Crpg launcher - d3dx9_43.dll error.
« on: May 04, 2014, 12:15:57 am »
No, the two versions live side by side without deleting anything from each other.
If this error persists after the latest version of DX9 is installed, there is something messed up with the .dll search paths. It can probably be circumvented by copying d3dx9_43.dll from system32 to the Warband directory, but it's really just a way to hide the underlying problem.

Well, I am a noob in programming and coding, I just remember that I have solved such a problem several times, when an old game required DX9 and I had to copy some .dll to my DX folder to make the game work.

Suggestions Corner / Re: XP Transfer Between Characters
« on: May 03, 2014, 09:45:46 pm »

1) Buy a laptop that can handle cRPG on at least like 15 FPS.
2) Make a shielder alt, probably dedicated shielder, but better balanced agi-noble.
3) Go DTV and wait till the first shieldwall map goes.
4) Get some shitty armour, shitty weapon and good shield.
5) Stand in a shieldwall with chat button pressed. Your char will hold his shield.
6) Do what you want, look at the screen sometimes, go back to the wall each round, probably go fight sometimes when it is needed.
7) Reach 31 lvl
8) Goto 1 untill you are gen 16

When gen 16 is reached, grin tones of XP and transfer it to any char you want. You will have 45% bonus and will only lose 25% - 8% bonus totally.

Not so bad.

By the way, my voice is for that idea, will bring much more fun to this game.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Constantly poor, endless grind...
« on: May 03, 2014, 07:32:49 pm »
Just go and pay DTV (Defend the Viscount) - you get tones of XP and money there, and you can even be useful with level like 10 there.

Beginner's Help and Guides / 33-6 or 30-9?
« on: May 03, 2014, 06:19:18 pm »
I have a 30 lvl two-handed STR build: 30-6, 10 PS, 10 IF, 2 Athl, 2 WM, all WPF in 2h. I will not retire after 31 lvl, will at least aim for 32 and then think if I go further.

But for now I have 2 unused attribute points and 1 unused skill point, and I must choose between 33-6 and 30-9. What is better?

I mainly play Strategus and DTV.

General Discussion / Upkeep on DTV
« on: May 03, 2014, 11:27:14 am »
I know, that on battles and sieges upkeep costs are 7% of gear costs, and are 3% for each part of my gear on average. Chance is checked per tick, so on average I pay 0,0021 of my total gear cost, and get 50*(average multiplier).

But how do the chances work on DTV?

Added good replies to my first post here, still no idea about how does upkeep work on DTV.

Suggestions Corner / Re: High-ping leeching
« on: May 01, 2014, 07:51:28 pm »
I saw alot high ping chinese players always trying their best and standing in shield wall on DTV for example, so no, no autokick.

I don't mean shielders in shieldwall. I mean leechers like EstocXN (I don't remember the name exactly), who always tries to hit some bots, dies and teamhits a lot. That is probably why did I put the "Just let people pollkicking them" choice".

Suggestions Corner / High-ping leeching
« on: May 01, 2014, 06:06:13 pm »
When leechers with extremely high ping approach the game, they can't do anything good for their team. Even if they try hardly, they still can't hit anyone in a game about fencing. But now they are allowed to play.

I suggest a solution from several Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad servers - autokicking people if their average ping for like 45 seconds is more than 250. Ping below that seems allowing you to do at least something.

UPD: I don't speak about shielders, I mean people who are really useless even though they try.

When I began playing DTV like in the second half of 2013, maps were normally very small and had a few entrances - and people still lost a lot of rounds. Some maps were also glitchy shit, so it was allowed to change them by polling in chat and killing Valdemar. Now there are a lot of open maps, and we are not allowed to poll to change them. The most annoying thing on such maps are horse archers who can kite, and other ranged who just surround you and kill Valdemar. Even peasants can do that. Then, it is also very hard to survive those maps on rounds with very good melee bots, like Ninjas, because it is hard to make a shield wall and they just swarm everyone.

The best way to counter infantry and ranged on open area, especially infantry ranged, is cavalry, but it loses it's horses after first waves and becomes useless unless it's also good infantry - which is impossible untill you grind high level like at least 33-35, according to professional cavalrymen.

Then, some maps are very glitchy, and will make you charge the last bot glitched on spawn to kill him, and it is mostly a suicide, because you will die if you do it. So, what are my suggestions:

1) Give DTV normal cavalry, restoring mounted horses' HP after each wave instead of killing them.
2) Give playes ability to poll to change maps in normal way, using poll mechanism.
3) Give close and small maps more open spaces instead of locking them using fences to give cavalry place to work.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Need help with Crpg launcher - d3dx9_43.dll error.
« on: April 28, 2014, 05:22:53 am »
If the problem comes from DirectX, it is probably linked to some library present in DX9, but deleted in DX11. You will have then to download DX9 and copy all .dll files without replacing.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Realistic version of balance
« on: April 28, 2014, 02:18:57 am »
crpg is a arcade game if u want to make it realistic u will ruin the game that is known..... maybe for a separate game but you could never do this to crpg it would completely destroy the game we love. Not saying it is a bad idea its just that crpg is fun because it isnt realistic balance makes this game unrealistic yes but realism brings many problems my friend i like your idea tho it will never happen period to this mod also as if crpg engine could even handle huge changes.

Sorry, but did you at least read the first post?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Lone-wolfing DTV
« on: April 26, 2014, 11:49:42 pm »
18-24 polearm with great long axe is probably the most effective ive ever tried on dtv

Why not Great Long Bardiche? Or both of them?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Lone-wolfing DTV
« on: April 25, 2014, 11:12:36 pm »
What build/charachter is good for rushing DTV solo? For example, HRE server is normally empty, but I find it very hard to do something there, as bots just sworm me to death. What is the key?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Proposed change to team-balance algorithim
« on: April 24, 2014, 01:00:10 pm »
I did not read the thread, sorry, I will probably do that now, but I completely dislike the game trying to give me 50% win/loss ratio. Players will not be interested to play as good as possible, because if they do, they will have to play better and better. Everybody will just leech and still have lots of money and XP.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Realistic version of balance
« on: April 23, 2014, 05:53:49 pm »
looking at it as another game.

cav - damage upon dehorsing dependent on speed of horse with possible death,  possibility to outright kill someone by ridding them down just right, horses only rear by weapon if they move on lower speeds(otherwise massive damage), horses will hardly ever stop by bumping into ppl, dead horses do damage, headshots on unprotected horses kill them...

inf- crouching!, realistic shield forcefield, plate/partial plate negates most arrows exept bodkins at short ranges, swing damage does very little damage, if at all against full plate(most helmets count as plate) realistic weight of armor, shields are considerable more durable, easy to use(speed) and block everything within its forcefield polearms cannot be sheathed, crushthrough formula for all weapons (PS vs weapon weights)...

ranged- realistic weight, realistic hard limit on accuracy & damage for every bow(less for xbows than bows), most armor does not lower accuracy, drawing speed dependent only on powerdraw(bows & xbows), throwing is devastating against non plate, very limited throwing projectiles & throwing doesn't require much wpf overall, walking sideways while trowing kills accuracy...

battlemap- flag system introduced for tactical movement/ commanders will have small flags above their banners, a flag for each class commander, command is decided either by devs < ammount of successfully commanded battles < voting, to ensure that a capable commander is always present & anyone gets a shot at it if voted on, most maps openfield, in fact battlemap shouldn't be like siege in any way, CLASS BALANCE!

Perhaps a new AI training camp would be necessary to explain each class & weapon's purpose, and teach the battlefield basics so ppl are prepared, and know what's expected.

Actually, as said already, list of changes is for later discussion, and some of things you suggest are not realistic at all, some would obviously be too hard to implement.


- Twohanded sword should be stronger!
- No way, shielders are best!
- Fight me IRL!

If either 2h or shielders were stronger, these classes would not exist in the same time. They have different pros and contras, and I can cover it in an article if this comment gets at least 15 likes. :D

"Fight me IRL" is not an argument, because everyone has different skill. BTW, if anyone wants to have a swordsfight in Moscow, I would like to agree.

If by 'balanced' you mean they removed or nerfed everything that annoyed 2handers from native.

I prefer the things the mod has added like nudge, rather than the various reductions and removals from native which was a very satisfying game. After all, mods should add things, not just remove content or dumb down the combat, this is one of the only reasons i'm adamantly against the 'remove rain' threads, it's a random element that influences the gameplay, and yet another thing people want to remove for max easy mode and unvaried gameplay.

Hmm, what was completely removed?

Yes, lots of nerfs made this game look very strange.

Rain is also a very strange thing, so is fog. You know, in Total War it is made much better. If you know that it's raining, you can retreat and fight another day, or charge your enemy with your cav if he has a lot of archers. In M&B you just charge and can have rain/fog started with no signs that it is going to rain.

Actually, this idea is a good idea but it is bound to fail for cRPG. Because of one reason: The community.

cRPG has evolved a lot. Those who didn't like the changes stopped playing it and only the ones that liked the gameplay did stay. Others probably played other mods or games. That being said, the cRPG community won't welcome such a radical change while the ones playing other games will probably welcome it with open arms. There are always a few exceptions of course. Some examples are the ones agreeing with the suggestion here including me.

So I'd rather encourage everyone agreeing to the suggestion here to continue the realism pursuit in another mod. There are two mods that will suit it more than a realistic gameplay that I know of and both were suffering from low number of players.

-Battle for Europe (at least it is trying to evolve into being a realistic mod and it features a class/level system similar to crpg)
-Vikingr (it's nordic themed native with the most realism I've ever seen)

So my suggestion is. Gather up, stop playing cRPG and stop changing it to a game where the majority of it's community won't like it and start playing those mods.

I don't speak about changing cRPG. I speak about making a fork, that will have same updates for gameplay features but use different balance.

It is hard to believe that these mods will really grow to something big - just because Warband itself is dying, and it is hard to create a new community in it.  This is another reason to base on cRPG.

You're not taking the all thing together into consideration, stop looking at CRPG as a model.

Cav wouldn't be garbage, as it would be able to kill people by ridding over them, this would be an asset in mass charges. The point behind these changes would be to use them in large groups rather than individual fights, yet one could still dodge horses in 1 vs 1 scenarios. 2h wouldn't be insanely good, because swing damage would be realistically inefficient against armor, and they'd still get killed by arbalests, and any of the many kinds of armor damaging weapons that are barely used in crgg because their realistic purpose is overshadowed by the fantasy greatswords here. Shielders without forcefield would only be shot in the feet if someone in the front lines forgot to crouch to cover their all bodies, hence the mechanic, or they could just wear plate boots in a partial plate set. Crushthrough in every weapon would have to be applied realistically, which is why I mentioned a crushthrough formula, since people still blocked in real life. Things like daggers would be able to block now, but they'd still be worthless against two handed weapons. I should have been specific about ranged, their accuracy would remain unaffected by most armor, except the best, and they'd not destroy everything without plate, anyone not wearing plate would be carrying a shield, unless they were ranged themselves or horses. someone without any kind of decent protection wouldn't last long in the battlefield, as it should be, though shield formations would still make any ranged attacks useless, and any peasant hiding behind would be safe.

There would be no randomers in a game that demands teamplay for victory(not for long), and I mentioned a training camp to explain the basics to everyone.

What Im proposing is a next gen in the franchise, what CRPG could have been if it wasn't balanced wrong from the beggining.

You have to keep an open mind to these things.

Everything very good except crushthrough - in real life even if you crush through a block with a weapon, you will lose too big amount of momentum on that, so you will not penetrate even leather armour.

The main dev's are working on a different project.  They do not have time to make a slightly different version of this mod.  And like others said, it would split the player base, and lastly, it's not even possible to make a "realistic" medieval fighting game with the M&B Warband engine.

Did you read the topic?

I honestly suggest waiting for another game (possibly the dev's next project) then modding that. Of course, aspects that support both realism and balance are best, but there are many parts of the Warband engine that are counterintuitive to it, especially since it was designed as a single player experience at first.

Probably, waiting for Bannerlord, but it is very long. Though, I think, people who play Warband will only play some mods that will not be moved to Bannerlord, as it's engine seems to be designed as much better both for modding.

For now, I participate in making a realistic combat system of a mod based on PW.

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